Marshall Area Technical & Educational Center

305 S. Second St., Suite #1

Marshall, MN 56258

Phone: (507) 537-6210

FAX: (507) 537-7609

PrincipalBrian Jones

Assistant PrincipalMichelle Noriega

Art TeacherChristine Tromblay

Business TeacherChristine Steinbach

Certified Nursing Assistant InstructorMNWest & ABE Staff

Guidance CounselorKristina Tauchen

Health/PE TeacherAngela Anderson

Language Arts TeacherRachael Andersen

Math TeachersAlex Cleppe

Brenda Elton

Welding InstructorMNWest Staff

School Social WorkerKathy Pearson

Science TeacherKathy Richardson

Social Studies TeacherBryce Jeppesen

Special Education TeacherDavid Wingert

Level III Special Education TeacherNikki Axe-Bell

Daycare DirectorCarol Moorse

ParaprofessionalsJeanette Bosveld

Nancy Felton

Administrative AssistantLeanna Ginocchio

Student ServicesChanda Bossuyt

CustodianJay Rogge

NursesDeb Herrmann

Bonnie Parsons

Marshall Area Technical & Educational Center, MATEC, is an alternative high school that provides quality instruction to help students experience success in a changing world. Our school’s mission is to provide unique learning opportunities with a core curriculum and the necessary interventions to enable students to meet grade level expectations. MATEC strives to meet students’ educational goals while addressing their individual needs.

The school board has approved the policies and procedures citied in this handbook. Copies of the full policy governing each section are available through the district office.

Academic Progress

Periodic Reviews

Marshall Area Technical & Educational Center staff will review each student’s progress in the areas of attendance, behavior, and academics. This allows us to maintain open communication regarding the needs of each student at the Center. If the staff concludes that a specific issue needs to be addressed, a phone call will be made and a conference scheduled as needed.

A two-week ‘probationary’ period will be given to the student to correct the cited concerns. If changes have not been made, the student will be asked to continue his/her education in another facility and leave the Marshall Area Technical & Educational Center.

Scheduling Changes

Changes to course schedules will be made ONLY if deemed necessary to meet the graduation requirements of individual students.

Behavioral or Attendance Contracts

As a result of behavior, attendance, or academic difficulties students and parents may conference with staff and write a contract, which specifies the changes, needed to succeed at MATEC.


Marshall Area Technical & Educational Center has been set up to provide students with the opportunity to learn life-long skills that will lead to success in life. One such skill is attendance. Block 1 begins at 8:00. The day ends at 3:05. If you are sick and/or unable to attend for any reason, you will be responsible for calling MATECbefore 8:15 AMand reporting the nature of the problem (537-6210). On all other days, students are expected to be in class ready to begin by 8:00 AM.

Whenever possible, appointments should be made so they do not conflict with the school schedule.

When students are able to anticipate an absence, they are expected to notify the school office before the absence occurs. Students with an anticipated absence will be asked to turn in all work/assignments due during the absence no later than the day they return to school. Work not turned in that day will receive the score of 0. Any test or quiz missed may be made up on a schedule worked out with the teacher.

Students with habitual absences or tardies may be put on individual attendance contracts and referred to Human Services for possible family conferences and interventions.

We take attendance daily at 8:00. Students arriving late must check in with staff at the front desk.

Any student arriving more than 15 minutes late will be marked absent for that class.

Minnesota Statute 120A.22 (compulsory attendance) states that students are required to attend school all day, every day unless they have a valid excuse.

When a student has three (3) absences at any time during the school year, a letter will be sent home, and a conference will be scheduled with the Assistant Principal. After five (5) absences, a letter will be sent home, and contact will be made with the parent/guardian. After seven (7) absences, a letter will be sent home, and a truancy petition will be filed with the county attorney’s office or a parent meeting will be called.

