Wednesday, 3rd
1:00 pmNew Testament Study
6:30 pmMen of St. Paul’s
7:30 pmConfirmation Class
Thursday, 4th
7:30 pmAdult Choir Rehearsal
Saturday, 6th
9:00 amPraise Team Rehearsal
Sunday, 7th
8:00 amPraise Team Rehearsal
9:30 amChoir Rehearsal
10:00 amWorship Service/Communion
Sunday School
11:30 amChildren’s Choir
Junior Youth Group
6:00 pmSenior Youth Group
Monday, 8th
7:30 pmConsistory
Wednesday, 10th
1:00 pmNew Testament Study
7:30 pmConfirmation Class
Thursday, 11th
7:30 pmAdult Choir Rehearsal
Saturday, 13th
9:00 amPraise Team Rehearsal
8:00 amPraise Team Rehearsal
10:00 amWorship Service
Sunday School
11:30 amChildren’s Choir
Wednesday, 17th
1:00 pmNew Testament
Thursday, 18th
7:30 pmAdult Choir Rehearsal
Saturday, 20th
9:00 amPraise Team Rehearsal
Sunday, 21st
8:00 amPraise Team Rehearsal
9:30 amChoir Rehearsal
10:00 amWorship Service
Sunday School
11:30 amChildren’s Choir
6:00 pmSenior Youth Group
Junior Youth Group
Monday, 22nd
7:30 pm24 to Double
Thursday, 25th
7:30 pmAdult Choir Rehearsal
Saturday, 27th
9:00 amPraise Team Rehearsal
Sunday, 28th
8:00 amPraise Team Rehearsal
9:30 amChoir Rehearsal
10:00 amWorship Service
Sunday School
11:30 amChildren’s Choir
Monday, 29th MEMORIAL DAY
Church Office Closed
Wednesday, 31st
7:30 pmConfirmation Class
Pastor Rich takes Friday Off.
Sunday, June 4th - Confirmation
Tuesday, June 6th – Golf Outing
MAY 2017
Oh, My God!
How often have you invoked God’s name when you were confronted with calamity, disappointment, shocking news?
How often have the words “Oh, My God!” insignificantly spilled out of our mouths over something trivial.
Is OMG your go to text response when someone texts you something that surprises you.
“Oh My God!”
These words can certainly be used wrongly—taking the Lord’s name in vain. Yet, when calamity strikes is it wrong to invoke His name?
Since we’re made in His image (Genesis 1:27), to cry out for the sake of others can truly be for His sake.
Is the plaintive cry of the person seeking a loved one after a natural disaster any different from Joel exclamation, “Lord, help us!” (1:19).
Judah, the prophet’s nation, had been decimated by two natural disasters—an overwhelming swarm of locusts had eaten everything in their path and a drought had turned what remained to dust (vv.6,12). The physical destruction—mirroring the nation’s spiritual condition—was devastating (vv.14-15).
Joel, whose name means “the Lord (Yahweh) is God,” had been called to deliver God’s solemn message to the
people of Judah (vv.1-2). A two-pronged response was prescribed: Cry in grief and call out to God for relief.
These two reactions can lead to help and restoration when we confront pain. Perhaps someone close to us has taken her last breath. Or we’ve witnessed the ruthless slaughter of innocents. Or the disease has returned . . .
In genuine mourning and heartfelt prayer, we can cry out “Oh, My God!” and draw closer to God whose love “never ends.”
For our sake, God meets us in our suffering and leads us through the fire and rubble to the joy and hope that lies ahead.
This is what Easter is all about. Easter is a celebration of life and light, joy and hope, peace and love made possible by Christ’s victory over sin, evil and death. Easter affirms God’s good and holy purpose to rescue and restore us. Easter is the assurance and the promise that nothing, “nothing in all creation can separate from God’s love which made known to us through Christ Jesus, our crucified and risen Lord.”
