ClevelandStateCommunity College

MATH1510Introductory Statistics

3 credit hours





Office Hours:

Online Text: MyMathLab Fundamentals of Statistics, 2nd Edition, Sullivan, Prentice Hall.Students must purchase a student access code for MyMathLab. Students must get a course id number from their instructor to register at MyMathLab. Registration instructions for MyMathLab are included on the course CD. Help registering online is available in the CSCC Math Lab in A207 or in the Athens Math Lab.

Supplements:Instructional CD – Students will receive a free instructional CD from their instructor.

Optional Textbook - Fundamentals of Statistics, 2nd Edition, Sullivan, Prentice Hall.

Calculator: A graphing calculator is required for this course. A TI83+ is recommended. If you use a calculator other than the recommended one, you will need to spend time outside of class becoming familiar with it. Instructions for using the TI83+ are contained on the instructional CD.

CSCC Math Lab: The CSCC math lab is located in A207 at the Cleveland campus. The Athens math lab is located at the Athens sit. The labs are staffed with faculty members and tutors to help students with questions on the homework and administer quizzes and tests. Students are required to perform 2 hours of online work each week; however, at least 1 hour must be in the math lab. We highly recommend that students spend 2 hours or more in the math lab each week. Students are expected to spend as much time as needed in order to complete one module’s homework and quiz each week. Also, students are expected to complete a study sheet for each module by watching the instructional video for that module. Study sheets are on the course CD to print out and complete. Prior to receiving help with online homework, students will be asked to show a completed study sheet for that module. Students are expected to bring their course folder and completed study sheets to class and the math lab. Students are expected to follow the math lab rules. Students are expected to turn cell phones and pagers off in the math lab. Students with cell phones going off in the math lab will be asked to leave and not be given credit for time spent. Students must provide identification when testing. Students need to bring their student identification card to the lab in order to scan in and receive credit for the time spent working in the lab. Finally, students are in the lab to work on math. Surfing the web, chat rooms, and email are not allowed. There are computers available in the library for students wishing to do those things. Students should be in the math lab to work on math. Faculty and tutors are there to help them with their math.

Course Overview:

Module 1

Section 1.1Introduction to the Practice of Statistics

Section 1.2Observational Studies, Experiments

Section 1.3Other Sampling Methods

Section 1.4Sources of Error in Sampling

Module 2

Section 2.1Organizing qualitative data, bar graphs

Section 2.2Organizing quantitative data

Section 2.3Graphical Misrepresentations of data

Module 3

Section 3.1Measures of Central Tendency

Section 3.2Measures of Dispersion

Section 3.3Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion from grouped data

Section 3.4 Measures of Position

Section 3.5Five-number summary, Boxplots

Module 4

Section 4.1Scatter Diagrams and Correlation

Section 4.2Least-Squares Regression

Section 4.3Coefficient of Determination

Module 5

Section 5.1Probability Rules

Section 5.2The Addition Rule and Complements

Section 5.3Independence and the Multiplication Rule

Section 5.4Conditional Probability and the General Multiplication Rule

Section 5.5Counting Techniques

Midterm Exam: Modules 1 - 5

Module 6

Section 6.1Discrete Random Variables

Section 6.2The Binomial Probability Distribution

Module 7

Section 7.1Properties of the Normal Distribution

Section 7.2The Standard Normal Distribution

Section 7.3Applications of the Normal Distribution

Module 8

Section 8.1Distribution of the Sample Mean

Section 8.2Distribution of the Sample Proportion

Module 9

Section 9.1Confidence Intervals about the Population Mean ( known)

Section 9.2Confidence Intervals about the Population Mean ( unknown)

Section 9.3Confidence Intervals about a population proportion

Section 9.4Identify which method to use

Module 10

Section 10.1The Language of Hypothesis Testing

Section 10.2Hypothesis Test for a Population Mean ( known)

Section 10.3Hypothesis Test for a Population Mean in Practice

Section 10.4Hypothesis Tests for a population Proportion

Section 10.5Identify which method to use

Final Exam: Modules 6 - 10

Learning Outcomes: The student will be able to:

1.Understand the process of statistics, distinguish between an observational study and an experiment, understand and apply sampling techniques.

2. Organize qualitative and quantitative data, construct various types of charts and graphs including bar graphs, time-series graphs, stem-and-leaf plots.

3. Describe data numerically including measures of centrality, measures of variability and measures of position, compute the five-number summary and construct box plots.

4. Draw and interpret scatter diagrams, find and interpret the least-squares regression line, compute and interpret the linear correlation coefficient.

5. Learn and apply fundamental concepts in probability and use permutations and combinations.

6. Develop discrete probability distribution, including the binomial.

7. Find areas under a normal curve, standard normal curve, and apply knowledge to real world problems.

8. Understand and describe the sampling distribution of the sample mean and sample proportion, compute probabilities of a sample proportion.

9. Estimate the population mean and by constructing confidence intervals using large and small samples, construct a confidence interval for the population proportion.

10. Apply techniques of hypothesis testing for a population mean and a population proportion.


Learning outcomes will be assessed through the following methods. Students will be required to complete online homework sets for each module. There will be 10 module quizzes, a mid-term and final exam.

Evaluation and Grading Procedures:

Module Homework: The student is required to complete the online homework over each module. The student’s score for the online homework will count as 30% of the course grade. Students may complete the homework multiple times and only their best score counts. The student must complete each homework section with a score of at least 70% in order to receive a grade of C or better.

Module Quiz: The student is required to take an online ten- question quiz over each module.