Unexcused Absences

Key Points:

Students should be in school every scheduled day from 8:00 AM- 3:05 PM

  • To be eligible to participate in any extracurricular activity offered by the school, students must be in school from 8:00 AM-3:05 PM on the day of the activity. Attendance on the final school day before a weekend or school vacation will be used to determine a student’s eligibility to participate in an extracurricular activity during the weekend or vacation. Special circumstances will be reviewed by the assistant principal.
  • Students are expected to attend every class; attendance records are maintained on a course-by-course basis.
  • The parent/guardian must provide a reason for the absence.
  • Grade penalties will be imposed for unexcused absences.
  • All absences due to school-sponsored field trips or activities are considered exempt.
  • When a student arrives to class without a pass and is tardy more than fifteen (15) minutes after class has begun, he/she is considered absent unexcused. The student should still go to class to receive credit for the work done in the portion of the class he/she attended.
  • In extenuating circumstances, a student may appeal absence-related consequences to the Attendance Review Panel to resolve attendance issues.

Attendance Policy:

The NG (no grade) in a particular course indicates a student has not met the school’s attendance expectations. Students are afforded the opportunity to recover a grade of NG with the students’ earned grade. The policy and procedure is listed below:

A student who exceeds five unexcused absences in a quarter, will receive an NG for a grade in that particular course. Two unexcused tardies equals one unexcused absence. As a result, the original grade earned (60% or higher) is replaced withan“NG”or 59%. The comment of “Failure due to attendance” willbe noted on the student’s report card. Grades earned below 59% will not be replaced with an NG but will be recorded according to the grade that the student has earned.

Grade Earn Back:

A student who earns an NG in the first, second or third quarter can pass a quarter or semester course if he/she meets the attendance expectations in the following quarter. If the student meets the attendance expectations in the following quarter, his/her grade of NG will be replacedby the student’s original grade earned.

If a student does not meet the attendance expectation in the next quarter, the grade of NG (59%) is not replaced by the earned grade but instead is used to calculate the student’s final grade.

Quarter 4/ Graduating Seniors, etc:

A student who exceeds five unexcused absences in quarter 4 or his/her final quarter of attendance will receive an NG for a grade. In order to receive his/her original grade, a student will have to go through the appeal process.

Appeal Process for attendance:

Student must complete the written appeal form which can be obtained from the main office.

An appeal may be initiated by a written request from the student who has exceeded the limitations as defined in the MATEC Handbook. The appeal must include the extenuating circumstances which warrant such an appeal, and should be addressed to the student’s Assistant Principal. This appeal must be initiated within five (5) school days of the student being notified of his/her failure to comply with the attendance policy.

In most instances, once the appeal form has been submitted to the student’s Assistant Principal, he/she will meet with the Attendance Review Panel the following week.

The Attendance Review Panel will consider the following: information presented by the student, the overall student attendance record, and other relevant documentation(e.g. grades, progress reports).

The Attendance Review Panel shall meet with the student to review the appeal and render a decision. Said decisions shall be made within five (5) days. A copy of the decision shall be forwarded to the student and his/her parent/guardian.

The Attendance Review Panel is comprised of at least of one administrator and two faculty/staff members. When necessary, other parties may join the panel, i.e. school nurse, school counselor. The purpose of the Attendance Review Panel shall be to review appeals initiated by students and to render a timely decision according to the criteria provided. A majority vote of the members shall constitute the panel’s decision. All decisions made by the Attendance Review Panel are final.

All matters discussed during the hearing are confidential.

When students present their appeal to the Attendance Review Panel, parents, guardians, liaisons, and/or support personnel are welcome to provide additional information for consideration and review.

Poor attendance or regular tardies may result in notification of parent, guardian and/or appropriate social service and probation agency, an attendance contract, or loss of your place at MATEC. The school is an opportunity for success. To benefit from it, you have to be here!


If a student has been assigned detention, it must be served before or after school with the staff member who assigned it.

