CRCT Review


1) Be able to locate the following on a map: the Danube River, Rhine River, English Channel, Mediterranean Sea, European Plain, the Alps, Pyrennes, Ural Mountains, Iberian Peninsula, Scandinavian Peninsula, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Russia, Spain, Ukraine, and United Kingdom.

2) Environmental issues in Europe include Acid Rain in Germany, Air Pollution in United Kingdom, and Nuclear Disaster in Chernobyl, Ukraine.

3) People in Europe live mainly along the coasts and major rivers and lakes and along areas rich in natural resources.

4) The North Atlantic current helps Ireland and the United Kingdom have milder climates.

5) There are three main language groups in Europe: Romance (French, Spanish, Italian), Germanic (English and German), and Slavic (Russian).

6) The three main religions in Europe are Christianity (Protestant and Catholic), Judaism, and Islam.

7) The desire to spread Christianity, to gather more natural resources, trade, and more land lead to exploration and colonization.

8) Portugal, Spain, England, and France all had major colonies in Asia, Africa, and the America’s.

9) Australia was colonized as a penal colony by the United Kingdom.

10) Competition for land and the “scramble for Africa” led to the building up of naval forces in European countries, which eventually led to the outbreak of WWI.

11) MAIN-B are the underlying causes of WWI. M-Militarism; A-Alliances; I-Imperialism; N-Nationalism; B-Balkan states.

12) The Russian Revolution began due to the dissatisfaction of the Russian people with Tsar Nicholas II and the Russian royal family and government. The people wanted bread, peace, and land.

13) The treaty of Versaille placed most of the blame for WWI on Germany and made them pay back huge restitutions which sent them into a deep depression and gave rise to Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party.

14) The holocaust saw the death of over 6 million Jews.

15) The Cold War began due to mistrust between the former Soviet Union and the western European country and the United States.

16) The cold war ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1990 and the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.

17) In 1990, East and West Germany were reunited.

18) Unitary, federal, and confederal systems talk about the central and the local governments.

19) Autocracy, Democracy, and Oligarchy are the TYPES that say who has the power in government.

20) Presidential is direct; Parliamentary is indirect.

21) The United Kingdom has a parliamentary democracy (constitutional monarchy), while Germany and Russia have federal systems.

22) The European Union helps promote trade and democracy in Europe.

23) Economy asks 3 questions: What to produce? How to produce? For whom to produce?

24) Most countries have a mixed market economy located on a continuum between a command and market economy.

25) Trade barriers include embargoes, tariffs, and quotas.

26) Trade is requires being able to exchange currencies.

27) Human capital is education and training and Physical capital is factories, machinery, and technology).

28) The more available natural resources in a country, the better the economy.

29) Entrepreneurs help the economy by starting up businesses and helping the employment rate.

30) The higher the literacy rate, the better the economy.


31) Be able to locate on a map the following places: St. Lawrence River, Hudson Bay, Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, the Great Lakes, Canadian Shield, and Rocky Mountains.

32) People live along the southern border of Canada.

33) People live along the Canadian Shield because of the rich natural resources.

34) Environmental concerns in Canada are acid rain and pollution of the Great Lakes, the extraction and use of natural resources on the Canadian Shield, and timber resources.

35) Both French and English are official languages of Canada. Canada also has a lot of Protestant and Catholics living there.

36) Canada is a Constitutional monarchy (Queen Elizabeth is head of state/Prime Minister is head of government), a parliamentary democracy, and a federation.

37) Canada has a mixed economy.

Latin America

38) Be able to locate on a map the following places: Amazon River, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, Pacific Ocean, Panama Canal, Andes Mountains, Sierra Madre Mountains, Atacama Desert, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Haiti, Mexico, Panama, and Venezuela.

39) Environmental concerns in Latin America are 1) Air Pollution in Mexico City; 2) Destruction of the rain forest in Brazil; and 3) Oil related pollution in Venezuela.

40) People tend to live on the coasts and along major waterways where there is an abundance of natural resources.

41) People in Latin America are able to trade along the Caribbean Sea, the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and the Amazon River.

42) The culture of Latin America is based on a unique blending of the European, African, and native peoples.

43) Portuguese and Spanish are the two main languages spoken because Spain and Portugal were the two main countries that colonized Latin America.

44) Hernan Cortez defeated the Aztec led by Montezuma II.

45) Francisco Pizarro defeated the Inca led by Atahualpa.

46) The Columbian exchange had tremendous impact of the lives of people all over the world as food, animals, technology, clothing, and even people were traded from the new world to the old world and the old world to the new world.

47) Because the enslaved indigenous people (Aztec, Incan, Mayan) were not able to do the hard labor required of them, Africans were brought over to be slaves in South America. Slavery in Latin America last until the 1890’s.

48) Because the Spanish and Portuguese were the two main countries that colonized Latin America, the main religion there is Roman Catholic and the two main languages are Spanish and Portuguese.

49) In the Latin American Independence movement, Toussaint L’Ouverture fought for freedom in Haiti, Simon Bolivar “The George Washington of Latin America” fought for freedom all over Latin America, and Miguel Hidalgo fought for freedom in Mexico.

50) The Cuban Revolution was important because it brought to power Fidel Castro and made Cuba a communist nation. The U.S. placed an embargo on Cuba, which exists today.

51) The Zapatista’s were against NAFTA because they felt it would hard the financial situation of the Mexican farmer.

52) Brazil and Mexico has federal-republican governments while Cuba has a communist government with a dictator.

53) Specialization encourages trade by make a better, inexpensive product to trade.

54) Tariffs are a tax placed on a product.

55) Quotas are a limit placed on a product coming in or going out of a country.

56) Embargo is the cutting off of trade with a country.

57) NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) allows the U.S., Mexico, and Canada to trade freely with no tariffs, quotas, or embargos.

58) Exchanging currency is important when trading internationally because most countries have different currencies.

59) Both Human capital (education and training) and Physical capital (factories, machinery, and technology) help raise the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of a country.

60) The more available natural resources a country has, the higher the GDP.

61) Entrepreneurship is important to a countries economy.

62) The higher the literacy rate in a country, the higher the standard of living.


63) Be able to locate on a map the following places: Great Barrier Reef, Coral Sea, Ayers Rock, and Great Victoria Desert.

64) Due to a more tolerable climate and more natural resources, most people live along the southwest and southeast coasts.

65) Trade has flourished due to its availability in the Pacific Ocean, its mild climate, and its abundance of natural resources.

66) Because Australia was colonized by the British, the people of Australia speak English and are mainly Protestant.

67) Australia has a high literacy rate and a high standard of living.

68) Captain James Cook explored Australia and claimed it for the British, naming it New South Wales.

69) The British decided to use Australia as a penal colony for prisoners.

70) When the British arrived, the aborigines (native people) were forced off their land. Many aborigines died of diseases from the British and many died from the weapons of the British.

71) Australia is a federal parliamentary democracy with the Prime Minister as head of government and Queen Elizabeth II as the head of state.

72) Citizens vote for the parliament members and then the party with the most members chooses the Prime minister.

73) Australia is a mixed market economy.

Personal Finance

74) Income is the money earned from another source (job, trust fund, etc).

75) Spending is the money you pay out on things you want or need.

76) Credit is borrowing money from an institution to buy thing you don’t have ready money to pay with. This money is paid back, usually with interest.

77) Saving is when you put some of your money earned aside and don’t spend it.

78) Investing is when you take money earned and apply it towards something in hopes of making money.