Village of Hamilton

Board of Trustees & MUC

Joint Meeting of June 11, 2013

10:00a.m., Village Courthouse


Present: Mayor Margaret Miller; Trustees: Debbie Kliman, Russ Lura, and Sam Cooper; MUC President John Basher; Commissioners Larry Baker; Village Administrator Sean Graham; Village Treasurer MaryAnn Henderson

Public Present: Will Reynolds, Bollam, Sheedy and Torani;

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 10:00am. President Basher called the meeting to order for the MUC at 12:10pm

Approval of Agenda: A motion was made by Trustee Kliman to approve the agenda as presented. The motion was seconded by Trustee Cooper and carried.

Exit Audit-BST: The MUC Board and Board of Trustees introduced themselves to Mr. Will Reynolds. Mr. Reynolds presented the Village of Hamilton Financial Report, May 31, 2012, to those present. The Board discussed developing separate revenue accounts instead of one pooled account for cash. Mr. Reynolds explained the pros and cons of doing this. The Trustees asked what an appropriate amount to have for fund balance. The Board was advised to have at least 4-6 months of reserve on hand. Several options for funding for the gas project were discussed. Changing the Airport to an enterprise fund was discussed. Single audit (federal money) and March 14, 2013, letters were discussed and suggestions made. Mr. Reynolds reported that there was additional work that needed to be done and there are additional costs associated with it. The Board will review the invoice.

Lebanon Street: A motion was made by Trustee Lura to recommend the Board to have the Mayor execute the contract with Jason Fleming for engineering services associated with the Lebanon Street project. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried.

A motion was made by Trustee Lura to recommend to the Village Board to have the Mayor execute the contract with Barrett Paving for services associated with the Lebanon Street project. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried.

Resolution #59-2013

Jason Fleming

Engineering Services Resolution

WHEREAS, the Village of Hamilton Municipal Utilities Commission (MUC) and Board Of Trustees have received sealed bids for the reconstruction of Lebanon Street from West Kendrick Avenue South to the Village Boundary including bid alternate one (1) mill and pave Lebanon Street from West Kendrick Avenue North to the five way intersection and bid alternate two (2) installation of a gas main from West Kendrick Avenue to the corner of College Street; and

WHEREAS, the Village of Hamilton will require Construction Management and Inspection Services during the construction phase of this project; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Village of Hamilton Board of Trustees authorizes the Mayor to execute the Task Order between the Village of Hamilton and Jason Fleming, P.E for Construction Management and Inspection Services as described in the attached Task Order; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the total not to exceed cost for said services, with out prior written approval of the Village of Hamilton Board of Trustees, shall be Sixty One Thousand dollars ($61,000.00).

Motion by: Trustee Lura, Seconded by Trustee Kliman and carried.

Resolution #60-2013

Construction Services

Barrett Paving Inc.

WHEREAS, the Village of Hamilton Municipal Utilities Commission (MUC) and Board Of Trustees (BOT) have received sealed bids for the reconstruction of Lebanon Street from West Kendrick Avenue South to the Village Boundary including bid alternate one (1) mill and pave Lebanon Street from West Kendrick Avenue North to the five way intersection and bid alternate two (2) installation of a gas main from West Kendrick Avenue to the corner of College Street (the “Project”); and

WHEREAS, the Village of Hamilton has received a bid tabulation and recommendation for award from the Design Engineer, Jason Fleming, P.E.; and

WHEREAS, this Board has reviewed the short environmental assessment form prepared for this action dated April 24, 2013, and has otherwise considered the likelihood of any potential adverse environmental impacts that might result from this action.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Project is an Unlisted Action as defined by the implementing regulations of the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act, that there are no other involved agencies in this action, and that the reconstruction of Lebanon Street and the installation of a gas service main there in will not have any significant adverse effects upon the environment, and that a negative declaration be prepared and filed. The basis for this determination is that the action consists primarily of the reconstruction in kind of an existing Village Street, which would qualify as a Type II action under SEQRA. The addition of a subsurface natural gas service distribution main at the time of reconstruction is intended to achieve construction cost savings and eliminate the need for future ground disturbance in the event the Village’s municipal gas utility proceeds with planned construction of a Village natural gas Service distribution system.

