Sub Plans For Jared Nichol

Wednesday, November 27, 2008

Thanks for coming in for me Warren. I’ll try and get your grid if you I can!

I have supervision outside from 3:20 on for bus duty. Please don’t forget to do this and give Rollie a hard time for me!

Block 1- Multimedia 10-12

  1. Attendance
  2. Jordan Feduniak will be setting up a light bar and curtain today in Block 1. Kelly Gallant will put him to work setting things up outside the classroom. This is for the Hypnotist.
  3. Give the students today and tomorrow to work on their Iron Chef Film projects.

Some reminders about the project:

-Storyboards MUST be submitted with the finished film.

-The self-assessment rubric must be completed. You will probably have to find a blank MOVIE assessment on my computer desk in the pile of papers or on the PC computer desks immediately to the left of my computer desk at the back of the class.

Each group must complete one sheet indicating their Movie Title, group members and need to finish the document by circling the appropriate boxes.

You will probably have to photocopy new ones for both classes, 25 copies should do fine. My photocopy password is 53775.

-students groups that think they are done need to remember to have an audio track of ambient recorded sound. This is a requirement of the module they are working on.

-A min 500 word (1pg) response must also accompany their self assesment rubrics. This has to be stapled to the rubric or can be emailed to me.

It must include:

-A lined piece of paper written neatly in blue or black ink

-Email copy can be sent to

-summary of the plot of the film.

-Problems that occurred during shooting and how the group dealt with them

-Describe how you incorporated all of the different shots and angles into the film.

-Comment on the sound quality in the film.

-Comment on the addition of sound effects, ambient sounds and music to enhance the film.

  1. Limit the use of youtube and games as best you can. Some groups will finish today and then can work on their report assignment today and tomorrow.

Block 2- LA 9.

  1. Attendance- Terry will also give you some iTunes cards to give out to the kids. Remind them that the need to be redeemed TODAY as they expire tomorrow and I would hate for them to miss out on the free song downloads.
  2. Students are working on their Shakespeare project today and tomorrow. They are due at the end of tomorrow.
  3. In addition to the project done as a brochure, powerpoint or newsletter (just a few of the formats), THEY MUST do an audio podcast of their information.

For the podcast they will:

-use Garageband to record their voice.

-Use the headsets

-Add music from the Elizabethan era in the background.

-Before they ask you for help have them talk to people to the left and right of them.

-They can use a tutorial from Youtube and watch how to use Garageband, although MOST have used it before.

-They need to keep in mind how clear their voice is, their pace of speech.

-Some may need to go into the system preferences and change the inout device in the SOUNDS sub menu.

Block 3- SEE BLOCK 1

Block 4- Multimedia 9

  1. Attendance
  2. Students are working on their podcast Newscast.
  3. This involves recording video of themselves

-Adding pictures (min 10 per story) of their 2 news stories if they are working alone, or 4 if in a partnership

-Adding sound for the intro of their newscast and the ending

-Including a Title screen for the newscast at the beginning of the podcast

  1. Again, if they are stuck, have them ask those beside them BEFORE they ask you!
  2. Projects are due at the end of Friday’s class. I will send you a self-assessment rubric for the podcast later today!

You can call me locally all day at 780-201-7553