Matching: Choose the best answer for each statement and place the corresponding letter in the space provided. Each answer will be used only one time.


a.  Wagner Act

b.  Hundred days

c.  New deal

d.  Tennessee Valley Authority

e.  National debt

f.  Public works programs

g.  Social Security system

h.  American Liberty League



1.  FDR’s broad program to spur economic recovery and provide relief for American’s was called the ______.

2.  Early in his administration, FDR pushed many program through Congress in the period known as the ______.

3.  In the 1930’s, the government sponsored ______to build public facilities.

4.  The ______provided new jobs, cheap electric power, flood control, and recreation for its region.

5.  The _____ provided federal protection for the activities of labor unions.

6.  Funded through contributions from employers and workers, the ______established several types of social insurance.

7.  A group called the ______spearheaded much of the opposition to the New Deal.

8.  The ______is the total amount of borrowed money that the federal government has yet to repay.

Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer for each question and write the corresponding letter on the answer sheet.

9.  ______Why did FDR declare a “bank holiday” early in his administration?

a.  To cut off the use of cash.

b.  To weaken the banking industry.

c.  To inspect the financial health of the banks.

d.  To give people in the banking industry a well-earned vacation.

10.  ______Which New Deal agency was created to help businesses?

a.  Federal Reserve Board

b.  National Recovery Administration

c.  Civilian Conservation Corps

d.  Home Owners’ Loan Corporation

11.  ______Which best describes FDR’s “brain trust”?

a.  The members of the FDR’s Cabinet

b.  An informal group of intellectuals who helped devise new Deal policies

c.  The heads of the new government agencies

d.  The presidents of the country’s leading universities

12.  ______What was the Second New Deal?

a.  A series of tax laws that primarily benefited the rich.

b.  A program designed to balance the national budget.

c.  A repeal of most New Deal policies

d.  A wave of legislation including more social welfare benefits

13.  ______Which of the following did New Deal programs fail to address?

a.  Protection of domestic workers

b.  Low prices for agriculture products

c.  The decline of industrial prices

d.  Native American’ need for schools, hospitals, and irrigation systems.

14.  ______What criticisms did many Progressives make of the New Deal?

a.  It unfairly taxed successful, hardworking people.

b.  It promoted a regimented, militaristic society.

c.  It did not do enough to redistribute wealth.

d.  Many of its programs smelled of “Bolshevism.”

15.  ______Why are Huey Long and Father Charles E. Coughlin referred to as demagogues?

a.  They manipulated people with half-truths and scare tactics.

b.  They called for state ownership of factories and farms.

c.  They planned, but did not receive credit for, most New Deal programs.

d.  They resorted to bribery in order to pass FDR’s programs.

16.  ______Which of the following aroused the greatest opposition?

a.  The Wagner Act

b.  The Social Security Administration

c.  FDR’s attempt to “pack” the Supreme Court

d.  Government funding of the arts

17.  ______Why did FDR cut back on expensive relief programs in 1937?

a.  He had lost faith in government programs.

b.  He was worried about the rising national debt.

c.  He wanted to put the money into weapons programs instead.

d.  He wanted to lower the Social Security tax.

18.  ______Which of the following was part of the New Deal legacy?

a.  Guaranteed health insurance for all citizens

b.  An end to recessions in the economy

c.  A restored sense of hope among the people

d.  An end to discrimination against African Americans and women

19.  ______In his first few months in office, President Roosevelt

a.  Abolished the banking system and government building projects.

b.  Avoided direct action and sent problems to committees for study.

c.  Pushed Congress to pass legislation to improve the economy.

d.  Concentrated on programs that strengthened big business.

20.  ______The National Industrial Recovery Act aimed to help business by

a.  Removing regulations.

b.  Bolstering industrial prices.

c.  Helping industries to get rid of excess workers.

d.  Giving consumers money to spend.

21.  ______The “black cabinet” was

a.  An unofficial group of African American office-holders.

b.  A loose coalition of opponents to the New Deal.

c.  The nickname given to Roosevelt advisers Harry Hopkins and Harold Ickes.

d.  African American Cabinet members who opposed the New Deal.

22.  ______First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt defied tradition by

a.  Serving as one of her husband’s Cabinet members.

b.  Refusing most public appearances.

c.  Actively and aggressively promoting the New Deal.

d.  Rallying opposition to many of her husband’s programs.

23.  ______The Second New Deal aimed to

a.  Relax controls over business.

b.  Slow down legislative activity.

c.  Lower taxes on the rich.

d.  Do more for ordinary Americans.

24.  ______The recession of 1937 was caused in part by

a.  The sudden collapse of world markets.

b.  Crop failures in the Midwest.

c.  Increased federal borrowing.

d.  Increased consumer spending.

25.  ______In the short run, the Wagner Act led to

a.  A rise in union membership and a wave of strikes.

b.  A decline in union membership.

c.  Rapid unionization of agricultural workers.

d.  An end to the National Labor Relations Board.

