JUNE 2017
JUNE 07-08, 2017
These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency.
WEDNESDAY, 07-JUN-2017 to THURSDAY, 08-JUN-2017
1.1Call to Order / Quorum Check – OPEN/CLOSED
The Sealant (SLT) Task Group was called to order at 9:00 a.m., 07-Jun-2017.
It was verified that only SUBSCRIBER MEMBERS were in attendance during the closed portion of the meeting.
A quorum was established with the following representatives in attendance:
Subscriber Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)
NAME / COMPANY NAME* / Ricardo / Bove / Embraer SA
* / Kent / DeFranco / Lockheed Martin Corporation / Chairperson, Proxy for: S. DeMoss, J. Lane, J. Carney and D. Nickerson
* / Alan / Fletcher / US Air Force
* / Stephen / Judge / Bombardier Aerospace
* / Manuel / Koucouthakis / Honeywell Aerospace / Proxy for: D. Kleinschmidt and M. Gourley
* / Luis Gustavo / PACHECO / Embraer SA
* / Norberto / ROIZ-LAFUENTE / Airbus Defence and Space
Other Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)
NAME / COMPANY NAMEEdwin Peter / Beveridge / PPG Aerospace
* / Ronald / Hendriks / Chemetall
* / James / Trainer / PPG Aerospace
PRI Staff Present
Linda / BeeneJim / Lewis
1.2Safety Information – OPEN
Fire exits fromthemeeting room were reviewed. Attendees were also requested to inform PRI Staffpersons of any emergencies.
1.3Review of Code of Ethics and Meeting Conduct – OPEN/CLOSED
The code of ethics was reviewed and explained to the SLT TG members; no questions were raised.
1.4Present the Antitrust Video – OPEN/CLOSED
The Antitrust Video was viewed with theSLT TG members; no questions were raised.
1.5Review Agenda – OPEN/CLOSED
The agenda for the June 2017 meeting was reviewed. Attendees were given the opportunity to discuss their expectations for this meeting. No expectations beyond what was listed in the agenda were expressed.
1.6Acceptance of Meeting Minutes– OPEN
Motion made by M. Koucouthakis and seconded by K. DeFranco to approve the minutes from February 2017as written. Motion Passed. The minutes from February 2017 were approved as written.
2.0Review Membership Status– OPEN
2.1Review/Confirm New Voting Members
No requests for additions or changes to voting membership were received.
2.2Review Voting Membership Meeting Attendance and Voting Participation
Thecompliance to voting requirements per PD 1100 was reviewed. All voting members are in compliance with voting requirements.
SLT TG requested that K. Purnell send an email to all TG Voting members reminding them of their obligations for voting and meeting attendance.
ACTION ITEM: K. Purnellto email all TG Voting members reminding them of their obligations for voting and meeting attendance. (Due Date: 30-July-2017)
3.0SeaLanT task group rail – OPEN
The Rolling Action Item List (RAIL) was reviewed and updated.
For specific details, please see the current SLT Rolling Action Item List posted at under Public Documents.
4.0Staff report - open
L. Beene presented the PRI Staff Report that included Auditor Status, SLT TG Metrics, Most Common NCRs, Non-Sustaining NCRs, Latest Changes, Future Nadcap Meeting Dates and Locations, Staff Delegation Metrics, Average Number of Major and Minor NCRs, and Audit Cycle Time.
4.1Auditor Status
The SLT TG currently has seven auditors.
4.2Task Group Metrics
The SLT TG metrics of Average Audit Cycle Time, Most Common NCRs, Average Number of Major and Minor NCRs, Delegation Metrics, and Non-Sustaining Corrective Actions were reviewed.
4.3Most Common NCRs
The NCRs written against AC7200/1 and AC7202 were reviewed. The most common NCRs were: 1) Calibration issues; 2) Internal Procedures and Work Instructions; 3) Standard Test Conditions Temperature and Humidity Compliance; 4) Personnel and Training Documentation issues.