Class Schedules

Regular Schedule

Block 18:00-9:22

Block 1A8:00-8:41

Block 1B8:41-9:22

Block 29:27-10:49

Block 2A9:27-10:08

Block 2B10:08-10:49



Block 312:16-1:38

Block 3A12:16-12:57

Block 3B12:57-1:38

Block 41:43-3:05

Block 4A1:43-2:24

Block 4B2:24-3:05

Wednesday Schedule

Block 18:00-9:12

Block 1A8:00-8:36

Block 1B8:36-9:12

Block 29:17-10:29

Block 2A9:17-9:53

Block 2B9:53-10:29



Block 311:51-1:03

Block 3A11:51-12:27

Block 3B12:27-1:03

Block 41:08-2:20

Block 4A1:08-1:44

Block 4B1:44-2:20

Two Hour Late Start

Block 110:00-11:06

Block 1A10:00-10:33

Block 1B10:33-11:06

Block 211:11-12:17

Block 2A11:11-11:44

Block 2B11:44-12:17


Block 312:48-1:54

Block 3A12:48-1:21

Block 3B1:21-1:54

Block 41:59-3:05

Block 4A1:59-2:32

Block 4B2:32-3:05

Two Hour Late Start Wednesday

Block 110:00-10:46

Block 1A10:00-10:23

Block 1B10:23-10:46

Block 210:51-11:37

Block 2A10:51-11:14

Block 2B11:14-11:37



Block 312:43-1:29

Block 3A12:43-1:06

Block 3B1:06-1:29

Block 41:34-2:20

Block 4A1:34-1:57

Block 4B1:57-2:20

School Closing

The Marshall Area Technical & Educational Center will be closed on days with inclement weather. School closings will be the same as the MarshallPublic Schools. Cancellations will be announced on WCCO radio and on local radio stations KARZ-107.5 FM, KMHL-1400 AM and KKCK-99.7 FM.


Student visitors are not allowed during the school day. All scheduled visitors must check in at the office and obtain a visitor’s pass

Center Climate

The Marshall Area Technical & Educational Center is a community of learners who are committed to caring and respecting one another. A problem solving approach will be used to resolve most conflicts at the Center. Since MATEC is an extension of Marshall Public Schools, issues with legal consequences will follow the policies established as part of the School Discipline code.

Dress Code

The responsibility for the appearance of our students rests with the parents and the students themselves. Clothing should be neat, clean and non-offensive. (Policy #504) Common courtesy means appropriate dress, including footwear, should be worn at all times. Students in violation of this policy will be asked to change into appropriate clothing. School consequences may also be applied. Examples of inappropriate dress include but are not limited to:

  • Clothing advertising or representing substances illegal for juveniles.
  • Clothing containing obscene, discriminatory, profane language or pictures, or that could be considered as sexually offensive to other people.
  • Clothing containing or construed to be containing gang symbols or clothing worn in a manner to identify gang membership.
  • Immodest clothing (i.e. bare midriffs, muscle tees, spaghetti straps, exposed undergarments) Shorts/skirts may not be shorter than the middle of the thigh. Shirts/tops must cover 3/4 of the shoulders.
  • Coats/jackets must be removed upon entering the building and stored in the lockers during the school hours. Blankets may not be used during class.

Headgear (this includes anything worn on the head, excluding wearing of head gear for religious purposes) must be stored in your locker between the hours of 8:00 and 3:05. Any violations may be confiscated and stored in the office for 1 day at first offense, and an additional 5 days for any further violations.

School officials reserve the right to confiscate any inappropriate clothing item, send students home to change, or provide students with an appropriate choice of clothing.

Public Displays of Affection

This type of behavior is inappropriate in the school setting. Students should refrain from displaying physical signs of affection in the school and on school grounds. Displays of affection can be interpreted as sexual harassment.


Cheating in any form (i.e. copying, plagiarizing, providing or receiving answers to exams, quizzes, papers, assignments or projects) will result in the student receiving a grade of zero. Appropriate consequences will be assigned. Parent(s)/guardian(s) will be notified by the teacher.


A student shall not use any form of profanity, written or verbal. Included in this prohibition would be the use of obscene gestures, signs, pictures or publications, including those displayed on clothing.


