Council Meeting - December 13, 2016
1. Mayor Mike Steinhardt called the council meeting to order at 6:00 P.M.
2. Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Roll call. Members present: Jeremy Fromm, John Korb, John Brocker, Guy Grube, Bill Krueger, Alice Achter.
Others present: Mike Mathes, Jake Kraus, Ron Meyer, Sue Meyer, Bill Kraus, Julie Kraus.
4. Public Input. A special recognition to Jake Kraus for his Eagle Scout project - constructing 6 park benches located in City Park.
5. Plan Commission minutes from December 7, 2016 reviewed.
6. Grube moved Achter seconded to approve the council meeting minutes from November 22, 2016. Motion Carried.
7. Fromm moved Korb seconded to approve construction of a new Kwik Trip store on the corner of STH67 and Rockville Road. Motion Carried.
8. Brocker moved Grube seconded to adopt Wage Resolution 2016-14 with the proposed increases as stated. Roll Call Vote. Brocker, Grube - 2 Ayes, Fromm, Korb, Krueger, Achter - 4 Nays. Motion Denied. Grube moved Korb seconded to table the wage resolution. Motion Carried.
9. Brocker moved Krueger seconded to approve the Joint Powers Agreement between Manitowoc County Joint Dispatch Center and the City of Kiel for the purpose of providing emergency services including firefighting, law enforcement, ambulance, medical and other emergency services. Motion Carried.
10. Fromm moved Achter seconded to set a public hearing on January 10, 2016 in the council chambers to consider adding special assessments, removing the job description of the City Administrator and also correcting the Municipal Judge’s term from 2 to 4 years in the Kiel Municipal Code. Motion Carried.
11. Grube moved Brocker seconded to approve the purchase of a 2017 Silverado 1500 ½ ton truck for the Wastewater Treatment Plant at a cost of $27,497 from Vogel Chevrolet Inc. Motion Carried.
12. Fromm moved Brocker seconded to approve the purchase of a 2017 Silverado 2500 ¾ ton truck with a plow for the Electric Department at a cost of $36,723 from Vogel Chevrolet Inc. Motion Carried.
13. Brocker moved Korb seconded to approve the purchase of a new 2015 Bob Cat Janesville, drum wood chipper at a cost of $36,000 with funds from the Kiel Electric Utility. Motion Carried.
14. Brocker moved Fromm seconded to approve a contract with Krause Power Engineering Inc. to perform an Electrical Utility System Study, not to exceed $30,000. Motion Carried.
15. Krueger moved Korb seconded to approve the publication of a liquor license for 721 Fremont Street for Adhikari Basudev, Kiel Food and Gas, previously Kiel Country Visions. Motion Carried.
16. Fromm moved Achter seconded to accept the resignation of part-time officer Benjamin Jeanty effective December 1, 2016. Motion Carried.
17. Brocker moved Korb seconded to approve Chief David Funkhouser and Captain Tom Meyer to attend the Wisconsin Police Leadership training conference in the Wisconsin Dells on February 12-15, 2017. Motion Carried.
18. Fromm moved Korb seconded to accept a Sargento United Way Campaign donation of $941.15 for the Kiel Police Department and send a letter of appreciation. Motion Carried.
19. Brocker moved Krueger seconded to accept a Sargento United Way Campaign donation of $935.71 for the Kiel Community Center and to send a letter of appreciation. Motion Carried.
20. Fromm moved Brocker seconded to accept a Sargento United Way Campaign donation of $2,959. 09 for the Kiel Ambulance Service and to send a letter of appreciation. Motion Carried.
21. Krueger moved Achter seconded to accept a Sargento United Way Campaign donation of $4,415.19 for the Kiel Fire Department and to send a letter of appreciation. Motion Carried.
22. Fromm moved Achter seconded to accept a donation of $500 for the Kiel Ambulance Service from Alice Sabel and to send a letter of appreciation. Motion Carried.
23. Brocker moved Korb seconded to accept a donation of $500 for the Kiel Ambulance Service in memory of Michael Billman and to send a letter of appreciation. Motion Carried.
24. Brocker moved Krueger seconded to approve operator’s licenses for Dawn Winkler, Santosh Adhikari, Cassandra Vollrath. Motion Carried.
25. Brocker moved Achter seconded to approve the receipts and disbursements. Motion Carried.
26. Brocker moved Fromm seconded to pay all approved bills. Roll Call Vote. Fromm, Korb, Brocker, Grube, Krueger, Achter – 6 Ayes, 0 Nays. Motion Carried.
27. Fromm moved Korb seconded to adjourn the council meeting at 6:35 P.M. Motion Carried.
Dennis Dedering
City Administrator