ACT WorkKeys

Handbook forSystem and Building Test Coordinators

Spring 2016

Table of Contents

Topic Page Numbers

Alerts...... 1-2

Review ofACT WorkKeys Administration Manual...... 3-12

LEA Report of Training Activities...... 13-14

Standard Irregularity Report...... 15

Homebound Students Form...... 16

ACT Workkeys Secure Storage Verification Form...... 17

Test day questions?

Call 800.553.6244, ext. 2800

Accommodation Questions

Call 800.553.6244, ext. 1788

ACT WorkKeys

Handbook for System and Building Test Coordinators


This document, ACT WorkKeys: Handbook for System and Building Test Coordinators, provides reminders of unique characteristics of this program and areas that require special attention.

  1. Maggie Hicks at the Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE) is your primary contact for ACT WorkKeys,at 334-242-8038 or .
  1. ACT WorkKeysPaper and Pencil test will be administered on February 11, 2016 with February 25, 2016, as the makeup day.
  1. The System Test Coordinators (STC), Building Test Coordinators (BTC), Test Accommodations Coordinators (TAC), Backup Building Test Coordinators (BBTC), Principals, Room Supervisors, Proctors,and Monitorsmust be familiar with the documents listed below. The link to download and print manuals and user guides is
  • ACT WorkKeys Administration Manualfor Standard Time Paper Testing.
  • ACT WorkKeys Administration Manual for Special Testing.
  • Training videos are located on the ACT Alabama State Testing website within the Training module or
  1. Room Supervisors must administer tests according to standard testing procedures. At no time may the Room Supervisor leave the room unattended.
  1. A copy of ACT WorkKeysTesting Irregularity Report is printed on page C-6 of the Administration Manual. A standard Irregularity Report has also been provided for testing staff to report other irregularities and prohibited behaviors that are not reported to ACT. This is similar to the ALSDE Irregularity Report that is used for most state assessments.
  1. If an emergency on test day (e.g., fire, tornado, snow) forces the termination of testing or the closing of school, you must notify ACT and the ALSDE as soon as possible. Protect the security of the test materials. Be especially careful if testing has started.
  1. In cases of unusual circumstances (i.e., bomb threats, weather alerts, suspected cheating), the STC must notify ACT and the ALSDE immediately. In addition, the ALSDE must be notified immediately at 334-242-8038 when incidents involving prohibited behaviors ofexaminees (or adults) or other circumstances that may affect the scoring of an examinee’s test occur. A copy of the standardTesting Irregularity Report (page 15 of this Handbook) should be mailed to Maggie Hicks at P.O. Box 302101, Montgomery, Alabama 36130-2101 after testing.
  1. Schools will NOTsend materials, including answer documents, directly to ACT; rather, BTCs or TACs will return all materials directly to the STC.
  1. As soon as testing is over in the school each day, the BTCor TACwill return all testing materials to the STC.
  1. The STC is responsible for maintaining the security and safekeeping of the test materials before, during, and after testing.
  1. At the conclusion of testing, ALL used and unused test materials must be returned to ACT by the STC immediately after testing. According to the checklist of dates found on the pickups are scheduled as follows:
  • Materials for standard testing on February 11 will be picked up from the STC on February 12;
  • Materials for makeup up testing on February 25 will be picked up from the STC on February 26;
  • Materials for accommodated testing during the February 11-25 window will be picked up from the STC on February 26.
  1. In the event of a security breach, call ACT immediately at 800.553.6244, ext. 2800, if any of the following occurs:
  • Any item is missing from your shipment.
  • You receive test booklets that do not match the serial numbers on your Test Materials Distribution Lists.
  • Any test booklet seals are broken.
  • The cartons or materials appear to have been tampered with in any way.
  • A test booklet is lost, stolen, or otherwise missing at any time while the test booklets are at your school, from receipt to return.
  • You have reason to believe someone has had unauthorized access to the materials.
  1. Keep test materials in a secure location as examinees enter and exit the test room. Account for all test booklets before testing, each time they change hands, and before dismissing examinees. Test materials must be secure at all times. You must never leave a test room unattended, even if only one examinee is in the room.

Review of ACT WorkKeys Paper Administration Manual

Contacting ACT (Inside Cover)

  • Important information, including contact information for ACT WorkKeysCustomer Services, is included on inside cover page.
  • The toll-free numbers are for testing staff. DO NOT give the number to examinees or parents.

Table of Contents (Page i—ii)

  • A contents page has been included for ease in use of the manual.

