Minutes of Committee meeting
Tuesday 12thJanuary 2016
At The Civic Centre, Welwyn
Chairman:Sean Littlechild (SL)
Vice Chairman:Geoff Taylor (GT)
Sports Officer:Geoff Taylor (GT)
Treasurer:Vanessa Cannon (AH)
Secretary:Teresa Moss
Rally Secretary:Sandie Evans (SE)
Rally Equipment:Gordon Pearcy (GP)
Audio EquipmentColin Brockwell (CB)
Catering Officer:Billy Furlong (BF)
Gordon Pearcy
Proposed and approved by: Sandie Evans and Sean Littlechild
Matters Arising
GT towing is going to put our club on their website.
I wish you all a happy New Year.
South London
I would like to start this evening by mentioning the South London Centre. As most of you will by now know the news of the fire at their New Year Rally, I would like to wish them a speedy recovery, Sandie reported to the committee that it was a gas explosion, the motor home had two people in it and there are the two in a comma. Thankfully the caravan was properly spaced.
Christmas Rally
I would like to say a quick thank you to Teresa, Ray, Colin,Diane, Jenny and Colin for running the Christmas rally
New Year Rally
This was absolutely fantastic. We all had a great time; the murder mystery was a great success. It was the first time that thisCentre had tried something different and it went very well.
We have struggled trying to book places for the meal at the Long and Short in January, it is a very popular Pub and they are inundated with customers. I have been in there this evening to book another 4 seats. This brings us to 24 ralliers. I am sorry but I know that it says in the book that the cut off date is 18th January but unfortunately it is now full.
We have 14 vans booked for the Blue Nose Rally with a limit of 25 vans.
Vice Chairman’s report
Notice board
A new frame for the rally field cost about £50.
The committee has decided to purchase two, one for outside and one of for inside.
I have managed to geton to internet banking but I cannot make any payments by BACS as yet. Iwill make some more enquiries with the bank and report back when I have the information.
End of the year accounts are being processed.
Not much to report this time as the South London New Year Rally has been discussed. I am
still sending out rally books to new members but do feel that in the near future we should
look into sending them by email with a letter inviting them on the rallies.
Christmas Party
Well done for the Christmas Party siting was very good, even without the plan.Excellent job and a fabulous evening with Trip North.
New Year Rally
This was a better venue for making the Rally more friendly, other Centre members commented on the fact that they were made to feel like Herts members.
With regret the rally made a slight loss as I forgot to take the income vat off and I spent some of it. Vanessa does know and we have agreed the figures.
2016 programme
St Albans RugbyClub in June are not taking rallies anymore due to their lease – looking for another site.
AppleacreCaravanPark – has cancelled our Golf Rally for 2016 in May. Looking out for another site. These changes will be advertised on the website and in the newsletter.
Old Warden
This rally is nearly full only one space left.
Easter Rallyhas had a lot of enquiries from other Centres.
New Year 2016-2017
This is proving very popular and it is nearly full with enquiries from other Centres as well. Spoken to South Essex and explained we are full.
I have asked for a quote for the electric pods – awaiting news.
Merley Court
October half term – still awaiting their special booking form, I have enquiries coming in for this rally.
Posters for all big rallies and events are produced and printed up for the noticeboard.
Rally Officers Meeting
It was changed from Saturday to Sunday morning and most rally officers attended taking their pack away with them. Thanks go to the catering staff.
Rally Book 2016
When Vanessa went to bill the advertisers, she noticedI had missed out Homestead Caravan advert from the book. I have spoken to them and they will put an advert into the Newsletter.
Highbridge have this year and last year adverts in
We have received a bill from GT towing for the postage of £330. They have said yes to putting a slim rally book in each new van sold.
Many other Centres are only sending out an emailed copy of their book, maybe this is the way forward for us.
Any Other Business
For 2017 Holiday Rally - we need to decide if it will be early May or June or September.
Suggested sites such as Richmond in Yorkshire, Pickering or as suggested by Geoff, Goonhaven, just outside Whitby. I have been investigatingthis and they have said they will come back to me.
We raised £349 from the auction at the New Year rally for the air ambulance.
Do we put the minutes on the web site? All agreed.
Rallies on the web site have not had full against them recently as other Centre do, but we can now
Have investigated the cost of a new Audio System and the cost comes out at £750. It was agreed to give Colin a cheque for him to purchase it. Our old system will be put on eBay.
Youth section they want to have as their charity – Hounds for Heroes – agreed will be brilliant; will find out how they are going to raise money. We will have to work with them and help.
Sandie will put into the Affairs of the Herts.
When Linda did her last Chairman’s Rally she gave out her shields has anyone done anything about where they are now. Sandie said they are in Linda’s caravan. We need wooden plaques. Can Jenny go into Timpson and sort them out and get a quote, this was agreed. We need 4 wooden shields.
Sent off two news items to the Caravan Club for the magazine, one on the Air Ambulance and the other about the Race Night at the New Year Rally and included photos.
Visitors’ plaques – Seen Bucks plaque I will ask if they can do some for us.
Rally Kit – Ray Daniels has a kit in his garage can it be collected.
Where are the red flags? Perhaps in Linda’s caravan. Can we find them by the Blue Nose Rally?Will look into it as they must be found.
HCR – Colin Brockwell has kindly stepped up to be the Herts Representative with Alan Evans. They have asked if we have any big rallies in 2017 which they need to avoid.
This will be next on Wednesday 20th January.
Meeting closed at 9.45pm