PHOTO 120-Basic Photography

Chuck Shahood

Studio: 714-549-9307

Mailbox in the Administration Building/Adjunct Faculty section

Fine Arts Lab: 714-432-5524 X2

Art Center checkout counter: 714-432-5524 X1 Torii Ott: 714-432-5874

Course Content:

Discussion and demonstration of basic black/white 35mm photography. Instruction in the theory and technique of camera use, processing film to negatives, and making contact prints and enlargements. Emphasis on photography as a means of communication and personal expression, and on the critical evaluation of student work in terms of those goals.


This class is offered on a grade or credit/no credit basis. It is the student's are responsibility to notify the Registrar to arrange for a credit/no credit grade. You must commit to one or the other option at the beginning of the semester.

It is the student's are responsibility to drop the class if it becomes necessary.


Six assignments And four quizzes determine the grade. Assignments are weighted by difficulty and complexity.

If an assignment is passed in on time and the assignment shows a credible effort (D or better), the assignment may be redone and re-submitted for a better grade within one week of the date of return.

Late assignments are penalized by one full grade for each week late and loose the re-do option.

Time per Week:

4 hours of classroom lecture/discussion, 8 hours of lab, approximately two hours of reading and three hours of shooting.


Approximately $40 for text, $200 for film and paper, and possibly a $40 materials fee and/or a $60 equipment fee.


"A Short Course in Photography" by London & Stone – sixth edition

Students are expected to complete all reading assignments promptly.

Attendance and Participation:

Class attendance is crucial. Students who miss 3 lectures may be dropped from the class. Students are responsible for getting notes and assignments from a missed lecture or lab from another member of the class. All lab classes are mandatory. Throughout the semester you are expected to arrive on time and remain until the end of the class. Your participation and attendance will be weighed in final grading. No food or drink allowed in the classroom or labs.


Materials list- needed by second lab class:

-35mm Fujifilm Neopan 100 ACROS, 1 roll-exposed, ready to process in lab.

- Printing paper: must be Ilford glossysurface, polycontrast/ multigrade, resin coated (RC), 8"x10" size.

You cannot use Kodak or any other type of paper in the automatic processing machine.

You cannot use any type of fiber based paper.

Additional materials needed to complete the class:

- B&W 35mm film - type determined by the assignment total of 10-15 rolls.

- 35mm negative preservers: 10-15 sheets - recommend clear, see through type.

- Printing paper: must be glossy surface, multigrade, resin coated (RC), 8"x10" size, 3 to 4 25-sheet packages.

- 8"x10" drymount tissue: 4-6 sheets

- 11"x14" matte board: white, textureless - 4 pieces

- Manila envelopes, 1 each- 9" x 12"and 12" x 151/2"


8x loupe Metal stem photo thermometer

Bottle openerScissors

Clean hand towelRuler

You’re own processing tank & reel (suggest Patterson/plastic) Spotting brushes – sizes 0000, 000

chemistry for home processing Thin wire, cardboard, xacto knife and tape for dodging and burning tools