ACT State Testing Policies and Procedures (Pages1—2)

  • The Administration Manual states you must sign a statement affirming you agree to and will comply with ACT policies exactly. ACT concurs once the testing staff members complete their profile upon establishment, they have agreed to the policies put forth in their respective roles.
  • All testing personnel are required to read the materials provided by ACT.
  • ACT WorkKeysPaper/Pencil Test must be administered only on February 11, 2016, using the specific form for the initial testing day.
  • Makeup tests will be administered on February 25, 2016. A separate test form must be used for makeup testing.
  • ACT WorkKeys Paper/Pencil with accommodations will be administered February 11-February 25, 2016.
  • In cases of suspected or documented irregularities, all testing staff are obligated to cooperate fully with ACT and the ALSDE with investigations and respond to requests from ACT and the ALSDE in a timely manner.
  • An observer/monitor with ACT, ALSDE, or district may visit your school on test day. The observer/monitor will arrive before the administration is to begin. Always ask for ACT or ALSDE identification, or an authorization letter. If the observer cannot provide this, deny admission. If an observer arrives, complete an Irregularity Report that includes the observer’s name, agency/company affiliation and whether or not the observer was admitted. If you have any concerns, call ACT.
  • The media must not be allowed to enter, observe, or photograph test rooms or preliminary activities. Under no circumstances are cameras of any type allowed in the test rooms.

Testing Facility Requirements (Pages 3-6)

  • Lapboards are not allowed under any circumstances.
  • Make sure bulletin board materials related to potential test questions (mathematics, reading, etc.), charts, and strategy maps, or other aids that provide strategies that may give examinees an unfair advantage, are removed or covered. Geographical maps and periodic tables need not be covered.
  • Each room supervisor must have tworeliable timepieces in the room: one must be an accurate clock or watch that shows the actual time of day; ACT recommends that the second be a stopwatch or interval timer. Cellphones may not be used.
  • The BTC must arrange for a phone to be available on test day in case you need to make a toll-free call to ACT. (Room Supervisors will not make the calls.)
  • Rooms must be free from distractions and be able to provide an uninterrupted period of time. Post signs outside the test rooms to warn others that testing is in progress and quiet is required. Bells,intercoms and public address systems must be turned off during the test session.
  • Test rooms must be set up according to ACT requirements. If these requirements are not met, scores may be cancelled.
  • Tables must be arranged so that all spacing requirements are met. Examineesmust all face the same direction.Follow the acceptable seating arrangement examples on page 5.

Testing Staff Requirements (Pages 7-10)

  • ALSDE requires that Test Coordinators/Room Supervisors must be certificated employees. Proctors must be full-time employees involved with the education of examinees. The ALSDE requirements must be met.
  • Reading (except this manual or supplemental policy information), gradingpapers, using a computer, cell phone, recording or media device, talking casually with otherstaff, or engaging in any activity in the test room not directly related to the administration isnot allowed.
  • To avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest and to protect you and your relatives orwards from allegations of impropriety, you may not serve as Test Coordinator or Back-upTest Coordinator for the ACT WorkKeys State Testing administration or have access to secure testmaterials, if any relative or ward will be testing at any school in yourstate during the initial or makeup administration. Relatives and wards include children,stepchildren, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, siblings, in-laws, spouses, and personsunder your guardianship.

Test Coordinator(Pages7-8)

  • The Test Coordinator provides the continuity and administrative uniformity necessary toensure that the examinees at your site are tested under the same conditions as examinees atevery other site and ensures the security of the examinations. The name of the Test Coordinator must be on file with ACT.
  • Conduct a pretest briefing session for testing staff on each test date. The pretest briefing is in addition to the mandatory training required two weeks prior to testing.
  • Ensure that testing begins no later than 9:00 a.m. in all rooms on each test date.
  • Setting aside answer documents and manuals to use for makeup testing, if applicable.
  • Ensures the Test Coordinator orders standard time makeup testing materials, if applicable.
  • Specific responsibilities are included on pages7-8 of the Administration Manual.

Back-up Test Coordinator (Page 8)

  • If the Test Coordinator cannot serve in his or her role or supervise the test administration, theBack-up Test Coordinator is expected to assume those responsibilities.
  • The back-up test coordinator is encouraged to assist the test coordinator prior to, during, and after testing.
  • The person selected to serve as replacement must be properly trained before test day and changed in PearsonAccess Next.

Test Accommodations Coordinator (TAC) (Page 8)

  • The Test Accommodations Coordinator is responsible for:
  • reading the Administration Manualand the Administration Manual for Special Testing.
  • assisting the Test Coordinator and participating in training.
  • assisting the Test Coordinator to determine and document accommodations as needed.

Room Supervisor (Page 9)

  • Read the Administration Manual and comply with the policies and procedures it describes.
  • Attend both the training and briefing sessions conducted by the Test Coordinator.
  • Check ID or personally recognize and admit examinees.
  • Specific responsibilities are included on page 9 of the Administration Manual.

Proctor (Pages9-10)

  • A proctor may be used to assist a room supervisor or the Test Coordinator if fewer than25 examinees are testing. Use the table on page 9 to determine the number of proctors (in addition to the room supervisor) in each room.
  • Read theAdministration Manual and comply with the policies and procedures it describes.
  • Schools may choose to use a Roving Proctor.

Training Staff (Page 10)

  • For standardized testing to occur successfully, it is critical that the same procedures are followed at every school. To achieve this, staff members must understand their responsibilities.
  • Test Coordinators and/or Back-up Test Coordinators are required to hold a training sessionbefore test day for all staff, to prepare them for test day activities. This session must be attended by all testing staff,so that everyone has a common understanding of what is totake place on test day.
  • Before test day, every testing staff member is required to read theAdministration Manual.
  • Each testing staff member is to be provided with a complete copy of theAdministration Manual beforethe training session.

Test Security Requirements (Pages 11-13)

  • The STC is responsible for maintaining the security and safekeeping of the test materials before, during, and after testing.
  • Under no circumstances is a test booklet seal to be broken by anyone otherthan the examineeon test day.
  • Staff and examinees are prohibited from disclosing testquestions or response choices to anyone.
  • Contact ACT (800.553.6244, ext. 2800) and ALSDE if a test booklet is lost, stolen, or otherwise missing at any time while the test booklets are at your school, from receipt to return.

Use of Digital Devices by Staff (Not in Manual)

  • School personnel involved in administration of state testing may not use digital devices (including but not limited to cell phones, smart watches, MP3 players, cameras, or other telecommunication devices capable of capturing or relaying information) during test administration. Violation(s) may result in disciplinary action/certification revocation. Additional disciplinary action may be taken by the local education agency (LEA).
  • All electronic devices belonging to school personnel, including computers located in the testing room, must be turned off before testing materials are brought into the room, and they must remain off until testing materials are removed from the room. (Examinees may not bring electronic devices into the testing room.)
  • All printers that have scanning or copying capability and all copy machines must either be disabled or removed from all rooms being used for a testing session.

Receipt and Check-In of Test Materials (Page 11)

  • Materials will be shipped to the STC.
  • The STC MUST verify that all materials match items on the WKEYM Pack/Return Slip.
  • Count each booklet; do not assume that the groups of booklets are complete.
  • ACT (800.553.6244, ext. 2800) must be contacted immediately if there are discrepancies.

Secure Storage (Page 12)

  • Materials must be kept inside a locked safe or vault to which only the System Test Coordinator or Back-up Testing Coordinator and the Superintendent have access at the Central Office. The Test Coordinator or Back-up Test Coordinator and Principal are the only individuals that have access at the school.
  • If a safe or vault is not available, materials may be stored inside a locked file cabinet or closet that is inside a locked room, with the following stipulations:
  • Only the Test Coordinator and the Back-up Coordinator may have access to the cabinet or closet. The cabinet or closet must have a built-in lock or a heavy-duty padlock. The keys must always be kept secure and should not be part of a master key system.
  • The door to the room in which materials are stored must be kept locked when not in authorized use.
  • The secure location must not be accessible through a window or a dropped ceiling.

Preparing for Test Day (Pages 14-16)

  • The school is responsible for providing a supply of No. 2 pencils with erasers (no mechanical pencils or ink pens) for each test room.
  • Each room supervisor must have tworeliable timepieces in the room: one must be an accurate clock or watch that shows the actual time of day; ACT recommends that the second be a stopwatch or interval timer. Cellphones may not be used.
  • Signs or other materials used in admissions procedures.
  • Create one roster (Page C-1) for each test room prior to the initial test day. Write on the roster the name of each examineescheduled to test.
  • If you submit a list of only examinees who were present on test day, your roster will not be accurate and cannot be used to determine which examinees you need to schedule for makeup testing.
  • You mayuse your own rosters, provided they have the same information recorded on them as shown on the one provided on page C-1 of the Administration Manual.

Providing Test Arrangements with Standard Time Testing (Pages 15-16)

  • You may provide test arrangementswith standard time testing if ALL of the following conditions are met:
  • The arrangements must be consistent with the examinee’s plan on file at the school.
  • The arrangements must not disrupt testing.
  • The arrangements must not provide an advantage to the examinee over other examinees.
  • The examinee must test in one session with standard time.
  • The examinee must not receive additional breaks.
  • The examinee must use a regular type (10-point) test booklet.
  • Testing must occur on the initial or makeup test date.

Testing Examinees with Hearing Impairments

  • Examinees with hearing impairments may be able to test with standard time, but they may require the assistance of an interpreter for verbal instructions.
  • They may need to be seated near the front of the room so that directions can be understood.

Homebound Students

  • If an examinee is receiving homebound services and will take ACT WorkKeys, ALSDE must be notified.
  • Test booklets utilized in homebound testing should be securely bound and marked “Confidential” before they are released from the Local Education Agency (LEA) distribution point. The package should be opened only in the testing environment. Test booklets and answer documents should be securely bound again before they are transported back to the LEA distribution point.
  • The ACT WorkKeys Test Booklet Count Formmust be signed by the Building or System Test Coordinator and the Test Administrator when they are picked up and when they are returned.
  • One Test Administrator and one Proctor are required to administer ACT WorkKeys assessments to an examinee requiring homebound services. Both the Test Administrator and the Proctor must be certificated employees.
  • The school will make sure that the homebound site is treated just as any other test environment.
  • No parents or other visitors may be present in the room utilized for testing.
  • No distractions.
  • Return a completed copy of the Homebound Student Form found on page 16 of this document, to ALSDE.

Barcode Labels (Page 17)