1 Oak Ridge Road, Bldg. 3, #4A, West Lebanon, NH 03784
*603-643-4201 888-262-3223
Rev. Dale Edwards
Region Minister
“Mission at our Doorstep:
Renewal, Restoration, and New Beginnings”
February 2015 Newsletter
Table of Contents
Page 2 Contributor Wanted for e-Newsletter; Thank You for Region Offering;
From Our Region Minister
Pages 3-8 News from AB Women’s Ministries, Ministers Council, 25 to Life, ABMen, Camp Sentinel, and Institute for Learning; Spring Courses from Institute for Learning
Page 8 Items Wanted; ABCUSA News
Page 9 American Baptist Mission Support Report for December 2014
Contributor for Monthly E-Newsletter Sought
We are grateful for all the hard work Rev. Robb Dix did in 2014 for our monthly companion e-newsletter. He's ready for a break though after this month's issue, and we have space for a monthly contributor. If you enjoy writing and would like to create a monthly devotional, please get in touch with Joy ASAP at or by private message on the Region’s Facebook page (ABC Vermont and New Hampshire). Thanks.
Thank You for Your Gifts to the 2014 Region Offering!
Thank you, thank you, thank you to all the congregations and individuals and couples who have donated to the Region through the 2014 Region Offering and online! We have received over $26,000, which is double our goal! As United Mission giving continues to decline, this increase in giving to the Region Offering shows that you care about the Region and have confidence in the staff and the ministry that is taking place here in Vermont and New Hampshire. Following is a list of churches that have given for the first time since the last list was published in the December 2014 newsletter.
Community Church of Alton Community Church of Milton
First Baptist Church, Brentwood First Baptist Church, New London
Bristol (NH) Baptist Church Newmarket Community Church
United Church of Hinesburg First Baptist Church, Newport
United Baptist Church, Laconia North Danville Baptist Church
First Baptist Church, Lebanon New Hope Baptist Church, Portsmouth
First Baptist Church, Lyme First Baptist Church, Readsboro
The Madison Church Second Baptist Church, Sanbornton
Memorial Baptist Church, Middlebury First Baptist Church, Wolfeboro Falls
From Our Region Minister: “The Rise of the ‘Nones’ and Mainline Decline”
The tradition of ABC/VNH is to close the Region office between Christmas and New Year’s. It is a tradition which I have respected, although having lived through 28 very busy church Advent seasons it was a difficult adjustment. So I have to admit I still get bored with so much down time around the holidays, and feel a bit guilty that pastors and church leaders are run-ning to and fro, and my phone has stopped ringing and the e-mail traffic gone on sabbatical.
Now boredom propels people to do strange things they would not normally do, so I re-read the Pew Foundation study on religion in America. I went on to read the data, via a link, from the Association of Religious Data Archives which is partially funded by both the Lily and Templeton Founda-tions. Now I realize not everyone enjoys reading stuff like this, but I sort of relish in it and ask, “What does this mean?” Even if I can’t answer big picture questions, I find asking the questions fun. I know, boredom makes one do strange things.
One of the salient points of the Pew study is the rise of the “nones”, not nuns, but “nones”. For the first time, self-identified “nones” make up the majority of a demographic group, ages 18-29. “Nones” include self-identi-fied agnostics and atheists. The breakdown of self-identified “branding” is: 25% “nones”, 22% evangelical, 22% Catholic, 12% mainline protestants and 8% historic black denominations, (Baptist, Pentecostal, AME etc.) One quarter of persons 18-29 are “nones”. What are the challenges for the church? I wonder if I shouldn’t run out and get ink.
The Association of Religious Archives reports the decline of historic mainline denominations from 1980 to 2010 as being:
United Methodist - 14.6% American Baptist - 18.8% Episcopal Church - 30.9%
United Church of Christ - 38.7% Presbyterian Church USA - 38.9%
So what does the data mean? Frankly, I felt some grief pains when I read it. But more importantly, what is God saying through the data? How is the Holy Spirit leading us into a new way of being the church to reach the unsaved and build Christ’s Kingdom? How do we serve Christ in the prevailing culture? Please notice I am not offering any quick answers, but data and questions are great things to think and pray through on a boring cold winter night. Or maybe you think that is a little strange.
