1-31-2016 Readings: Healing for Self and Others

Continuing the discussion from last Sunday – Why do . . . those oriented to the spiritual life, suffer so frequently from physical disabilities? It is probably because they are at the stage where the energy of the soul, pouring through the physical body, meets resistance from that body of a corresponding intense kind. This friction set up is so acute, that disease is promptly the result, (p. 565). People have little idea how much they increase the potency of the disease by the constantly directed thought, which they expand upon it, and by the attention they pay to that area wherein the trouble is located, (p. 570) The more determined the person is to submit his/her personality to soul control, the more intense will be the conflict, with consequent physical conditions of a serious kind as a result. Under this category would come the majority of diseases of disciples and mystics, largely of a nervous nature, and often affecting the heart or the blood stream, (p. 592) (Esoteric Healing, Bailey/D.K.)

Speaking generally, the diseases of mystics are caused by the energy of an awakened and active lower center being transferred into a higher one. This is done in three stages, and each stage brings its own physiological difficulties:

a. The stage wherein the energy of the lower center becomes intensely active prior to rising upward. This will produce over-activity of the organs in the physical area governed by the center, with consequent congestion, inflammation, and usually disease.

b. The stage wherein the “processes of elevation” are taking place, producing intense activity in the higher center, and a lessening of activity in the lower. A fluid period intervenes, in which the forces swing back and forth between the two centers, accounting for the uneven life of the mystic in the earlier stages of his/her unfoldment. This is particularly the case in connection with the solar plexus. The energy is rejected at first by the higher center, and is then re-absorbed into the lower, only to be elevated again and again, until the higher center can absorb and transmute it.

c. The stage wherein the energy is raised definitely into the higher center. This leads to a difficult period of adjustment and of tension, again producing ills, but this time, in the area controlled by the higher center. (Esoteric Psychology II, p. 547-8)

Many of the difficulties of mystics and occultists today are due to the fact that they are literally “playing with fire” and are not aware of it; that they are not preserving the right or ordered sequence of development[1]; they are following practices for which they are not ready, which have not been modified to suit the occidental type of body, and which they blindly follow without any understanding of the process or results. Unless the basic rule is grasped that “energy follows thought”, it is inevitable that dire results must eventuate.

The mystic, for instance whose thought is focused on Christ, regarding Him as somewhere in Heaven, but as outside himself, and whose aspiration makes Him the objective of his desire, is frequently debilitated and physically ill. Why is this the case?

Because the energy, which is seeking to enter him and permeate his whole organism only reaches as far as the heart center and is from there constantly turned back and driven out of the physical body by the directing power of the mystic’s thought. Christ, for him, is elsewhere. Outside himself lies his thought and the energy consequently streams out of his body. It is a much discussed problem among initiates today as to whether the generally debilitated condition of the human race is not due in part to the fact that the aspiration and thought of mankind, having been constantly directed to some outside goal and not (as should have been the case) to the center of life and love within each human being, has drained man of much needed energy. In spite of the fact that he has been taught for centuries that the kingdom of God is within, the peoples in the occident {the countries of the West} have not accepted the statement or worked on the premise presented, but have sought for reality without and have turned their attention to the Personality of the One who taught them a major truth. At no time did He desire or seek their devotion. The price of this distortion of the truth has been paid again and again by a devitalized body and by the inability of the average mystic to live a concrete, and yet divine, life upon earth. (Esoteric Psychology II, Bailey/D.K., p. 597-8) {I would like to go deeper into the topic of disease and healing of the spiritual seeker on the Path of Soul at a later time.}

Excerpts from a free download “Introduction I Basics & Centers” ( based on the book Esoteric Healing by Alan Hopkins.

From the esoteric standpoint, true healing, healing that will change a person’s life and inner motivation, can only happen when the Soul of the patient is involved. It is seldom sudden, for it involves change and adjustment and reorientation from within. It calls upon the person to make decisions from within, decisions which the Soul wants, not what the little personality desires. True healing will often entail new habits of the body, nutritional change, and changes with regard to the body’s fitness, types of entertainment and relaxation. All these are influenced from within by esoteric healing, not imposed on the patient from without.

Esoteric healing deals primarily with two activities controlling energy, namely magnetism and radiation.What do these two mean?

MagnetismA healer must be magnetic above everything else. She must attract: 1. The power of her own Soul. 2. Those whom she can help. 3. Those energies, when need arises, which will stimulate the patient to the desired activity.

Magnetic healing involves emanations from the etheric vehicle. Magnetic stimulation of the physical atom emanates from man on astral levels and later from Buddhic levels, the levels of inclusive love.

Radiation The healer must understand how to radiate, for the radiation of the Soul will do the following: 1) Stimulate to activity the Soul of the one to be healed thus setting in motion the healing process. 2) The radiation of the healer’s mind will illumine the other mind and polarize the will of the patient. 3) The radiation of the healer’s emotional or astral body, controlled and selfless, will impose a rhythm upon the agitation of the patient’s astral body, and so enable the patient to take right action, while the radiation of the healer’s vital body, working through the Spleen center, will aid in organizing the patient’s etheric body.

Radiatory healing is brought about by linking the Soul with the brain and the Heart center, then mingling the two auras (of patient and healer) on all three levels, both of them responsive to Soul contact. The Soul energy of the patient is then directed by the healer’s Soul towards that aspect of the patient’s physical body needing healing. This process is said to occur consciously or unconsciously. Radiation is tangible substance and potency, producing effects…. Joy is the most powerful impulse behind the right kind of radiation.

When a healer works magnetically and radiates her Soul force to the patient, that patient is enabled more easily to achieve the end desired – which may be complete healing, or it may be establishing of a state of mind, which will enable the patient to live with himself and with his complaint, unhandicapped by the karmic limitations of the body.

Esoteric healing is the release of the Soul so that its life can flow through the aggregate of organisms, which constitute a particular form. Esoteric healing works from the Soul plane or Soul dimension. Thus in healing, the healer aspires always to remain in touch with the Soul. To be a healer means working with the subtle energies and forces, which surround and permeate from the level of the Soul as reflected in the etheric body. The esoteric method of healing is based on selflessness and harmlessness and thus it handles and transforms the rate and rhythm of the patient’s energies (according to the will of the patient’s Soul), not for the healer’s advantage, but for that of the patient. This brings about change, which will benefit the Whole. The esoteric healing practitioner is not actually trying to cure or willing to cure. The patient and the patient alone, directed by the wisdom of the Soul, permits the healing.

The Training of the Healer (Esoteric Healing, Bailey/D.K., p. 17-8)

RULE ONE The healer must seek to link his soul, his heart, his brain and his hands. Thus can he pour the vital healing force upon the patient. This is magnetic work. . . .

The healer must seek to link her soul, her brain, her heart and auric emanation. Thus can her presence feed the soul life of the patient. This is the work of radiation. The hands are not needed. The soul displays its power. The patient’s soul responds through the response of his aura to the radiation of the healer’s aura, flooded with soul energy.

[1] 1. A right distribution of energy, 2. The focusing of the forces in the centers. 3. The burning of the separating walls and of the dividing etheric webs. 4. The lifting of the energies ever higher in the body by the power of the directed will.