Tues 22 May
0830 Sailing Centre open
0900 - 1600 Briefing practice day
Wed 23 May
0830 - 0930 Sailing Centre open - Registration
0945 Race briefing
1030 First race starts
Thur 24 May
0830 - Sailing Centre open
1000 Racing continues
1600 approx Prize giving
The Royal Air Force Sailing Association wishes to acknowledge the help and assistance given by the RNRMSTC Sailing Centre in the organisation of the RAFSA Regatta..
Where boats are racing within the boundaries of the Dockyard Port of Plymouth they shall comply with such regulations as may be in force. In particular, regulations regarding the safe navigation of large vessels shall be strictly observed. Competitors are referred to the Dockyard Port of Plymouth Order 1999 and to Local Notices to Mariners. In the event of any conflict between the requirements of the sailing instructions (SI) and those regulations, the latter shall prevail. When the Race Committee (RC) believes that such regulations have been broken so as to bring the sport into disrepute, it will act under rule 60.2(c) requesting the Protest Committee (PC) to act under rule 69.1(a), Allegation of Gross Misconduct.
1. Rules.
The championships will be governed by the Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS), the prescriptions of the RYA and the Bosun dinghy class rules, except as changed by these sailing instructions.
2.1 Eligibility.
1. All RAFSA members whether serving, retired, Volunteer Reservists or MOD Civil Servants.
2. Any members of the British Army or Royal Navy who are members of their respective Associations.
3. Any member of Foreign or Commonwealth forces serving with or attached to any RAF establishment.
4. RAFSA Veterans.
3. Distinguishing Numbers.
Every boat shall carry on her mainsail a sail number
4. Decision to race and boat safety.
The safety of a boat and her entire management including insurance shall be the sole responsibility of the owner/person in charge who must ensure the boat and crew are adequate to face the conditions that may arise in the course of the race.
5. Personal Buoyancy.
Personal Buoyancy shall be worn by all crew members whilst afloat.
6. Notices to Competitors.
Notices to competitors will be posted on the official notice board located within RNRMSTC.
7. Changes to the Sailing Instructions.
Any changes to these Sailing Instructions will be announced at the race briefing, 0945 Wednesday 23 May and be subsequently displayed on the notice board
8. Signals made from ashore.
Signals made from ashore will be displayed from the flagstaff of the RNRMSTC Sailing Centre.
9. Class Flag.
The class flag for the championships will be flag G.
10. Racing Area and Course.
The racing area and course will be indicated at the race briefing.
11. The Start.
Time Title Signal Sound
5 minutes Warning Class flag up 1 sound
4 minutes Preparatory Flat P, I, or black flag up I sound
1 minute Flag P, I, or black flag down 1 long sound
0 minute Start Class Flag down 1 sound
12. Start Line
The starting line will be between a staff / mast displaying the RNSA Burgee on the race committee boat and the starting mark.
13. Recall
Individual recalls will be in accordance with RRS 29.2. The Race Committee shall be under no obligation to hail the sail numbers of yachts that start prematurely.
14. Finish.
The Finish line will be as the Start line.
15. Time Limit.
The time limit for each race will be 40 minutes. Boats failing to finish within 10 minutes after the first boat will be scored Did Not Finish (DNF). This changes rule RRS 35.
16. Protests
Protests shall be written on forms available at the race office and are to be lodged there within
45 minutes after the time of the last boat’s finish. When two races are sailed consecutively protests from either race are to be submitted within 45 minutes of the last boat finishing the second race. Arbitration is the preferred method for resolving protests
17. Scoring System.
Eight races are scheduled, of which 3 races shall be completed to constitute a series. The Low Point scoring system, rule RRS A4, will apply, modified so that each boat’s score will be the total of her race scores with her worst score discarded if 4 or more races have been
1-4 races sailed No discard
4-8 races sailed One discard
Tie break. If after discard, two or more boats have the same points total the tie will be broken in accordance with:
a. Most best points, exclude discard
b. Best points in last race
18. Trophies.
The following perpetual trophies will be awarded:
Regatta Trophy (Lowest scoring RAF Helm & Crew).
Novice Helm/Crew (RAFSA members who have completed a RYA Level 2 course in the last 18mths).
Top to bottom pairs (Race Officer’s nominated pairs).