Objection to School Admission Arrangementsfor September 2019

If you consider that a school’s admission arrangements are unlawful or do not comply with the School Admissions Code and you wish to object to the Schools Adjudicator, please complete and return this form, (preferably by email).

Please note that the OSA does nothave jurisdiction to deal with the allocation of school places for individualchildren.Your local authority admissions team will be able to explain how to appeal to an independent panel if you have not been offered a place for your child at your preferred school.


Telephone number
Email address
Please tick which of the following apply to you:
☐ / Parent, carer or other person with parental responsibilityfor a child who will be the right age to join the school in September 2019. Parental responsibility is defined as the legal rights and responsibilities of a parent and is explained further at:
☐ / Other member of the public
☐ / Representative of a school
☐ / Representative of a local authority
☐ / Representative of a religious body
☐ / Other, please state below


All information submitted to the adjudicator will be circulated to the parties involved in the case. This will usually include the objector, the school, the local authority and the religious body if applicable. We will handle your personal data and that of other parties in accordance with Data Protection legislation .
Objections can only be considered where the name and address of the objector is provided to the adjudicator. However, the OSA will withhold the identities of objectors from other parties on request as follows:
  1. where the objector or objectors have parental responsibility as set out above; or
  2. at the discretion of the Chief Adjudicator in circumstances such as individuals with a close connection to the school which is the subject of the objection or a person with parental responsibility for a child who might be the right age to join the school in a subsequent year.
If you would like your identity to be withheld from other parties, please tick one of the boxes below.
  1. I would like my identity withheld from other parties because I have parental responsibility for a child who will be the right age to join the school in September 2019. I understand the OSA may seek proof of this.
/ ☐
  1. I would like my identity withheld from other parties for the following reasons:
/ ☐
If you have ticked the second box above, your request will be considered by the Chief Adjudicator who will decide whether or not to agree your request. We will let you know the decision as soon as possible and before we inform any other parties of the objection. If the Chief Adjudicator does not agree that your identity may be withheld, you will, of course, have the option to withdraw your objection.
In all cases where we withhold identity from other parties, we will ensure that personal details such as your name and address are removed from your objection form and future submissions. However,it will be your responsibility to ensure your identity cannot be revealed from the content of information provided or by the properties of your document.


Name of school
Address of school
Local authority area
Please provide full details of and reasons for your objection below, detailing which parts of the School Admissions Code (the Code) you believe that the arrangements contravene. The Code can be found at:

Please list any separate documentation submitted with this form (if applicable).
Please send, if possible, a copy of the admission arrangements with this form, stating where and when you saw them.


I/We declare that the information given above and within any supporting documentation is correct.


(If via email please just type name)





Bishopsgate House

