OCTOBER 21-22, 2014


These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency.



1.1  Call to Order / Quorum Check – OPEN AND CLOSED

The Sealants Task Group (SLT TG) was called to order at 8:00 a.m. 21-October-2014.

It was verified that only SUBSCRIBER MEMBERS were in attendance during the closed portion of the meeting.

A quorum was established with the following representatives in attendance:

Subscriber Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)

Michelle / Barga / USAF/AFRL
* / Brent / Clothier / Cessna Aircraft Company / Proxy for D. Kleinschmidt
* / Kent / DeFranco / Lockheed Martin Corporation / Chairperson; Proxy for J. Lane
* / Melissa / Facas / Pratt & Whitney / Proxy for E. Watson
* / Raj / Nagarajan / Gulfstream Aerospace
Luis Gustavo / Pacheco / Embraer SA

Other Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)

* / Jim / Carney / National Sealants and Lubricants
* / Suzanna / DeMoss / 3M Company Aerospace and Aircraft Maintenance Department
Debbie / LeMire / 3M Company Aerospace and Aircraft Maintenance Department
Clarlene / Linderman / Graco Supply Company
* / David / Nickerson / Packaging Systems Inc.
* / Philip / Shackley / PPG Aerospace PRC-DeSoto Intl Inc.
* / Jeff / Steele / D Aircraft Products Inc. / Proxy for J. Mazin
* / Randy / Wilt / Graco Supply & Integrated Services

PRI Staff Present

Keith / Purnell

1.2  Review Code of Ethics (Ref: Attendees’ Guide) and Meeting Conduct - OPEN AND CLOSED

The Nadcap Personal Code of Ethics and Conflict of Interest video was reviewed with the Task Group in the OPEN and CLOSED meetings.

1.3  Present the Antitrust Video – OPEN AND CLOSED

The Antitrust Video was reviewed with the Task Group in the OPEN and CLOSED meetings.

1.4  Review Agenda – OPEN

The agenda for the meeting was reviewed. Attendees were given the opportunity to identify expectations to be addressed during the week of meetings. It was suggested to establish a plan to move forward for the AC7129 Sealant Application Checklist. This topic was to be discussed later in the meeting.

1.5  Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes– OPEN

The minutes from the June 2014 Nadcap meeting were approved as written.


2.1  2014 Auditor Conference

All of the SLT auditors attended the 2014 auditor conference. All topics included in the Auditor Conference Outline were addressed. Auditor C. Kay shared a 12 point checklist he uses to assure he complies with all of the Nadcap audit requirements. Latest checklist, audit handbook and specifications changes were also reviewed with the auditors.

2.2  Data Analysis Review – Overall Auditor Performance

Auditor performance was reviewed and included the most common checklist paragraph referenced in NCRs traceable to the Auditors that wrote the NCRs, Audit Oversight Feedback, and Average and Total NCRs per Day written by the Auditors. This information is used for evaluating Auditor Consistency. There was a limited amount of data to review because of the small number of audits conducted.

2.3  NOP-012 Auditor Consistency

The SLT TG reviewed its Auditor consistency milestone chart and the number of audits that were observed. No concerns were identified by the observers and the SLT TG was satisfied with the auditors’ performance.


Scheduled and conducted audits were reviewed.

There were no audits in Staff Engineer or Task Group Review and one audit in Supplier Review.

The current SLT audit schedule for the next seven months was reviewed; Subscribers were encouraged to observe audits. The SLT TG requested a European or Americas auditor perform the next SLT Audit in Japan.

ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to arrange for a European or Americas auditor performs the next SLT Audit in Japan. (Due Date: 1-Feb-2015)

4.0  review DELEGATION status – CLOSED

Staff Engineer K. Purnell met the minimum criteria of having at least 10% of findings reviewed by the Task Group Subscribers with at least a 90% concurrence rate. There were no ballot comments in this review period. K. Purnell maintains delegated status.


The sealant surveillance program was reviewed and the inspectors are recording discrepancies identified during surveillance. The importance of verifying Manufacturing Work Instructions was discussed. If suppliers refuse to provide the Manufacturing Work Instruction to the inspectors, the inspectors are instructed to contact K. Purnell.


Auditor candidates for Sealant Application are needed. K. Purnell to arrange for a phone interview with a previously identified existing auditor candidate.


All action items were reviewed and due dates established. For specific details, please see the current SLT Rolling Action Item List posted at, under Public Documents.