AND IT IS HEREBY FURTHER RESOLVED that the Village of Hamilton Board of Trustees awards the bid to Barrett Paving Inc. in the amount of One Million, Five Hundred, Fifty-Nine Thousand, Six Hundred and Forty-Eight Dollars and Eighteen Cents ($1,559,648.18); and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Village of Hamilton Board of Trustees authorizes the Mayor to execute all necessary documentation associated with this project.

Motion by Trustee Cooper, seconded by Trustee Kliman and carried

A motion was made by Trustee Lura that the MUC recommends to the Board to have the Mayor execute the contract with Erie Materials for windows for the Village Office. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried.

A motion was made by Trustee Lura that the MUC recommends to the Board to have the Mayor execute the contract with Wilcox Construction for the installation of windows at the Village Office. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried.

Resolution #61-2013

VOH Window Replacement

Erie Material

WHEREAS, the Village of Hamilton Municipal Utilities Commission (MUC) has received quotes for nine (9) windows located in the Village Office Building; and

WHEREAS, the Village of Hamilton MUC recommends to the Village of Hamilton Board of Trustees that they purchase the windows from Erie Material; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Village of Hamilton Board of Trustees authorizes the Village Clerk to issue a Purchase Order to Erie Material; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the total not to exceed cost for said windows, without prior written approval of the Village of Hamilton Board of Trustees, shall be Eight Thousand Five Hundred Ninety Five Dollars and Eighty Eight cents ($8,595.88).

Motion by Trustee Cooper, seconded by Trustee Kliman and carried.

Resolution #62-2013

Wilcox Construction

Window Replacement Installation

WHEREAS, the Village of Hamilton Municipal Utilities Commission (MUC) has received quotes for the installation of nine (9) windows located in the Village Office Building; and

WHEREAS, the Village of Hamilton MUC recommends to the Village of Hamilton Board of Trustees that they award the project to Wilcox Construction; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Village of Hamilton Board of Trustees authorizes the Mayor to execute the attached Agreement between the Village of Hamilton and Wilcox Construction; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the total not to exceed cost for said services, without prior written approval of the Village of Hamilton Board of Trustees, shall be Three Hundred Twenty Five Dollars ($325.00) per window installed and trimmed out.

Motion by Trustee Cooper, seconded by Trustee Kliman and carried.

Library MOU: A motion was made by Trustee Lura to approve the MOU as presented. The motion was seconded by Trustee Kliman and carried.

Courthouse Blinds

Resolution #63-2013

WHEREAS, the Village Board of Trustees has decided to make improvement to the Village Courthouse by replacing existing curtains with blinds,

WHEREAS, there is sufficient funds in the court budget for materials and supplies to cover the cost, which will not exceed $275.00 to purchase said blinds,

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that after due consideration of the request to purchase window blinds for the seven windows in the main courtroom, does hereby authorize purchase of said blinds.

Motion by Trustee Cooper, seconded by Trustee Kliman.

Block Party Road Closure: A motion was made by Trustee Cooper to close Payne Street for the Colgate Inn Block Party. The motion was seconded by Trustee Kliman and carried.

Music Associates of Central New York (Symphoria)
RESOLUTION # 64-2013

WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Village of Hamilton has successfully hosted the annual Symphony on the Green for the last several years, and

WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Village of Hamilton has solicited and received a contract from Music Associates of Central New York (Symphoria) to perform said concert on Thursday, July 11th, 2013, and

WHEREAS, the Music Associates of Central New York (Symphoria) agrees to perform at said event for a fee of fifteen thousand, five hundred dollars ($15,500.00), now

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of the Village of Hamilton authorizes the Mayor to execute the attached agreement between the Village of Hamilton and Music Associates of Central New York (Symphoria) for services as stated in Contract dated May 24th, 2013 between Music Associates of Central New York (Symphoria)and the Village of Hamilton, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that payment to Music Associates of Central New York (Symphoria) is made immediately after the conclusion of the performance.

Motion by Trustee Kliman, Seconded by Trustee Cooper and carried.

A motion was made by Trustee Cooper to enter into an executive session at 12:20pm. The motion was seconded by Trustee Kliman and carried. A motion was made to exit the executive session by Trustee Cooper at 12:40pm. The motion was seconded by Trustee Lura and carried.

Sergeant’s Resolution: Tabled


There being no further business to come before the Board, Trustee Cooper made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Trustee Kliman and carried. The meeting adjourned at 12:45pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kim Taranto