Pastor Rich
Psalm 139; Jeremiah 1
Maximizing Your Strengths
Ecclesiastes 8:6; Proverbs 14:29
Learning to be Both Fast and Slow
Psalm 139Luke 15
Four Session of Grace
1. Prevenient Grace
Ephesians 6:10-18
Spiritual Warfare
Worship is a submission of all our nature to God. It is the quickening of conscience by his holiness; the nourishment of mind with his truth; the purifying of imagination by his beauty; the opening of the heart to his love; the surrender of will to his purpose.
Worship saves us from being self-centered and makes us God-centered. You were created to live in a relationship with God.
We are going to honor our Mothers at worship on Sunday, May 14th. All Moms will:
receive a carnation;
have an opportunity to have their picture taken with their family;
be treated to a special coffee hour;
have their name entered into a drawing for a special gift.
God our Creator, we pray:
for new mothers, coming to terms with new responsibility;
for expectant mothers, wondering and waiting;
for those who are tired, stressed or depressed;
for those who struggle to balance the tasks of work and family;
for those who are unable to feed their children due to poverty;
for those whose children have physical, mental or emotional disabilities;
for those who have children they do not want;
for those who raise children on their own;
for those who have lost a child;
for those who care for the children of others;
for those whose children have left home;
and for those whose desire to be a mother has not been fulfilled.
Bless all mothers, that their love may be deep and tender,
and that they may lead their children to know and do what is good,
living not for themselves alone, but for God and for others.
May’s communion offering will be shared: Jon Napolitano’s participation in the St. Baldrick’s Shave Your Head event to cure childhood cancers; the Milltown Rescue Squad and World Vision Emergency Relief to rebuild towns destroyed by flooding.
Starting Sunday, May 21st Pastor Rich will begin a 4 sermon series on Grace.
Prevenient Grace
Justifying Grace
Sanctifying Grace
Glorifying Grace
Sr. Youth Group
We will meet Sunday, May 7 and 21 @ 6:00pm.
The theme of each meeting is TBD.
Mission Trip Forms and the balance of the cost of the trip is due May 7th.
May 7 11:30am-1p.m.
Theme: TBD
Devotion/Letter to Ronnie:
Amanda Sullivan
Snack & Help: Sean Sullivan
May 21 6-8 p.m.
Devotion/Letter to Ronnie:
End of Year Party
Ice Cream Sundaes and Crazy Games
Help: Denise Hahn
Scholarships are granted to qualified high school graduates of the class of 2017 AND presently enrolled college, technical or degree students for the furtherance of their education ataccredited college, university, business or trade school.
The scholarship shall be for one academic year. Applicants may submit for continuance for a maximum of 4 years of assistance.
Each student is required to submit an application. These applications are available via e-mail, on our website or can be picked up at the church office.
Email for an application.
Applications must be completed and returned by June 1.
Do you have someone in your family that is graduating in May or June this year?
Please let the church office know so we can acknowledge their accomplishments and invite them to Graduation Sunday, June 25.
St. Paul’s is having a GOLF OUTING on Tuesday, JUNE 6 at the Concordia Golf Club in Monroe.
After a round of golf we will return to the American Legion Pavillon in Milltown for food and beverages.
The registration flyer is attached to this month’s Tidings.
Please fill it out and return it to the church office no later than May 28th.
This is a benefit for your church.
July 24 - July 28.
Imagine a world where curious kids become hands-on inventors who discover they’re lovingly crafted by God.This promises to spark creativity with interactive decoration and experiences. Maker Fun Factory Vacation Bible School will transform our church into a place buzzing with excitement!
Plan NOW to send your children to VBS and consider volunteering.
Income$18,548.94 $60,951.72
Expense$26,184.41 $87,307.01
Gain/(Loss)($ 7,635.47)($26,355.29)
Hymn writer Isaac Watts summed up why we should offer gifts and tithes when he penned this verse about Jesus’ sacrifice, “Were the whole realm of nature mine,
that were a present far too small;
love so amazing, so divine,
demands my soul, my life, my all.”
When you give a gift it shows in part your gratefulness for Jesus’ sacrifice and the hope it brings not only to your life, but to all the lives our church impacts.
You are responsible for providing treats and milk for coffee. Sunny D generously provides juice for kids.
