1. (a) Ms. Taufiq Ahmed wants to prevent unauthorized access to/from his company's local area

network. Write the name of a system (software/hardware), which he should install to do

the same.

(b) Beauty Lines Fashion Inc. is a fashion company with design unit and market unit 135

meters away from each other. The company recently connected their LANs using Ethernet

cable to share the stock related information. But, afterjoining their LANs, they are not able

to share the information due to loss (Jfsignal in between. Which device out of the following

should you suggest to be installed for a smooth communication?

(i) UPS

(ii) Modem

(iil) Repeater

(c) Which of the following is not a feature of Networking?

(i) Resource sharing

(ii) Uninterrupted power supply

(iii) Reduced cost

(iv) Reliability

(e) Mr. Jayanto Das is confused between Shareware and Open source software. Mention at

least two points of differences to help him understand the same.

(j) Identify the type of Topology from the"following:

(i) If each node is connected with the help of independent cable with the help of a central

switching (communication controller).

(ii) If each node is connected with the help of a single co-axial cable.

(g) Define the following with reference to Threats to Network Security.

(i) Trojan Horse

(ii) Worm

(a) Tara Nathani wants to upload and download files from/to a remote intenet server, write the name of the relevant communication protocol, which will let her do the same.

(b) Two doctors in the same room have connected their Palm Tops using Bluetooth for working on a Group presentation. Out of the following, what kind of Network they have formed?


(c) Arrange the following communication channels in ascending order of their data

transmission rates.

Ethernet Cable, Optical Fiber, Telephone Cable, Co-axial Cable

(d) Which of the following is not a characteristic of Open Source Software?

• Its source code is available for modification

• It is owned by a company or an individual

• It can be downloaded from internet

(e) Jai Khanna is confused between the terms Domain Name and URL. Explain the

difference with the help of appropriate examples of each.

(f) Define any two threats to Network Security.

(g) Differentiate between Star and Bus Topology of networks.

1(a) / FTP.
(1 Mark for Abbreviation and/or Full Form)
(b) / PAN
(1 Mark for correct answer)
(c) / Telephone Cable, Ethernet Cable, Co-axial Cable, Optical Fiber
(1 Mark for correct answer)
(d) / It is owned by a company or an individual
(1 Mark for correct answer)
(e) / A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is the complete address of a document on the web, whereas a domain name specifies the location of document's web server. A domain name is a component of the URL used to access web sites.
For example the web address http://www.example.net/index.html is a URL.
In this URL www.example.net is the domain name.
(2 marks for correct explanation of difference with the help of example)
(f) / Denial of Service: It refers to any threat that prevents the legitimate users from accessing the network resources or processing capabilities.
Snooping: It refers to any threat that results in an unauthorized user obtaining information about a network or the traffic over that network.
(1 mark each for correctly defining any two threats)
(g) / Star Topology: It is characterized by central switching node (communication controller) and unique path (point to point link) for each host. It is easy to add and remove hosts easily.
Bus Topology: It is characterized by common transmission medium shared by all the connected hosts, managed by dedicated nodes. It offers simultaneous flow of data and control.

(a) Which protocol is used for the transfer of hyper text documents on the internet?

(b) Which transmission medium should be used to transfer data across two continents at very

high speed.

(c) Two neighbourhood schools, at a distance of 120 metres from each other, decide tojoin

their LANs using UTP cable so that they can share their e-Iearning resources. But after

joining their LANs they are not able to share the resources due to loss of signal in-between.

Which device should they use so that signal is amplified in-between?

(d) Which of the following software are Open Source:

Linux, MS Windows 7, Photoshop, MySql

(e) Distinguish between Open Source software and Proprietory software with reference to

customizability of the software.

(g) Sujata says that the following numbers indicate an address:

What is the above address called? To which object/device is it assigned?


(a) HTTP (or Hyper Text Transfer Protocol).

(b) Satellite

(c) Repeater

(d) Linux and MySql .

(e) Source code of Open Source software is available to the user and therefore the user can

Customize it accordingto his/her own requirements and capability. Whereas the' source

code of a proprietory software is available onlywith its vendor/developer. T herefore it,

cannot be customized by the user as per his/her requirements.

(g) The above address is called an IP Address or Internet Protocol Address. It is a numerical

label that is assigned to devices participating in a network.

1.  Answer the following questions:

a)  Write the purpose of the following:

(i) Repeater (ii) Router

b)  Expand the following abbreviations and explain in brief:

(i)  GUI (ii) ODBC

c)  What are following software used for?

(i)  Open Office (ii) Mozilla

d)  Differentiate between star topology and Ring topology .

e)  Name two communication cables used in networking and explain any one.

Q.1 (a) (i) Repeater :- It is a physical device to strengthen the signals

(ii) Router :- It is a physical device that select best output line that will lead a

packet to destination.

(b) (i) GUI:- Graphical User Interface (ii) ODBC:- Open Data Base Connectivity

(c) (i) Openoffice :- word processor, spreadsheet, graphics program, presentation etc.

(ii) Mozilla :- Web Browsing

(d) Star topology Vs Ring Topology :-

(i) Ring topology user a single shared cable for connecting all workstations where as star uses dedicated cable for every workstation

(ii) To form star topology switch or hub is required

(iii) In star topology finding a faulty station is easy.

(iv ) For long distance star topology is not suggested because separate cables are required for every station.

(e) Communication Cables : -(i)Twisted Pair:- Category-3, Category-5 or Category-6 ( also called CAT-3, CAT-5 or CAT-6) or UTP Cables (Unshielded Twisted Pair) Two copper wires are twisted together just like a structure of DNA and such 4 pairs are bundled together called UTP. RJ45 connectors are used to connect computer using UTP cables

(ii) Coaxial Cable (iii) Fiber Cable

(a) Name the device which is used to regenerate data and voice signals.

(b) Name the device which handles the connection between two or more networks which may have different protocols.

(c) Write one advantage of optical fibre cable.

(d) Write one snooping method used by hackers/crackers.

(e) Mr.Ram is interested in transferring songs from his mobile to Mr. Shyam's mobile. Suggest two suitable wireless options he may use for doing the same.

(f) What is the difference between open source software and proprietary software?

(g) Amit Nagpal says that the following numbers indicate an address:

What is the above address called? To which objective/device is it assigned?

Which of the following is not a transmission medium:

Telephone lines ..

(U) Coaxial cable

(UI) Modem

Microwave systems ~.

(b) Identify the following as MAC address or IP addresss.


Which ofthe following provides the maximum bandwidth:

1.  Optical fibre

2.  (il) Thin Ethernet

3.  (iil) Arcnet.