4.4Non-Sustaining NCRs
In the last 12 months,2 Non-Sustaining NCR’s were issued.
4.5Latest Changes
The latest changes in eAuditNet were reviewed.Of particular interest were the added clarification text to the overall comment section of the Auditor Evaluation and the Self-Audit Upload function.
4.6Future Nadcap Meeting Dates and Locations
The future Nadcap meeting schedule is as follows: 24-28 October 2017 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA; 19-22 February 2018 Madrid, Spain; 18-21 June 2018, London, UK.
4.7Staff Engineer Delegation
Staff Engineer Delegation metrics of K. Purnell and J. Lewis were reviewed. Both audit reviewers are meeting the requirements to maintain their delegated status.
5.0SSC Report – open
R. Hendricks gave the Supplier Support Committee (SSC) update that included an overview of the SSC Leadership Team, how the SSC helps suppliers, current SSC activities, and their new Supplier Initiatives. For additional information please review the SSC minutes posted on the PRI website at
6.0review of procedure changes – open
6.1Review any changes to General Operating Procedures since the last meeting
M. Koucouthakis presented the summary of changes to Operating Procedures OP 1105, OP1108, OP 1110, OP 1114, OP1119, and OP 1121 since the February 2017 meeting.
6.2Review changes to OP 1114 and OP 1116 Appendices since the last meeting
There were no changes to OP 1114 Appendix SLT or OP 1116 Appendix SLT since the February 2017 meeting.
7.0status of Aero Structure assembly task group – open
An update on the activities of Aero Structure Assembly Task Group was presented by K. DeFranco.
8.0sealant surveillance – open
At the February 2017 SLT TGNadcap meeting, PRI Staff was tasked to develop a new report format that would present issues identified by Sealant Surveillance Auditors by quarters.The purpose was to evaluate if sealant test reports were improving over time and to use this data for possibly creating a Sealant Surveillance merit program. The percentage of errors per number of batches surveyed per quarter has ranged from 5% to 10% since the third quarter of 2016, with the second quarter of 2017 being the highest in that time frame.
The SLT TGbegan creating a basis for a Sealant Surveillance Merit Program by assigning rankings to the current error codes of High, Medium, Low, or Failed and deciding error codes (A thru S) need to be tracked. Additional steps which still need to be taken include drafting a procedure establishing how merit will work utilizing the ranking system and/or acceptance standard, breaking down Sealant Surveillance errors by Supplier, and reviewing theproposed Sealant Surveillance program with auditors during October Auditor Conference.
ACTION ITEM: K. DeFranco to create procedure on how merit will work utilizing the ranking system and/or acceptance standard. (Due Date: 30-Sep-2017)
ACTION ITEM: K. DeFranco and K. Purnell to develop training to go over each error code with the Sealant Surveillance Auditors and what each of the codes mean. (Due Date: 30-Sep-2017)
ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to modify the Sealant Surveillance tracking spreadsheet to track error codes by individual supplier. (Due Date: 30-Sep-2017)
9.0op 1117 auditor consistency – open
The SLT TG reviewed its Auditor Consistency progress and Auditor Consistency Tracking Spreadsheet. All actions were up to date.
10.0sealant audit handbook review – open
The SLT TG reviewed the Sealant Audit Handbook. K. Purnell is to review sections 5.0 – 8.0 in the Sealant Audit Handbook to ensure they align with the latest revisions of AC7200/1 and AC7202. Any changes to the handbook will be reviewed during the October 2017 auditor training.
ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to review sections 5.0 – 8.0 in the SLT Audit Handbook to ensure they meet the latest requirements. (Due Date: 30-Sep-2017)
11.0ac7202 and ac 7200/1 – open
11.1Ballot Comment Resolution
Ballot comments for AC7202 and AC7200/1 Rev D were reviewed and resolved and the documents are ready to be sent to the next phase of balloting.All comments were determined to be editorial.
11.2Future Changes
No future checklist changes were discussed.