26.  ______In the late 1930’s movies

a.  Declined in importance as other art forms received more attention.

b.  Almost always focused on the harsh realities of the Depression.

c.  Often provided a temporary escape for struggling Americans.

d.  Suffered tremendous losses, as very few people could afford to see them.

27.  ______A major effect of the National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act, 1935) was that labor unions

a.  Were soon controlled by large corporations

b.  Experienced increasing difficulty in gaining new members

c.  Obtained the right to bargain collectively

d.  Lost the right to strike

28.  ______During President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s administration, which situation was viewed as a threat to the principle of separation of powers?

a.  Changing the date of the Presidential inauguration

b.  Congressional support of banking legislation

c.  Proposing the expansion of Supreme Court membership

d.  Passage of Social Security legislation.

29.  ______A lasting result of the New Deal in the United States has been the

a.  Reduction of the national debt

b.  Control of stock prices by the federal government

c.  Joint effort of business and labor to strengthen the Presidency

d.  Assumption by the federal government of greater responsibility for the nation’s well-being.

30.  ______President Herbert Hoover’s refusal to provide funds for the unemployed during the Depression was based on his belief that

a.  The unemployment problem was not serious

b.  Workers would not accept government assistance

c.  Labor unions should provide for the unemployed

d.  Federal relief programs would destroy individual initiative

Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer for each statement and write in the appropriate letter in the space provided. Use all CAPITAL LETTERS!!


A.  Hawley-Smoot tariff

B.  Babe Ruth

C.  Speculation

D.  Welfare Capitalism

E.  John Maynard Keynes

F.  Buying on Margin

G.  Franklin Delano Roosevelt

H.  Dorothea Lange

I.  Gross National Product

J.  John J. Raskob



1.  ______Employers’ practice of meeting some of workers’ needs without demands from unions.

2.  ______Practice of making high-risk investments in hopes of high gain.

3.  ______Photographer who showed the realities of the Depression to the nation.

4.  ______Purchasing stock by borrowing part of the price from stockbrokers.

5.  ______“Everybody Ought to Be Rich” author and corporate leader who financed the Empire State Building.

6.  ______Total annual value of goods and services a country produces.

7.  ______Baseball legend who joked that he “had a better year” than the President.

8.  ______1930 import tax, the highest in history.

9.  ______Economist who believed that massive government spending programs could revive a failing economy.

10.  ______President who promised the nation a “new deal”.

Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer for each question below and write the corresponding letter in the space provided. Remember to use all CAPITAL LETTERS!!!

11.  ______Which statement best describe the American economy in the 1920’s?

a.  Wages decreased and the economy appeared weak.

b.  Unemployment was at an all-time high.

c.  Stock prices rose and the economy appeared healthy.

d.  Small businesses dominated American industry.

12.  ______Which group faced hard times during much of the 1920’s?

a.  Urban bankers

b.  Farmers

c.  Small investors

d.  Owners of large corporations.

13.  ______Which of the following was a sign of an unsound economy during the 1920’s?

a.  Personal debt was decreasing.

b.  Wages were keeping pace with production.

c.  More goods were being produced than consumers could buy.

d.  The Dow Jones Industrial Average was steady.

14.  ______How did most investors react to a sudden fall in stock prices in 1929?

a.  They called in their loans.

b.  They pooled money to buy stock.

c.  They raced to sell their stocks.

d.  They pledged their stocks as collateral.

15.  ______Which was one effect of the wage cuts and unemployment of the 1930’s?

a.  The divorce rate nearly tripled.

b.  Banks pardoned thousands of farm mortgages.

c.  Hoovervilles sprang up in the nations cities.

d.  Most industries gave top jobs to married women.

16.  ______During the depression, many African Americans

a.  Took low-paying jobs previously held by white workers.

b.  Experienced worsening conditions and discrimination in job and relief programs.

c.  Returned from northern cities to the South.

d.  Won new civil rights, such as access to education and health care.

17.  ______President Hoover believed that the best strategy for ending the Depression was

a.  Encouraging massive government spending.

b.  Lowering import duties.

c.  Setting up federal relief programs.

d.  Encouraging voluntary controls in the business sector.

18.  ______A fundamental disagreement between the candidates in the 1932 presidential election concerned whether or not

a.  The Depression existed.

b.  The federal government should try to fix people’s problems.

c.  Americans should offer aid to European economies.

d.  Any relief efforts were necessary to ease the economic crisis.

19.  ______A major environmental crisis of the 1930’s was known as

a.  The Dust Bowl

b.  Black Tuesday

c.  The Grapes of Wrath

d.  The Great Crash

20.  ______In 1933 the Twenty-first Amendment brought an end to

a.  Prohibition

b.  The Depression

c.  Stock speculation

d.  The United States Communist Party