Council Meeting
February 18, 2007
In Attendance:
Jessica Ewing, Alec Ewing, Rose Underhill, Ian Lemon, John Stenning-Johnson, Mike Dowd, Margaret Stenning-Johnson
Announcement re: Port of Crickstow and CFB Esquimalt Medieval Club
Seneschal’s Report
Why 2 clubs, Medieval club cannot belong to SCA because of the how Military does business. So clubs must be run separately. Crickstow has no assets other then cash. All material assets belong to the Base Club.
Exchequer’s Report
We have acquired the money from James that belongs to Crickstow, we have $240.00. I will be setting up new account to handle it at a convenient location downtown. Looking for a charge free account, and cheques.
James will get his things out of the club room and turn the key over to John.
Herald’s Report
Did some quiet questions. Herald is pursuivant no titles lower than Barony. Will have membership within a week or two.
A&S Report
Would like to make a new banner. We will make a new banner we need to have it done by Daffodil. We can have our first stitch session. Once we get up and running. We should look into scheduling regular meetings.
New Business
Our first official event will be Crickstow Games Tournament Night for May 12 which we could hold as a pot luck. We will look into available sites. Everyone is to let John know what games they have available for the tournament.
Ithra - 1 small "Newcomer’s ithra" in Jun/Jul and perhaps holding a pot luck to follow.
We would like to hold a Grand Ithra in November. Ithra will be offered to St. Giles’s first as they have held it for many years. However, if they do not request one with in a limited period of time, Crickstow could have it. We could hold a feast in the evening which could be the Tier 1 event. Anthony will be Registrar, Theocharista will autocrat, Ian and Jessica will cook. We will look at the weekend October 20/21st weekend.
Official request has been made to Chancellor
A discussion was held about supporting someone in our community -adopt a soldier in Afganistan? Christmas Hamper? After a little discussion, we decided we will adopt a soldier. Jess is OPI for this.
We would like to have a presentation before their Highness to bring Crickstow back. We would like to get a letter of Marque from the King to be his Privateers. Anthony will look into this.
Jessica move the meeting be adjourned. Seconded by Ian