Coffee, cups, plates, napkins, plastic utensils and sweeteners are provided.
@ coffee hour or contact:
Julie Park 732-545-4266
Tracy Rucinski 732-545-6982
Our sympathy to the family of Robert Holzapfel, who died 1/26; family of Daniel Duszynski, who died 2/18 and family of Gloria Voorhees, who died 3/24.
Robert W. Holzapfel & Family
Landis S. & Betty Brindle
Marjorie Conger
All the Easter Lilies were given as a donation to the church in honor and loving memory of William “Red” Kohlhepp by the Flower Corner – Bill Kohlhepp, Jr. Your donation will help offset the cost of Lenten Dinners.
Thanks be to God for all of those who participated in our Holy Week music: Praise Band, Children’s and Adult Choirs, Sean Wesen, and those whose donations to the Music Fund enabled us to hire a trumpeter!
Our music ministry is a remembrance and celebration of what God has done.
Great is Thy Faithfulness (#139 in The Celebration Hymnal)
In 1923 the Methodist minister Thomas O. Chisholm sent his poem “Great is Thy Faithfulness” to his friend William M. Runyan. Runyan set it to music and published it the same year.
“Great is Thy Faithfulness” is based on Lamentations 3: 22-23 (The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.) and James 1:17 (Every generous act of giving, with every perfect gift, is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation due to a shadow of turning.)
Consider spending some time with the first stanza of this hymn:
Great is thy faithfulness, O God my Father;
There is no shadow of turning with Thee.
Thou changest not; Thy compassions, they fail not.
As Thou has been Thou forever wilt be.
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see.
All I have needed, Thy hand hath provided.
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me.
7Consistory Team #1
14Garret Conger Mother’s Day
21Grace Kothari
28David Hasting
7Kathie Gilliland
14Curtis & Joan Peck
21Arlene Mowery & Jane Osman
28Ken Skalla
Greeters are asked to arrive at church by 9:20 a.m.
Judy Skalla
April 10th, 2017
In Attendance: Don Wesen, Joanne Ciaccio, Frank Devine, Dave Hastings, Rebecca Jones,
Julie Park, Greg Reeves, Nick Bamond, John
Garback, Steve Kircher, Kathy Shanabrook, Sean Sullivan, Debbie Paley, and Pastor Rich Weyer
-Meeting called to order by Pastor Rich at 7:35pm. Pastor Rich opened the meeting with prayer.
-March’s consistory meeting minutes were approved without change. Motioned by Kathy S. /seconded by Greg Reeves.
-Thank you from the American Legion for communion donation.
-Thank you from a community member St. Paul’s assisted with their finances during time of hardship.
-Thank you letter from Tanya Roberts to the St. Paul’s congregation for lending their time and talents in this year’s Soup Swap in order to make it such a huge success.
-March’s finance report approved. Motioned by Frank D. /seconded by Dave H.
-Consistory voted to move $75,000.00 from the Scholarship Fund into a long term investment
account in order to have better financial return, the rest of the fund, $7,087.32 will be kept in a short term investment account to be used for the scholarship recipients. Motioned by Nick B. /seconded by Julie P.
-April 18th, Team 2 for Maundy Thursday service at 7:30pm at St. Paul’s.
-Easter Sunday (April 16th) Teams 3 and 4 will be serving along with other members of the consistory for the 8:00am and 10:00am services, discussion on who will bring the elements and assist with set up and clean up took place.
-May 7th, Team 1.
Communion Offering
-April’s Distribution- Interfaith Network of Care and the Milltown PBA ($100.00).
-May’s Distribution- Milltown Rescue Squad.
-Consistory discussed dividing the offering to a World Vision child who’s village was damaged and is need of repair and provided some financial assistance to the start up of the “Blessings in a Back Pack” community program starting at St. Paul’s.
-June’s Distribution- Senior Youth Group Mission Trip to Virginia.
