Minutes of the meeting of Starcross Parish Council held in
Starcross Pavilion, Starcross on Monday 8 February 2016at 7.45pm

Present:Cllrs Cadbury (Chairman),Burrows, Chadwick,Debenham, Gardner, Greenhough, Hopper, Lovell,Rastall and Stanley

Also present:District/County Cllr Connett, PC Rob Harvey,Suzanna Hughes (Clerk) and one member of the public

080216.01 Apologies for absence

  • Cllr E Chase

080216.02Ratification of Minutes

Members present received the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 11 January2016.

It was agreed unanimously by those members present and voting that these minutes be signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record of that meeting.

080216.03Matters Arising

Councillors were invited to raise matters arising which are not covered under agenda items listed below, or lead Councillors’ reports.

No matters were raised.

080216.04Declarations of Interest and Requests for Dispensation

Members were reminded of their responsibility to continually update their Notice of Registerable Interests and invited to state whether they have any interest in the items to be discussed during this meeting in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct. Unforeseen requests for a Dispensation to be considered at this point only if there was no way a member would have been aware of such before the meeting.

There were no declarations of interests or requests for dispensation.

080216.05Open Forum (Part 1)

There were no items raised.

080216.06Crime Report

PC Rob Harvey reported as follows:

Reported crimes from 12/01/16 – 08/02/16

Starcross (6 crimes)

  • Arson – fire set on floor of the thatched shelter. No suspects or witnesses.
  • Sexual Offences Act – failed to comply with registration conditions. Offender arrested.
  • Criminal damage – damage caused to toilet of local pub. Offender arrested.
  • Theft– overnight theft of 4 hanging baskets containing winter flowers. No suspects or witnesses.
  • Malicious communications – indecent/offensive posts on Facebook. Enquiries ongoing.
  • Common assault (domestic) – offender arrested and interviewed, but released NFA

Cockwood (0 crimes)

Cofton (0 crimes)

080216.07Finance and Governance

7.1Financial Reports

Members received financial reports for February (attached).

It was unanimously agreed by all members present and voting that the payments as listed be approved and cheques signed.

7.2Finance Committee Report

There were no items.


8.1 New Planning Applications/Appeals:

8.1.115/03503/FUL - Staplake Mount, Starcross

Provision of new standby generator and fuel tank enclosed with a timber fence

Members had no objections to this application.

8.1.216/00002/FAST - Rosebank, Staplake Lane, Starcross

Appeal against refusal of Planning Permission No. 15/02377/FUL – First floor balcony to rear

Members noted the appeal but were advised that no further comments could be submitted.


8.2.115/03209/FUL - Staplake Mount, Starcross

Replacement of air handling unit including associated ducts, new heap filter and access stair to roof

Members noted that TDC has granted conditional planning permission.

8.3Members received notice from TDC of its intention to cease providing paper copies of planning applications to towns and parishes with effect from 3 May 2016.

Cllr Connett informed members that this matter had been discussed at TDC’s Overview Scrutiny Committee where it had been proposed todelay implementation of this intention for 12 months as parishes had been given insufficient notice to make arrangements to purchase equipment etc in order to view applications electronically. Members agreed that they had no particular objections to the proposals but empathised with other parishes who have concerns and agreed to write to TDC to support those parishes wishing to delay its implementation.

8.4Members received a response from TDC to this Council’s concerns about the decision to refuse the development of Brickyard Lane for housing.

In summary, the officer advised that the main reasons for refusal were loss of an employment site and potential flooding. He also advised that TDC does not have an adopted policy or advice that guides officers when considering the sequential test and therefore TDC has to consider applications on a settlement or case-by-case basis. In summary, there was little support for the Parish Council’s desire to develop Brickyard Lane for housing.

With regard to the Old Bakery, the officer advised that there has been no breach of planning conditions because the development has not technically commenced because the kerb has not been dropped. It is understood that DCC has agreed an access barrier and TDC is awaiting details to be submitted to satisfy the relevant condition.

Cllr Burrows observed that it would be interesting to see the outcome of the planning application recently submitted by Starcross Garage for housing as this is also an employment and flood site.

It was agreed to wait for a decision to be made about Starcross Garage before responding to TDC about the reasons for refusing any development in Brickyard Lane.

8.5Planning and Development Committee Report:

No report.