The student’s score for the online quizzes will count as 50% of the course grade. Students may take the quiz multiple times and only their best score counts. The student must pass each module quiz with a score of at least 70% in order to receive a grade of C or better.

Midterm and Final Exam: Students are required to take a midterm exam and a final exam, which will each count as 5% of the course grade. Students may take these exams multiple times and only their best score counts. The student must pass the midterm and final exam with a score of at least 70% in order to receive a grade of C or better.

Attendance Grade: Students are required to attend class one hour each week. In addition to class, students are required to complete two hours of online work each week, and at least one of these hours must be in the CSCC math lab which is located in A207. 10 points is available each week for class attendance. Each week the student can receive 2 points for class attendance, 2 points for attending the lab and doing two hours of online work, 2 points for completing the module study sheet, 2 points for completing the module homework, and 2 points for taking the module quiz. Students that do not attend class each week and do not complete two hours of online work each week will not pass the course, regardless of their quiz and homework scores. Students who have successfully completed the course material with a 70% attendance grade are no longer required to attend class. Finally, class and lab attendance by students means the student is present and working on course material for the entire time period. Students who leave early will be counted absent. Students who interrupt class or lab time with cell phones and pagers will be asked to leave and counted absent. Students with several absences risk failing the course if their attendance grade falls below 70%. All absences are unexcused and students do not receive points for classes missed regardless of the reason for the absence. Students missing class for any reason must contact the instructor regarding the other components of their attendance grade. The attendance grade will count as 10% of the course grade. The student must have an attendance grade of at least 70% in order to receive a grade of C or better.

Course Grade: There are 1000 points available in the course.

Attendance Grade100 points10%70% required for C or better

Module Homework (10)300 points30%70% each for C or better

Module Quizzes (10) 500 points50%70% each for C or better

Midterm Exam 50 points 5%70% required for C or better

Final Exam 50 points 5%70% required for C or better

Total 1000 points700 required for C or better

Grading Scale900 – 1000 points A (70+ each item required)

800 – 899 pointsB (70+ each item required)

700 – 799 pointsC (70+ each item required)

600 – 699 pointsD (60+ each item required)

Below 600F (below 60 on any item)

Important: Students must have passing scores of 70% or above on each module quiz, each exam, each homework set, and their attendance grade in order to receive a grade of C or higher. If a student has below 70 on any item, they will receive a grade of D or F for the course. Students must have scores of 60% or higher on each item in order to receive a grade of D. If a student has below 60 on any item, they will receive an F for the course. No exceptions will be made to these rules. Students not attending class will not pass the class. Incompletes will not be given to students that don’t complete the course. Students not attending or completing the course will fail.

Testing: Students must take the online module quizzes and the exams in the CSCC math lab.

Students will be required to show identification when testing in the CSCC math lab. Students may also take module quizzes and the exams during their weekly class meetings. Students are expected to complete the homework over one module and take a module quiz each week. Students may use their calculator when testing, but are not allowed to use notes or other course materials. Students caught cheating on a quiz may fail that quiz and may fail the course as well.

Finals Week: Students are not allowed to test on more than two modules and the final exam during finals week. Students are restricted to testing on modules 9, 10, and the final exam during finals week. Also, students must be finished with the course at the time the Math Lab closes on the last day of the semester. Students must successfully complete all components of the course in order to pass. Students that do not successfully complete all components of the course will fail the course.

Grades Transferring In: Students with previous work in the course may transfer in homework and quiz scores of 70 and above. Students will have to complete any modules in which they do not have homework scores or quiz scores above 70. Students who previously failed the course may not transfer in any score on the final exam. Any student with previous work in the course needs to notify the instructor immediately. The instructor will look up the student scores, transfer in the appropriate passing scores, and make a list of the modules, quizzes, and exams that the students must complete. Transferring in previous work does not eliminate the requirement to have an attendance grade of at least 70% to pass the course. Students transferring in previous work may still fail the course if they do not attend class regularly and make progress in the course each week. Students may elect to work on modules previously passed if they feel that it will help them in the course. Students need to always consult with their instructor in order to discuss which modules they need to pass in order to finish the course.

Attendance Policy:

Each student is expected to assume a responsible attitude toward class meetings. Each student is expected to attend all class meetings. Students not attending class will lose points off of their attendance grade and will not receive a grade of C or higher if their attendance grade is below 70%. Students with an attendance grade of below 60% will fail the course. Students with cell phones and pagers are expected to turn them off. If the student must have their pager or cell phone on, they need to consult with the instructor and turn the device to silent mode. Students that have cell phones or pagers go off during class will be asked to leave and counted absent. Students are expected to be in class and working during the entire class period in order to counted as present and receive their points for the attendance grade.

Disability Statement:

If, because of a documented disability, you require assistance or reasonable accommodations to complete assigned course work (such as modifications in testing, readers, special equipment, etc.) you must register with Disability Support Services and notify your instructor within the first two weeks of the semester. Disability Support is located in the Office of Student Development & Testing (U118, 423-478-6217 or 423-472-7141).

Academic Integrity:

Cleveland State Students are required, as a condition of good standing and continued enrollment, to conduct themselves properly in class. Such proper behavior includes academic honesty, civility and respect for others and private property. Please refer to the Student Handbook portion of the catalog for further information. Students will be required to show identification before testing in the math lab. Students caught cheating on a quiz may fail that quiz and may also fail the course.

Withdrawal Information:

The last day to drop this course without completely withdrawing from the college is in the college catalog.