Name: ______________________________________

Inside Planet Earth Quiz

Put a T or F for each question below

_______ 1. Temperatures in the earth are as hot or hotter than the surface of our sun.

_______ 2. 99% of our planet is inaccessible to humans

_______ 3. There is more life below the surface of the earth then on the surface of the earth.

_______ 4. The earth’s crust is over 150 miles thick in places.

_______ 5. All life (humans, animals, plants, insects) depends on processes that occur deep within our planet.

_______ 6. If we understand the earth’s interior, we will much better understand the future of our planet.

_______ 7. Earthquake waves are like “seismic x-rays” and give us a glimpse of what is happening inside our planet.

_______ 8. Humans have barely reached the mantle of the earth, but have not yet made it to the outer core.

_______ 9. There is more water inside our earth than on the surface of the earth.

_______ 10. Water inside the earth will one day reach the surface and flood even the highest mountains of our earth.

_______ 11. Beautiful gemstones are often formed deep in our earth by extreme heat and pressure.

_______ 12. The mantle is mostly extremely hot liquid material.

_______ 13. The deepest hole ever drilled into our earth was just over 30 miles deep.

_______ 14. Life on earth survives today because of a careful balance between the energy of the sun on the outside and the energy coming from the earth’s core.

_______ 15. Nothing can live in the mantle due to the immense heat and pressure found there.

_______ 16. All continents of land on earth used to be joined together to form one giant landmass called Pangaea.

_______ 17. It has been estimated that all the bacteria inside the earth would weigh more than all of the life combined on the earth’s surface.

_______ 18. Bacteria deep in the earth’s crust could have been the very first life forms on our planet billions of years ago, and was forced outward onto the surface by the earth’s interior energy.