9.1Cllr Hopper informed members that he had made representation on behalf of a parishioner to DCC regarding the speed humps in New Road, in particular the section parallel with Swan Road, which is not slowing the traffic down as intended. Buses, in particular are not reducing their speed and can straddle the single hump ignoring it altogether. Ideally, there should be full width humps all the way along New Road as where these currently exist, traffic slows down considerably. DCC advised that after the road was resurfaced the matter was discussed with the contractor. However, to replace the original rubber humps with full width round top humps the specification would have to have been listed in the original traffic order which lists the type and location of each feature. If there had been funding for a new traffic order, which there wasn’t, there was also the danger that the public could have objected to it resulting in no traffic calming measures at all. Members considered that this matter should be pursued further. However, in the meantime, Cllr Connett offered to obtain a copy of the original traffic order and it was agreed that the clerk would write to the bus companies asking them to reduce their speed in New Road.

9.2Members received a proposal to purchase and install a notice in the General’s Lane car park prohibiting overnight parking of boats, trailers and caravans.

It was agreed to purchase a white aluminium composite panel, 915mm x 610mm x 3mm, with vinyl graphics. It was agreed that Cllr Debenham would write to the owner of the fence asking their permission to fix the sign on it.

The proposed wording was also agreed.

9.3Members considered whether there is a desire to arrange a parish event to celebrate HM The Queen’s 90th Birthday It was noted that events were already taking place in the community and therefore no further event was necessary.

9.4Community Committee Report:

Cllr Stanley reported that improvements to thepath through Millennium Gardens had been completed.


10.1Members received a request from the Church to use the Pavilion/playing field car park on Thursday 10 March to provide parking for an evening event. This was agreed though it was noted that their use would not be exclusive as the youth club would be operating that evening.

10.2 Members considered and accepted a quotation of £136.50 + VAT for the annual ROSPA inspection of the play equipment in the playing field and sportsfield.

Cllr Rastall advised that the bearings need to be replaced on an item of play equipment. She has contacted the play equipment provider who has quoted £47.50 + VAT for new bearings. These would also have to be fitted.

10.3Recreation CommitteeReport:

Cllr Hopper advised that McAvoy are requiring payment of their retention. It was agreed that this should be paid in March providing all outstanding issues, such as the soil banks and alarm sensors, have been completed.

Cllr Hopper suggested that small mounds are created on either side of the pathway to the Pavilion to help prevent people walking on the grass. This was agreed.

080216.11Youth Club

11.1Youth Club Committee Report:

Cllr Chadwick advised that there was little to report. Membership has picked up a little bit though weather continues to be a deterrent.

A discussion ensued about the purchase of a table tennis table and how this might be funded.

080216.12Non-Committee Items

12.1Membersreceived a report from the Chairman advising that the West Exe Cluster is to be wound up and that the balance of funds to be distributed equally between the five participating councils. Each Council will therefore receive a sum of £789.37.

12.2The Chairman advised that he had been communicating with a parishioner about the Pavilion lights which he claimed are impacting on his property. He informed members that an electrician had been looking at the lights and they can now be reliably operated by a timer. It was felt that there was little else that can be done.


The Clerk advised that she had received one response to the advertisement in the Parish Magazine regarding free IT training. As the minimum number of six had not been achieved, it was noted that the parish would be unable to take advantage of the training opportunity.

080216.14Open Forum (part 2)

There were no items raised.

080216.15Items for future meetings

The Chairman informed Committee Chairmen that he intended to arrange a Chairmen’s meeting during w/c 22 February and asked for items to be submitted for the agenda. Chairmen were also reminded to look at their Committee’s Terms of Reference to see if they are still relevant or whether amendments are required.

The Chairman reminded members that it was his intention to stand down as Chairman at May’s Annual Meeting of the Council. It was also Cllr Burrows’ intention to stand down as Vice Chairman. Members interested in taking up these positions should advise the Clerk.

080216.16Date of next meeting

The next meeting of the Parish Council is to be held on Monday 14 March2016 commencing at 7.45pm in The Starcross Pavilion, Generals Lane, Starcross.

The meeting closed at 9.01pm.


Andrew Cadbury

Chairman of the Parish Council DATE: 14 March 2016

Note: In cases where a document or paper is referred to on the Agenda or the Minutes, this document will be available EITHER on the Parish Council website or on request from:- The Clerk to the Council, 16 Westwood Cleave, Ogwell, Newton AbbotTQ12 6YE. 01626 330311