8.0  Membership status - OPEN

The voting membership was reviewed and proxy votes were recorded.

The voting records and meeting attendance for SLT TG Voting Members, Subscriber and Supplier, were reviewed for compliance to the requirements for maintaining membership. NOP001 paragraph 3.3.2 states “To maintain Voting Member privileges, the following criteria shall be met unless the Task Group Chair determines that other circumstances warrant retention:

•  Voting Member shall not be absent without approved alternate representation (including a full proxy) from three consecutive regular Nadcap Task Group meetings.

•  Voting Member, or approved alternate representation, shall not miss a vote on 2 consecutive letter ballots. A waive shall count as a vote.

All Voting Members met the requirements for meeting attendance and voting on letter ballots.

M. Barga of the USAF/AFRL requested to become a SLT TG Subscriber Voting Member. This was M. Barga second SLT TG meetings attended. Membership can be granted pending subscription verification.

Motion made by K. DeFranco and seconded by B. Clothier to approve M. Barga as a SLT TG Subscriber Voting Members. Motion Passed Unanimously.

M. Barga requested that J. Kingsley be removed from the SLT TG voting membership as she is replacing him and the previous SLT TG Chairperson A. Fletcher be approved as the USAF/AFRL alternate voting member. Membership can be granted pending subscription verification.

Motion made by K. DeFranco and seconded by B. Clothier to remove J. Kingsley from the SLT TG voting membership and approve A. Fletcher as a SLT TG Alternate Subscriber Voting Member. Motion Passed Unanimously.

The TG Chair confirmed all appointments, pending subscription verification.

The October 2014 Attendees Guide was reviewed. A. Featherston is no longer with Bell Helicopter and will be removed from the membership; no changes other than those stated above were required.

ACTION ITEM: B. McSorley to update the Nadcap SLT TG membership pending subscription verification. (Due Date: 16-Nov-2014)


The Rolling Action Item List (RAIL) was reviewed.

For specific details, please see the current Sealant Rolling Action Item List posted at, under Public Documents.


Staff Engineer, K. Purnell, presented the PRI Staff Report that included Auditor Status, SLT TG Metrics, Most Common NCRs, Non-Sustaining NCR’s, Latest Changes, Future Nadcap Meeting Dates and Locations, Staff Delegation Metrics, Average Number of Major and Minor NCR’s, and Audit Cycle Time.

The next Nadcap meeting will be in Berlin, Germany on, 2-6-Mar-2015. K Purnell was requested to email the SLT TG membership to determine who is planning on attending the March 2015 meeting. There is concern over meeting attendance and establishing quorum for the March 2015 meeting.

ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to email the Nadcap SLT TG membership requesting confirmation of who will be attending the March 2015 meeting in Berlin Germany. (Due Date: 20-Nov-2014)

11.0  Supplier Support Committee (ssc) REPORT – OPEN

K. Purnell presented the Supplier Support Committee (SSC) update that included an overview of the SSC Leadership Team, how the SSC helps suppliers, current SSC activities and their new Supplier Initiatives. For additional information please review the SSC minutes posted on the PRI website at

K. DeFranco asked for a volunteer to become the SSC representative for the SLT TG. No supplier volunteered to act as a representative at this time.


Feedback from the 2014 Auditor Conference

The SLT TG Auditor Conference was on Sunday, 19-Oct-2014 from 10:15 am – 5:00 pm. Topics included:

·  PRI Sealant QPG & G9 Update

·  Review of Latest Specification Changes

·  Review of Sealant Application Audit Checklist

·  Review of Latest Checklist and Handbook Changes

·  Sealant Surveillance

·  Most Common NCRs and NCR Data Analysis for Auditor Consistency

·  Question / Answer / Open Discussion Session

The Auditors reviewed the revised AC7200/1 Draft B audit checklist and proposed several changes.:

The draft 2015 Auditor Conference Outline will use the same topics as 2014.

ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to assure the changes proposed by Auditors are included in the AC7200/1 and AC7202 open ballots. (Due Date: 7-Nov-2014)


The SLT TG reviewed then updated their Auditor Consistency Pilot Program Milestone spreadsheet to track their progress. The second page of the spreadsheet contains a written description of how the SLT TG is addressing each of the milestone chart line items. For providing annual feedback to the auditors, the evaluation form used prior to eAuditNet was updated to include: Grading Scale of 1 to 6, and Audit Observer and General Supplier Feedback. Annual evaluations can be face to face or by phone. Presentation material forwarded to the Auditor Consistency Team was reviewed. To increase open communication between the auditors and the SLT TG, there is a Forum in eAuditNet that can be used.

