Earth Science Guidelines

Classroom Rules:


2.)Be prepared for class. (Binder, pencil/pen, paper, homework)

3.)Be on time. (Don’t be tardy; turn in assignments when they are due; late work is NOT accepted!)

4.)Be honest!

5.)Follow all school rules (NO cell phones, music players, or hats are to be worn)

Classroom Supplies:

●Composition Book

●Folder with prongs

●Loose Leaf Paper

●Pencil/Pen (blue or black ink for lab reports)

●Index Cards (for vocabulary – optional)

Scholarly Integrity:

It is expected that the work you do will be your own, whether on a test, homework, or lab report. When you collaborate in groups, you are expected to discuss ideas and help each other to clarify your understanding of concepts. You may collect data together on labs, but when you write down answers to questions, they should be your own answers, reflecting YOUR understanding and knowledge. Copying someone else’s work is called cheating and is not allowed and will result in a zero for the assignment.

Types of Assignments:

1.)Class Notes:

There will be notes that you will need to take during class. These will help you when it is time to study for Chapter Test and the Final Exam. There could be note checks that are worth a grade!


Labs are a big part of this course and have safety guidelines that must be followed at ALL times. If the safety guidelines are not followed then you will be pulled from the lab and given and alternate assignment. If the problem continues then it will result in a disciplinary action.


There are test every section. Test could cover reading, homework, lab work, and other class activities. Different assessments will be given throughout the semester to track learning.


There will be different quizzes every week (pop quizzes, vocabulary quizzes, and lab quizzes).


It is very important that students are engaged in their learning.


If you are absent for any reason it is YOUR responsibility to get and complete any missed work. If you miss a test or lab, those can be made up before of after school with prior notice.

Grading Scale:

Class work/Homework/Quizzes40%


**No work turned in will result in a zero!! NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED!!!!

When you have read the above items, please sign below to indicate that you understand what is expected of you in this class and that you agree to follow the integrity and safety rules. Both a parent/guardian and student should sign. All these items are very important for success in this course. The course is required for graduation!

Also, I would like to have email addresses/phone numbers from each parent. I will use this to keep in touch with parents. Please also remember that parents and students can access powerschool to learn about student grades.

I look forward to working with you this year and never hesitate to call or email with any questions or concerns you may have. My planning period is ____ block from ______. Please email me with any concerns you may have at . Our class is also going to participate in Remind 101, please feel free to join the class group and receive reminders about events in class. The code to join the group is @99829b

Please sign below: RETURN by ______for a homework grade

My child and I have discussed the above information about the Earth Science course. My child has agreed to follow the safety rules, to perform with integrity, and respect the policies of this class.


Parent/Guardian SignatureParent/Guardian E-mail


Student SignatureParent/Guardian Phone Number