12.0Audit effectiveness – open
The SLT TG Audit Effectiveness spreadsheet was reviewed and is up to date.Auditor feedback on pre-audit document requirements for AC7200/1 and AC7202 was reviewed. Auditors requested we also ask for procedure paragraph references for each question. AC7129 pre audit documents need to be reviewed and updated if necessary. No audits have been conducted to this checklist to date.
13.02017 Auditor Conference – open
The proposed topics for the 2017 auditor conference were reviewed as listed below:
- Most Common NCRs and NCR Data Analysis for Auditor Consistency
- Checklists AC7200/1, AC7202,and AC7129
Review of the Latest Revisions to the Sealant Checklists
Self-Audit Auditee requirements
Calibration/Verification requirements to AC7200/1 12.4
Review of revised Sealant Audit Handbook (Paragraphs 5 – 8)
Auditor Etiquette / Conduct (Prepare from Auditor Handbook)
NCR Scenarios (manufacturing and repackaging)
- Selection of Job Audits – Job Tracker
Priority for selection of job audits, including use of the Job Tracker and when Paper/Demo/Virtual/Coupon Job Audits may/should be used in lieu of a production job.
Auditing to a specific requirement
- Level of Specification Review
Review of the requirements for how many levels of specifications to review and ensuring that customer unique requirements are reviewed and verified
- Sealant Surveillance
Error Code
Error Code Clarification
Merit Program
- PRI Sealant QPG andSAE G9 Update
Provide an update on the QPG and the G9 Committee, as well as changes and revisions to standards controlled by G9
- Question and Answer Session
ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to review and confirm updated times for the 2017 October Auditor Conference agenda to ensure there are no conflicts and send out the updated agenda to SLT TG. (Due Date: 30-Sep-2017)
A question was raised if Sealant Auditor Training will be conducted at the June 2018 Nadcap Meeting London, England.
ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to verify if Sealant Auditor Training will be conducted in London in 2018 and report back to the SLT TG. (Due Date: 23-Oct-2017)
Supplier Voting Members are permitted to participate in Auditor interviews. K. Purnell is to include Supplier Voting Members in auditor interview meeting notices.
15.0SeaLant Task Group Initiatives – open
The SLT TG created the following list of activities and rated them as High (H), Medium (M), or Low (L) priority and if are (A) Active, (N) Not Active, or (C) Closed. The list was created so the SLT TG maintains focus on its high priority tasks.
(H-A)Tracking Future Changes to AC7200/1 and AC7202 in Spreadsheet
(H-A)OP 1117 Auditor Consistency Progress Tracking
(H-A)October 2017 Auditor Conference
(M-A)Audit Effectiveness
(M-A)Review Checklist Vision (track checklist to specification requirements)
(L-N)Contract Sealant Application Auditors
ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to verify ifthe Sealant Checklist Vision should be posted in eAuditNet. (Due Date: 30-Sept-2017)
16.0new business – open
No new business was discussed.
17.0Meeting Close out – open
17.1Review of Action Items Assigned During the Meeting
Action items identified during the meeting were reviewed and due dates established. For specific details, please see the current SLT Rolling Action Item List posted at under Public Documents.
17.2Set Next Meeting Agenda Topics
June 2017 Agenda Topics were determined. Open agenda topics will include:
- Voting Member Updates and Compliance with Voting Requirements
- SLT RAIL Review
- Staff Report
- SSC Report
- Status of Aero Structure Assembly Task Group
- Audit Effectiveness
- OP 1117 Auditor Consistency
- Review of Procedure Changes since the February 2017 meeting
- AC7202 and AC7200/1
- Ballot Comment Resolution / Revisions
- Future Changes
- Sealant Audit Handbook Review
- Sealant Surveillance
- Sealant Initiatives
- New Business
- Meeting Close Out
18.0Auditors – closed
18.1Data Analysis Review – Overall Auditor Performance
Auditor performance was reviewed and included the Average and Total NCRs per Day written by the Auditors, Staff Engineer feedback, and Supplier feedback. This information is used for evaluating Auditor Consistency. The 2017 Observation plan was reviewed.
18.2OP 1117 Auditor Consistency
OP 1117 Auditor Consistency Tracking spreadsheet was reviewed. All actions were up to date. Audit Feedback, Observer Feedback, and Audit Observation plan was reviewed. One new Auditor will need to be observed. Audit observation comments for 169024 will be reviewed during the October Nadcap meeting.
ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to add review of audit observation comments for 169024 to the October closed agenda. (Due Date: 30-Sept-2017)
19.0Audits – closed
19.1Review Scheduled and Conducted Audits
Scheduled and conducted audits were reviewed.
The current SLT audit schedule for the next six months was reviewed; one observation audit was scheduled and performed in 2017.
One Sealant audit in Supplier Review was reviewed.
19.2Discuss Problem Audits
One problem auditwas discussed. Three facilities will be combining into one location. K. Purnell to come up with a plan to perform sealant surveillance of this new manufacturing facility.
ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to come up with a plan to perform sealant surveillance of a new manufacturing facility formed from the combining of three facilities. (Due Date: 30-Sept-2017)
20.0review delegation status – closed
Staff Engineer K. Purnell met the minimum criteria of having at least 10% of findings reviewed by the Task Group Subscribers with at least a 90% concurrence rate. The requirement to review at least ten audits was not met, however, the Task Group agreed to waive that requirement. K. Purnell maintains delegated status.
Staff Engineer, J. Lewis did not review any audits during this period. As delegation was only recently granted, the review of a minimum of 10 audits was not met either.The Task Group agreed to waive these criteria. J. Lewis maintains delegated status.
Motion made by M.Koucouthakis and seconded by A. Fletcher to waive the TG Subscriber concurrence rate and number of annual audits criteria for J. Lewis and K. Purnell, and to maintain delegation. Motion Passed.
21.0sealant surveillance – closed
Review Charts
The Sealant Surveillance Program was reviewed. Inspectors are recording discrepancies identified during surveillance. The importance of verifying Manufacturing Work Instructions was discussed. The Sealant Surveillance spreadsheets with the issues identified in 2016 and 2017 were reviewed.
Potential Supplier Merit Program for Sealant Surveillance
A Supplier merit program was discussed and issues requiring consideration were identified:
- Chart surveillance data for repeatable issues
- Chart surveillance data by auditor
- Can Sealant Surveillance errors count against Nadcap merit?
- If suppliers do not meet specificationrequirements classify error as fail
- Merit could be not reviewing 100% of all certifications
More information will be required prior to developing a merit program.Another question is if auditees are reviewing corrective actions found during Sealant Surveillance when they complete their Nadcap self-audit as required in AC7200/1.
ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to update the Sealant Surveillance Issue Report and includeissues identified by suppliersfor review during the closed meeting in October 2017. (Due Date: 30-Sep-2017)
ACTION ITEM: K. DeFranco to share with G-9 Committee thatAuditees are to perform corrective action review of issues found during SLT Surveillance as part of their self-audit as required in AC7200/1. (Due Date: 30-Sep-2017)
22.0closed meeting issues – closed
No issues were discussed
23.0meeting close out – closed
23.1Review of Action Items Assigned During the Meeting
Action items identified during the meeting were reviewed and due dates established. For specific details, please see the current SLT Rolling Action Item List posted at under Public Documents.
23.2Set Next Meeting Agenda Topics
Agenda Topics for October 2017 Nadcap Meeting in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA were determined.
Closedagenda topics will include:
- Auditors – Data Analysis Review and Auditor Consistency
- Audits
- Review Delegation Status
- Sealant Surveillance
- Possible Supplier Merit Program for Sealant Surveillance (extra hour to closed meeting)
- New Business
- Closed Meeting Issues
ADJOURNMENT – 08-Jun-2017– Meeting was adjourned at 1:00 p.m.
Minutes Prepared by: Linda Beene; , Keith Purnell;
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