Friends of Matador Music
January 2009
Article 1
1.1 The name of this organization shall be the “Friends of Matador Music”
Article 2
Objectives and Purpose
2.1 This organization is formed to support and enrich the instrumental music programs of Bolsa Grande High School. Support shall be in the form of;
Financial assistance by means of fund-raising activities in accordance with Garden Grove Unified School District policy and that of non-profit organizations.
Personal services and assistance promoting the smooth operation of school activities and booster functions.
Opportunities for social interaction among parents that stimulate parental involvement, understanding and enthusiasm for the music programs and the booster organization.
2.2 This organization shall adhere to and support policy as established by the Garden Grove Unified School District.
2.3 This organization shall not seek to direct the technical activities of the instrumental music program, its course content or format.
Article 3
Membership and Dues
3.1 Any person desiring to support the objectives of the organization shall, upon payment of dues, be enrolled as a member.
3.2 Membership dues shall be set annually as recommended by the Executive Board and approved by the general membership.
Article 4
Officers and Their Election
4.1 To be eligible for election as an officer, a candidate must be a regularly enrolled member for a period of thirty (30) days prior to the date of the election. This does not apply to vacancies filled by the Executive Board.
4.2 The board officers of the organization shall be President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Auditor.
4.3 Board officers shall be elected annually with the exception of the Auditor. The Auditor will be appointed by the President subject to the approval of the Executive Board.
4.4 Board officers shall be nominated by the general membership at the regular June meeting.
4.5 Elections shall be held by ballot at the regular June meeting. If there is but one candidate for an office, the ballot may be dispensed with and the election held by voice vote. Nominations may be made from the floor providing the consent of the candidate has been obtained. Consent must be in writing if the candidate is not present.
4.6 Officers shall serve for a term of one year or until successors have been elected. Officers shall assume their duties at the June meeting.
5.1 The President shall preside at all meetings of the organization and the Executive Board and, with the ratification of the Executive Board, shall appoint the Auditor. The President shall call a special meeting of the Executive Board at any time deemed necessary upon the request of four (4) Executive Board members. The President shall meet with other Friends of Matador Music members, Instrumental Music Director and the Administrative Advisor or Principal as necessary to coordinate the activities of the various groups.
5.2 The First Vice President shall act as an aid to the President, and, in the absence of the President, shall perform the duties of the President. The First Vice President shall be Chairman of the Fund Raising committee.
5.3 The Second Vice President shall act as an aid to the President, and, in the absence of the President and the First Vice President, shall perform the duties of the President. The Second Vice President shall be Chairman of the Membership Committee.
5.4 The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of proceedings of all meetings of the organization and the Executive Board and shall be delegated by the President to conduct correspondence as necessary. The Secretary shall maintain files and coordinate all correspondence. This will include proving timely copies of documents requested by the Executive Board, outgoing mail disposition, and coordinating the distribution of event flyers and advertisements. The Secretary shall also notify officers of their election, chairmen of their appointments, and officers, and others as appropriate, of the time and place of Executive Board meetings. The Secretary shall be the Chairman of the Publicity Committee and may, with ratification of the Executive board, appoint an assistant Secretary.
5.5 The Treasurer shall collect and bank all monies due the boosters in the organization’s account within 72 hours of receiving the money, pay all bills authorized by the boosters, maintain a journal of all financial transaction and prepare a monthly financial report to be distributed to all booster members during the regular monthly meeting. The President and the Treasurer shall sign all checks. The Treasurer shall close the books and present them together with a year-end financial report and balance sheet to the Auditor and audit seven (7) days prior to the regular June meeting. The Treasurer, with ratification of the Executive Board, may establish a Budget Committee. The Treasurer shall be the chairman of the Budget Committee.
5.6 The Auditor shall annually audit the books of the Treasurer and render a written report at the June meeting. This report is to be available to all members. This Treasurer shall be responsible for filing the original copy. One copy is to be filed with the Auditor’s procedure book. He/She shall sign and date Treasurer’s books as having been audited. Should the Treasurer resign or be replaced, the Auditor shall be responsible for an audit of the books before the new Treasurer assumes his duties.
5.7 The officers shall be present at all regular meetings of the organization and Executive Board. Two consecutive absences without prior notification to the President or a member of the Executive Board will constitute a vacancy that may be filled according to the provisions of Article 7, Paragraph 7.3.
5.9 Each officer and chairman shall maintain complete records during his term of office. Upon the expiration of his term of office or resignation, he shall turn over to the President or an Executive Board member, without delay, all record books and other materials pertaining to the office.
6.1 Regular meetings of the organization shall be held the third Tuesday in the months of September through June unless otherwise ordered by the organization. All meetings shall be considered open meetings and may be attended by all interested persons.
6.2 The June meeting shall be the annual meeting at which time the new officers shall be installed. The outgoing officers shall work with the incoming officers during the month of June to assure a smooth transition.
6.3 The Schedule of Events and the Budget for the coming year shall be presented at the September meeting.
7.1 The elected officers, standing committee chairmen, the Instrumental Music Director, the Percussion Director, and the Color Guard Director shall constitute the Executive Board.
7.2 Five (5) members of the Executive Board shall constitute a Legal meeting.
7.3 The Executive Board shall fill all vacancies in office at the Legal meeting. Any member of the general membership may attend the Legal meeting as an observer, not as a voting member.
7.4 The Executive Board shall create standing and ad hoc committees as are deemed necessary carry on the work of the organization.
7.5 All expenditures require prior approval of the Executive Board. If prior approval for any expenditure is not obtained, the Executive Board may refuse payment. Requests for reimbursement or invoice payments shall be submitted in writing to the Executive Board during a regular meeting. Receipts and or invoices must accompany all requests for payment.
7.6 The Executive Board shall authorize payments of invoices not to exec the total available funds. All invoices must be presented to the organization for approval and payment except as cited in Article 7 Paragraph 7.7.
7.7 The President may authorize expenditures of not more than $25.00 without approval of the Executive Board.
7.8 The Executive Board shall approve and acknowledge all commitments and contracts.
Article 8
Standing Committees
8.1 A number of standing committees shall be established to provide continuity of regularly required support functions within the organization and to provide opportunities normal service to the organization for as many numbers as possible.
8.2 The Fund Raising Committee shall be chaired by the First Vice President; the Membership Committee by the Second Vice President; and the Budget Committee by the Treasurer. These officers shall immediately assume the chairmanship of their respective committees at the time of their installation as officers.
8.3 Chairman of sub committees shall be appointed by the President and approved by a majority of the Executive Board. They shall assume the chairmanship of their respective committees upon notification by the Secretary of their appointments. Their terms shall expire with the installation of new officers.
Article 9
9.1 These bylaws may be amended by a two thirds (2/3) vote in members in attendance at a legal meeting of the organization.
Article 10
Rules of Order
10.1 The rules contained in “Robert’s Rules of Order Revised,” shall govern this organization.
10.2 The bylaws shall become effective when approved by a two thirds (2/3) majority of members in attendance at a regular meeting.
Executive Board Members of the
Friends of Matador Music
President – Jerry Clark
First Vice President – Kim Ha
Treasurer – Melissa Thornburg
Secretary – Chris Clark