02 MAR17 NCRR General Meeting Minutes
Business meeting convened by President Brian Hirschlerat 7:02PM. Board members present were President Brian Hirschler, V-P Bruce Garris, Sec. Allan Barker, Treasurer Cathy Hogan, