Pharmacology 13a – Atherosclerosis and Lipid Metabolism

Anil Chopra

  1. To give an outline of the process of atherosclerosis
  2. To summarise the metabolism of lipoproteins
  3. To describe the mechanisms of action of the major lipid-lowering drugs
  4. To outline the clinical evidence for their effect on cardiovascular disease

Role of Lipids

Lipids such as triglycerides and cholesterylesters are insoluble in water, They are transported in plasma in the core of particles (lioproteins) that have a hydrophilic shell of phospholipids and free cholesterol

2/3 of plasma lipoproteins are synthesised in the liver

Triglycerides are secreted into the blood as VLDL

In muscle and adipose tissue lipoprotein lipase hydrolyses them to fatty acids so they can enter the cells for energy and storage

The residual particles contain a core of rick cholesterylester (CE) = LDL particles

The liver and other cells posses LDL receptors which remove LDL from the plasma via endocytosis

VLDL are too big to penetrate endothelial walls

HDL accepts excess (unesterified) cholesterol from cells and lipoproteins that have lost triglyceride and so remove cholesterylesters from vessel walls – anti-atherogenic activity

LDLs are the prime component of atherosclerosis whereas HDL’s have a protective component.

Neither are water soluble.

77% of cholesterol is made by the liver, which only gives a small amount that can be accounted for in the diet.

LDL Cholesterol

-LDL (low density lipoprotein) cholesterol levels in the blood are strongly associated with atherosclerosis risk.

-A 10% increase in LDL results in a 20% increase in atherosclerosis risk.

-It is modified by other risk factors such as smoking, hypertension and diabetes.

HDL Cholesterol

-HDL cholesterol has a protective effect for risk of atherosclerosis and CHD.

-The lower the HDL cholesterol level, the higher the risk for atherosclerosis and CHD.

-HDL cholesterol tends to be low when triglycerides are high.

-HDL cholesterol is lowered by smoking, obesity and physical inactivity.


-Triglycerides are also associated with an increased risk of atherosclerosis.

-Normal triglyceride levels <200mg/dl
(2.3mmol/l) – or less.

-Very high triglycerides >1000mg/dl,
(11.3mmol/l) increase pancreatitis risk

Cholesterol levels are a very important factor in the development of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease:

•10% reduction in total cholesterol results in:

–15% reduction in CHD mortality (p<0.001)

–11% reduction in total mortality (p<0.001)3

Pathogenesis of Atherosclerotic plaques:

7 stages to the formation of atheromas:

Endothelial damage

  • Increased endothelial permeability

Protective results in production of cellular adhesion molecules

  • Up regulation of adhesion molecules

Monocytes and T lymphocytes attaché to “sticky” surface of endothelial cells

Cells migrate through arterial wall to sub-endothelial space

  • Migration of leukocytes and smooth muscle cells

Macrophages take up oxidised LDL-cholesterol

Lipid-rich foam cells are formed by macrophage death

Fatty streaks and plaques are formed

  • Fibrous cap with necrotic core forms a complicated atherosclerotic plaque
  • Thinning of the fibrous cap causes plaque to become unstable
  • Can get haemorrhage from micro-vessels of plaque

Matrix degrading enzymes breakdown the fibrous cap. The plaque is now unstable and rupture can occur.

Types of plaques:

Clinical Manifestations of Atherosclerosis:

Coronary Heart Disease:

  • Angina pectoris
  • MI
  • Sudden cardiac death

Cerebrovascular Disease:

  • Transient Ischaemic Attacks
  • Stroke

Peripheral Vascular Disease:

  • Intermittent claudication
  • Gangrene

Atherosclerosis is an inflammatory fibroploriferative disorder: i.e. it is an active process which can be inhibited but can progress quickly.

Remnant Lipids: damaging to the endothelium and lead to dysfunction.


Statins are generally accepted as the best treatment for raised cholesterol.


Lovastatin, Pravastatin, Simvastatin


Lowers LDL cholesterol levels and raises HDL levels.

Mode of Action

It inhibits HMG Co-A reductase, which stops the conversion of HMG Co-A to mevalonic acid and thusinhibits synthesis of cholesterol. It also increases the number of LDL receptors on hepatocytes which causing a reduction of LDL in the blood.

  • The statins are the most important lipid lowering drugs
  • They are HMG CoA Reductase Inhibitors

Inhibition of the enzyme leads to decreased hepatic cholesterol synthesis

Inhibition of enzyme leads to expression of more enzyme tending to resotre cholesterol synthesis to normal, however the compensatory response in incomplete

Fall in production of cholesterol also induces a compensatory increased in hepatic LDL receptors which increase clearance of cholesterol from the plasma

These together cause a fall in plasma cholesterol

Do not work in patients with familial hyperchloesterolamia (who have no LDL receptors)

Non-cholesterol effects of statins include:

Increased NO synthesis

Inhibition of free radical relase

Reduced number and activity of inflammatory cells

Inhibition of platelet adhesion and aggregation together with reduced blood viscosity



Benzafibrate, ciprofibrate, gemfibrozil, fenofibrate.


Effective in atherosclerosis.

Mode of action

They activate of PPAR (peroxisome proliferator activated receptors) alpha receptors. This results in:

-decrease of cell recruitment

-decrease in foam cell formation

-increased cholesterol efflux

-decreased inflammatory response

-decreased vasoconstriction

-decreased thrombosis risk

-increase in plaque stability


Name - Nicotinic Acid

Mode of Action

Reduces release of VLDL and so lowers plasma triglycerides by 30-50%

Lowers cholesterol by 10-20% and increases HDL

Inhibitors of Intestinal Cholesterol Absorption

Name – Ezetimibe

Mode of Action

Reduces absorption

Decreases cholesterol by 18% with little change in HDL

May synergise with statins and so a good choice for combination therapy