In Jesus’ name, Dale
American Baptist Women’s Ministries VNH
American Baptist Women’s Ministries is Christ-centered, committed to encourage
and empower Women and Girls to serve God. Our Mission Statement.
As Days Begin to Lengthen, Winter Begins to Strengthen!!
This is one of our “old wives tales”, but it seems to hold true. January and February are usually the two coldest months of the year in the whole USA and we bundle up to keep warm. We fill cracks around win-dows, draw shades a bit more, put on another layer just trying to keep warm. We try to stave off the cold feeling in the air. Inside our bodies, it seems to be cold as well. The light and warmth of our Lord Jesus Christ is not coming through in so many places.
Since the end of August, in our small area here in Vermont, there have occurred three shooting murders and one suicide; two separate incidents. In the local newspaper just recently, there appeared an opinion encour-aging the doubting of the “good book”, the Bible. People are empty and cold on the inside.
We Christians, in all our diversity, need to share the Warmth, Light, and Love of our Jesus. We need to keep in our actions intentional desire to embrace our beautiful diversity. Just as there are many kinds of flowers, trees, animals, birds, fish, and reptiles, there are many kinds of women and girls, men and boys, too. While God has gifted humankind with variety, God calls us to live into the unity in Christ, sharing His desire to embrace one another with all our differences, and at the same time live, worship, and be together as sisters and brothers in Christ.
In our local neighborhood we need to “step out”. How often have we said that??? Probably more than we can count, but it is still needed. At the same time, we still need to give to mission needs around the world. A person at a time is all that is needed. Our Fall Rally speaker, Kihomi Ngwemi, along with her husband, continue their missions in Haiti in the eye clinic, Kids for Kids, Pigs for Pigs, family counseling, health education, professorship, and trainer for a start. Our own Annie Stanley Dieselberg, whose parents live in West Townshend, VT, continues with her husband in missions in Bangkok, Thailand. Both can be found at www.internationalministries.org/people. Stay in touch.
February is a cold month, as we know, so try to share your Christian warmth, light and love with as many as possible.
In Jesus’ Love and Service, Marsha Omand, Pres. ABWMVNH
Mid-Winter Gathering
Get recharged with our ABW Mid-Winter Gathering on February 7th from 9:15 – 3:00 p.m. at Trinity Baptist Church, Hanover. Rev. Dr. Arthur Hilson, speaker. Prominent Religions in the World.
Other 2015 Events
· April 12 – 15, Spring Association Meetings; Theme: Missions in our neighborhood;
Speaker Sandra Hasenhaur
April 12: Green & White Mountain April 13: Central and Southern/Monadnock
April 14: Southwest and Northwest April 15: Southeast and Lakes
· May 1 – 2, ABC/VNH Annual Gathering in Rutland, VT
· June 30 – July 1, ABWM/VNH Annual Retreat at Hotel Coolidge, White River Junction
ABWM Scholarships Available for High School Seniors, College Students, and Seminarians
Graduating high school, undergraduate and graduate students can now apply for a scholarship from the American Baptist Women’s Ministries of Vermont & New Hampshire for the 2015-16 school year.
In addition to the regular AB Women’s scholarship there is an additional scholarship available for those attending an American Baptist-related college or seminary. Applications are available on the Region website at www.abcvnh.org >>“What We Do” >> “AB Women’s Ministries” and scroll down to the link for the application. Applications can also be obtained by writing to Mrs. Jean Garrecht at 106 Buck Hill Drive, Guilford, VT 05301.
SAVE, SAVE, SAVE For Missions
ABWM VNH is continuing to collect the following items for missions:
Campbell Soup labels, General Mills BoxTops for Education, beverage can flip tops, fronts of greeting cards, eye glasses, hearing aids, cancelled stamps, S&H Green Stamp books or other stamp books. For more information or to mail your items, please contact Mrs. Josephine Clark at 938 Shelburne Rd, Apt. 2, South Burlington, VT 05403 or 802-735-3455 or Mrs. Alys Martinson at 1 Luneau Court, Northfield, NH 03276.
Ministers Council of VT & NH
Wixson Cabin Update
Site work for the new Wixson Cabin at Camp Sentinel began on January 6 with the clearing of the lot. Permits are in to the state. The foundation will be poured this spring. If all goes well, the new cabin will be available for pastors and their families to use sometime mid-summer. This cabin is named for Rev. Ray Wixson who served in the Gilford Community Church and throughout the Region and was the long-time treasurer of the Ministers Council. This cabin replaces the one that was at Gove Hill. Stay tuned for more updates! We’ll let you know when you can start making reservations.
Women’s Ministerial Leaders Group Seeking New Members
All women clergy (pastors, chaplains, retired and those seeking a call) are invited to join our gatherings on the third Tuesday of each month from 10 to 12 at the United Baptist Church, 39 Fayette St., Concord. We are sponsored by the Region, the Ministers Council and by the Silver-Bean Fund for which we are deeply grateful. Mileage is covered for attendees. Women from other denominations are most joyfully welcomed! We share our stories, pray for one another, and seek to encourage our spiritual journeys and preserve the joy of our Lord's call to serve.
If you have questions or suggestions we welcome them and are always blessed to be of support in any way possible! Linda Bolton, 603-267-7154, ; Dale Louise Nicholas, 603-542-8546, .
Women Called to Preach Celebration Workshop
All women interested in excellence in preaching are invited to attend a one-day Women Preaching Work-shop on Saturday, April 18 from 9:30 to 3:00 p.m. at First Baptist Church, New London. Reservations are limited to 50 participants.
This exciting workshop is a new opportunity encouraged by our Region for women called to preach the Gospel and supported by the Silver-Bean Fund.
The Rev. Dr. Patricia Batten, Adjunct Professor of Preaching at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, will be our leader for the day. Until 2007, when called to GCTS, Dr. Batten was the full-time pastor of a church in Maine where attendance in worship and Bible study increased and she created a Sunday school curriculum. Currently Dr. Batten provides pulpit supply in area churches and preaches regularly at the Hope Community Church in Newburyport, MA. Her scholarly interests include narrative preaching, creativity in preaching and preaching with relevance.
The day’s inspiration will be based on Philippians 4:2-7. Dr. Batten writes: “The workshops will be based on one passage of scripture. We’ll dig into the passage and apply it specifically to women in ministry with an emphasis on women who preach. At the end of the day you should have the makings of a sermon or even a sermon series (or Sunday school lesson) in Philippians. I want to be practical to your life and ministry. You'll get a refresher course in Preaching 101 along the way."
We will be sending out more information and if you know of women in your area who might like to attend please pass the word along! This conference is for any woman who feels the call to preach! Registration is only $5.00; lunch is included!
For any questions or to register please contact either: Rev. Linda Bolton, , 603-267-7154 or Rev. Dale Louise Nichols, , 603-542-8546, Conveners.
Become a Member in 2015 and Cruise for Free on the Mt. Washington
Look for your membership letter at the end of January or the beginning of February inviting you to renew your membership or to join. As a big incentive to join the Ministers Council this year, if you join by the Ministers Council Annual Meeting on May 1 you and your spouse will be able to cruise for free on the Mt. Washington on Lake Winnipesaukee for a lunch cruise on Saturday, September 12. Those who join after May 1 will get a reduced rate; non-members will pay the full price. Lifetime members (in the National Council) will still need to pay local council dues in order to take advantage of this incentive.
Time Away for Pastors
CAMP SENTINEL: Sentinel has dedicated a place of rest for Pastors, Missionaries and ministry leaders and their families. As you nourish others for God’s purpose and glory, it is important to take time and “be still”. There is no charge for this experience. Contact Pastor Kevin () to schedule your time of rest and renewal.