Fighting is an unacceptable method of solving a problem and the school will not tolerate it. Students involved in fighting may be subject to any or all, but not limited to, the following: parent conference, one to five days of suspension, possible expulsion, and reporting of the incident to the local police department.

Electronic Devices

Personal Electronic Devices are not allowed in classrooms or common areas except for before or after school or during lunch. All electronic devices will be collected at the beginning of each class. The school cannot be held accountable for the security of personal electronic equipment brought to school. Cell phones are not allowed to be on in any classroom area. If a cell phone is seen or heard by school staff, the student will be asked to turn the phone in. If the student refuses, he or she will be sent to the office.

Nuisance Articles

The possession or use of articles that are a nuisance, illegal, or that may cause harm to persons or property is prohibited at school, on the bus, and/or school sponsored activities. Included are, but not limited to, squirt guns, toys, spray bottles, fireworks, spray paint, pagers and phones in class, compact disc/cassette players, lasers, etc. Possessing such nuisance articles in school will result in confiscation of such articles, and possible disciplinary action.

School Property

Destruction or willful damage to school property will result in school consequences and possible referral to law enforcement. Examples of property crimes may include, but are not limited to: arson, theft, false fire alarm, bomb threat, possession and/or detonation of pyrotechnic devices, robbery, and extortion. Willful damage of school property involves the intentional cutting, defacing, or damage of any property, real or personal, belonging to the school district or to any individual within the school setting.

In School Suspension (ISS)

If a student is assigned ISS, the student will turn in all electronic devices and personal items to the front desk and sit in the assigned area. It is the student’s responsibility to stay awake, remain in the assigned area,and complete all assigned work while serving ISS.

Out of School Suspension, Exclusion, or Expulsion

Out of school suspension may be assigned when there is a statutory violation. This means a school, local or state statute is broken by that action. Examples may include but are not limited to:

1.Use or possession of a controlled substance (i.e. tobacco, illegal drugs, alcohol, etc.)

2.Physical aggression, such as harassment, assault, theft, vandalism, etc.

3.Insubordination/disorderly conduct or defying authority. Law enforcement may be notified and charges may be filed.

When suspended out of school, students are not eligible to attend or participate in any school activities or be on any public school grounds.

Exclusionsor expulsions are also disciplinary actions taken by the school board for violation of school policy.

This procedure is in accordance with district policy (#506) and the Minnesota State Statute 121A.40 through 121A.56 (Minnesota Fair Pupil Dismissal Act). The staff of the Marshall Area Technical & Educational Center is committed to making the learning environment a safe and welcoming place for all who work within it. It is our desire to help you be successful. It is your responsibility to take advantage of this opportunity!

Dismissal from a State Approved Alternative Program

One of the reasons a student is accepted into a SAAP is because both the students and the alternative-learning program feel that the program will assist the student in achieving academic success. If the student continues to have disciplinary, attendance issues, and/or fails to make educational progress as outlined in the student’s continual learning plan MATEC will address these issues as follows:

  • A continual learning year program plan will be developed with the participation of the student, parent or guardian, teacher, and staff. This plan will also include information informing the student that a consequence for not making academic progress may be termination from the program.
  • Students with attendance and/or behavior problems will have contracts written to ensure that parents and students understand MATEC’s expectations. If the student is unable to meet the obligations of the contract the student and the student’s parents or guardian will be notified that termination will take place on a specific date and that the resident district is obligated to provide education service to the student. The resident district will receive a copy of the letter and will be notified in advance so that they can make arrangements to readmit the student into one of its programs.

Restorative Measures

Restorative measures will be used to help maintain a positive school environment to repair harm due to such behaviors as profanity, vandalism, insubordination, and other discipline violations.

Code of Conduct

Definition of a Code of Conduct

A Code of Conduct is a set of behavioral expectations, based on organizational or community principles and goals that are designed to guide and positively influence the choices, actions, and practices of persons who are members of that organization or community.