.07th GradeScience Syllabus ---Mrs. Mallory

The seventh grade course of study is Life Science. Below is a chart listing out each unit along with an approximate time frame of when each unit will be studied:

Unit / Time Frame
Characterizing and Classifying Life / August-September
Cells / September-October
Organization of Life / November-December
Genetics / January-February
Interdependence of Life / February-March
Change Over Time / March-May
STEM / May

Grading Weights:

  • Classwork: 40%: Includes assignments started and (usually) completed during class. There may be times you will have to finish a classwork assignment at home as time did not allow you to finish during the class period.
  • Homework: 15%: Most HW assignments will be vocabulary or on-going project based. Expect HW nightly.
  • Assessments: 30%: This category includes all quizzes, tests and Common District Assessments. At least a two day notice will be given before each quiz, and I give at least a 5 day notice before tests/CDAs are given. All tests/CDAs will be supported by an assigned review sheet and at least one day of in-class review.
  • Project: 10%: A project will be assigned each nine weeks. It will relate to the current unit of study. While some class time will be allotted for project work time, students may have to work on some parts at home as well.
  • Participation:5%: Do you show up to class prepared? Do you share you knowledge with the class? Do you do your share during labs/activities? Then you will have no problems with this category. :) Warm-ups will be included in this category.
  • Parents may view their child’s grade at any time after signing up for Parent Portal! Sign up info can be found by clicking the PARENTS icon on the DCSS webpage
  • I subscribe to the Remind texting service. Text @msmallo to: 81010to sign up. I send out reminders before assessments and major due dates
  • Late work will be accepted at a reduce in grade (70%) until a teacher-assigned deadline at the end of each 9 weeks

Lab Fee

This year we will be charging a $5 lab fee for each student. NO student will be penalized for not paying the fee. This is to help with costs of materials for labs done throughout the school year to make them possible.


Each student will need a composition book they bring to class every day. There will be a section in the classroom for students to store their notebook if they wish. All notes and most activities will be taped/glued into the composition book. Students are also expected to keep a warm-up folder (3 pronged) to complete their warm-ups in each day.

Absences: Please see me the DAY you return to school to get your make up work and to get a due date. In general, you will have one day per day out (ex: out two days = two days to make up work) to turn in work assigned during your absence. It is YOUR responsibility to get your make up work from me.

Website: I keep a very up to date website that can be accessed via the FMS site. I post all PPTs, most handouts and weblinks for each grade level. This is a great resource for test review, make-up work after being absent, or replacing missing handouts/notes

Contacting Mrs. Mallory:

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me as soon as you feel there is an issue. It’s much easier to correct a problem in its early stages. I can be reached by phone: 770.651.5300, or by email: .

It’s going to be a great year of Science!

Mrs. Mallory

Please review the syllabus, then sign and return by Friday, August 11th. This sheet will be returned within 2 school days for your records.


student signatureparent signature

*Please complete the attached notecard with your contact information for my records.*