-Easter Sunday, will have a team of people welcoming guests and first time worshippers in order to collect all “New Visitor Information Cards” and give out gift bags to those returning cards, the gift bag will include home baked chocolate chip cookies, a copy of the book Venti Jesus, an announcement about Mother’s Day Sunday Worship Service, and the sermon series information on the “Tool Box for Life”.
-New and revised New Visitor Information cards will be in the pews coming soon in order to better serve those who are worshipping at St. Paul’s for the first time or newer worshippers.
Ministry Teams
Church and Family
-2017 Lent Family Dinners were a huge success. A big thanks to the Skalla, Cheesemen, Rumen, Sullivan, and Darren families who helped assist and run the dinners. Also thank you to Affordable Caterers for providing the wonderful meals; the total cost for all of the food for the dinners was $1,950.00 ($10.00 a person) and we raised in offering $1,651.00. Jeff (caterer) was paid from the youth group checking account and $299.00 will be going back into the account from the operating budget.
-Suggestions for next year’s dinner: replace chicken parmigiana with chicken marsala and only use the small tortellini.
-The devotion/worship program was from Right Now Media: Six Miracles on Calvary
Spiritual Life
-Four-week sermon series coming up on the Tool Kit for Life.
-Looking for ways to make Mother’s Day Sunday service a special event for all mothers. Looking for donations from any spas/salons who would be willing to make a donation for give-a-ways.
-Vacation Bible School-July 24th-28th, looking for enthusiastic volunteers for teachers and assistants to make this week an awesome one.
-ElanaKircher will be handing off the Junior Youth Group to Sean and Dawn after many years of service and dedication. St. Paul’s wants to thank her for all her efforts in serving the youth of this community.
-Pastor Rich is seeking people to assist with running Senior Youth Group.
-Mission Trip is all set and scheduled for July 9th to Virginia where they will be assisting with repairing homes and running a kids camp.
-Three companies have been contacted for the project of paving the west driveway of the education building.
-Other Main Projects
-Extending drain to the field from the west portico
-Electric in new closets has been completed; thank you to Gary Conger who completed this task for St. Paul’s.
-Painting parking lot lines- getting estimates
-Read over Solar Energy handout
-Calling Energy Sage for more information of the cost and extent of project.
-Fixing the broken window in the upper room.
-Snow blower being replaced.
Old Business
-Two calls out to companies to install new handrails and replace existing hand exterior handrails
-Blessings in a Backpack meeting on April 23rd, after worship. Please attend if you are interest in making the community based program a success.
-List from Linda Bradley of what nutritional food items to put in bags for the children receiving the bags.
-Decided against using the eScript Plus Benefit Mobile App, due to having to input credit card information into app.
New Business
-Wine and Beer Tasting Fundraiser scheduled for October 14th, please see Pastor Rich if interested in assisting with planning this great event.
-Discussion of 24 to Double week 3 session.
- Pastor’s Breakfast
-How large to make the event: Small and intimate for families to meet one another, get to know each other, and for first time worshippers to feel comfortable within the church.
-Breakfast would be held prior to worship on Sunday, get to meet the Pastor, and find out what your spiritual talent/gift is in order to better serve God.
-Reaching out to families who have just had or recently had their children baptized.
-Golf Outing on June 6th, (Tuesday) at 10:00am on Concordia Golf Course in Monroe NJ. The event will cost $80.00, lunch to follow back in Milltown.
Future Dates
-April 24th, 24 to Double, Session Four
-May 8th- Consistory Meeting
Meeting called to close at 9:18pm. Motioned by Frank D./seconded by Dave H.
Pastor Rich closed meeting with prayer concerns and prayer.
Founded in 1872
So. Main St. & W. Lakewood Ave.
Rev. Richard H. Weyer, Pastor
Emily Sensenbach-Gopal,
Director of Music
Church Office 732 828-0020
FAX # 732 828-0027
Please leave a message if no one is available.
Church Secretary Mrs. Carol Lagowski
Office hours: 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Financial Secretary Mrs. Debbie Paley
(address inquiries to church office)
Please address all financial inquiries to the Church Office.
Thursday, May 18th
Joanne Ciaccio
Frank Devine