Adriana Flores
Ms. Laster-Smith
World History Honors
03.02: Big Picture Africa- Honors Assessment
In 1000 BCE many people wished to escape from Egyptian Rule. Adapted to life in southern Egypt these people knew how to use all the resources provided by the Nile. These people made up the city-state that came to be known as Meroe. Politically, Meroe was a fairly powerful city-state until the neighboring cities began to grow and obtain more power. In the end Aksum caused the downfall of the city-state. Economically, they depended heavily on things such as farming and iron mining. Unlike other city-states they traded only for necessities. During bargaining and trading was when they mainly communicated with one another. This is how they began creating relationships. In order to receive a good bargain they had to have social skills. They must be polite, reasonable and very persuasive. This was the main social aspect of Meroe. They worshipped animals, as well as many southern and Egyptian deities. The historical importance was that it’s downfall allowed for the rise of Aksum. One notable monument is the temple 100’. It helps testify the wealth and power once presented by the city-state.
Funj originated when their people traveled to Alwah to take over it. Alwah’s objective in that area was to spread Islam, but failed. The Funj defeated the Arabs and established an African sultanate. A religious aspect is that the Funj had learned some Islam, but kept their animal worshipping on. Although Funj’s kingdom was very unstable, Egypt had conquered it two centuries later as an economic aspect. Funj could not control their power, and the economy was unstable and uncontrolled; people did what they want. Thus economically, they failed. A social aspect is that the Funj people had worked together to defeat the Arabs. The Funj Palace is a historical landmark from the Funj city-state. It is very worn down and broken and only remnants of the base remain. It provided shelter for people and was made by men. The historical impact of Funj was that Egypt had conquered it two centuries later, giving itmore power and dominance.
Great Zimbabwe was a city-state created during the Bantu migration in Central and South Africa. The economic aspect is that they prospered by trading goods such as gold, copper and iron to cities along the Indian coast. Wealth gave the Great Zimbabwe lots of power between the 11th and 15th centuries CE. A political aspect is that they had a lot of power in their region. They also did farming and cattle herding. They had unique stone architecture and pottery that made them different from the other city-states, a social aspect. The religious aspect is that the worshipped the supreme god of the Shona religion, Mwari. The Hill Complex, the Valley Complex, and the Great Enclosure are a special unique structure made by the Great Zimbabwe people. It resembles a round-edge square on the ground made by stone walls. It is surrounded by lush vegetation and has routes to a village. The historical impact is that it helped the other city-states around it to grow prosperous as well.
Kongo originated when 2000 BCE onward, the Bantu migrations spread all over central and southern Africa. It was in the south of the rainforest where Kongo developed. The social aspect is that he people adapted to the cultures and ideas of its local inhabitants. The rich trading of gold and copper and raffia cloth developed the kingdom of Kongo, an economic aspect. A political aspect is that around 1390 CE, they had their first political king to rule the kingdom. When the Portuguese came to Kongo in 1480 CE, the habitants quickly forged ties with them and even adapted Christianity. A religious aspect is that they adapted to Christianity when the Portuguese came. The Kisantu Catholic Cathedral was part of the kingdom of Kongo. They would go there to worship for Christianity, as brought by the Portuguese. The historical importance of Kongo was that they has made contact with the Portuguese; therefore, impacting the European’s view of other places. Also, they help other city states with their prosperous economy.