The SLT TG reviewed and discussed the below posted Planning and Operations presentation; no changes were required.

ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to complete the annual Auditor Evaluation process for the auditors. (Due Date: 31-Dec-2014)

14.0  AC7129 Draft Sealant Applicaton Audit Checklist Development – open

SLT TG reviewed the 14 day affirmation ballot comments on the Draft AC7129 Sealant Application Audit Checklist. Ballot comments posted were resolved.

Job audit matrix was reviewed and the only change required was addressed in a ballot comment. Next step in the checklist development process is performing a test audit.

Revision of s-frm-28, SLT Preliminary Questionnaire, is required as it does not address Sealant Application. K. Purnell to create a draft s-frm-28 that addresses Sealant Application for discussion at the March 2015 meeting

The Move Forward Plan was reviewed. The next steps will be interviewing and approving a Sealant Application Auditor, conducting a test audit, and establishing the number of days required to conduct the audit. The a-frm-04 Sealant Questionnaire for Potential Nadcap Auditors will also need to be revised to also address Sealant Application.

Actions Required for Balloting were discussed and are listed below:

·  Interview and Approve a SLT Auditor Candidate

·  Add Lab Questions During Test Audit

·  Conduct a Test Audit

·  Conduct a Pilot

·  Create a NMC Checklist Vision Compliance Spreadsheet for AC7129

ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to create a draft s-frm-28 that addresses Sealant Application and add this topic to the March 2015 meeting agenda. (Due Date: 14-Nov-2014)

ACTION ITEM: E. Watson to identify a company for performing a test audit in 2014. (Due Date: 21-Nov-2014)

ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to arrange for a SLT Auditor interview. (Due Date: 21-Nov-2014)

ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to draft an NMC Checklist Vision Compliance Spreadsheet for AC7129. (Due Date: 28-Feb-2015)

15.0  AC7202 sealant value added distributors audit checklist – open

Ballot comments on the AC7202 Draft Rev. B audit checklist which had already been submitted were reviewed and resolved. Ballot does not close until 10 Nov 2014.

16.0  AC7200/1 Sealant manufacturers audit checklist – open

Ballot comments on the AC7200/1 Draft Rev. B audit checklist which had already been submitted were reviewed and resolved. Ballot does not close until 10 Nov 2014.

17.0  NTGOP-001 Appendix SLT

The latest revision of NTGOP-001 Appendix SLT was reviewed and no additional changes are required at this time.

18.0  Slt task group initiatives – OPEN

SLT TG created the following list of activities and rated them as High (H), Medium (M) or Low (L) priority and if they are (A) Active, (N) Not Active or (C) Closed. The list was created so the SLT TG maintains focus on its high priority tasks.

(H - A) Sealant Application Checklist – Scope moving towards verifying the sealing activities are being performed correctly, checklist clean up, subscriber feedback, number of suppliers to be audited, training program, certification program, subscribers willing to participate in final development of this checklist and mandate. Sub-Team will work with subscribers that responded to the survey.

(H-C) Completion of a 45 day letter ballot of Draft AC7129 SLT Application Checklist

(H-C) Sealant Test Laboratory Captive Audit Question Development AC7200/1 & AC7202

(H-C) NTGOP-001 Appendix SLT revision to address non sustaining corrective actions and surveillance

(H-A) NTGOP-001 Appendix SLT revision to address Sealant Audit Handbook revision approval process

(H-A) SLT Audit Handbook revision and posting in eAuditNet

(H-A) October 2015 Auditor Conference

(H-A) Next revision of AC7200/1 and AC7202 revise job audits

(H-A) Test and Pilot audit for AC7129 SLT Application Checklist

(M-A) Auditor Consistency Oversight (Subscriber / Supplier Feedback) NOP-012

(M-A) Compliance with NMC Checklist Vision – Sealant Application Checklist compare to latest checklists revision

(L-C) Sealant Test Laboratory Independent Audit Question Development AC7200/1 & AC7202

(L-N) Sealant Applicator / Technician Qualification Program

19.0  new business – open

The SLT Task Group meeting dates for March 2015 will be Wednesday, March 4 and Thursday March 5, 2015.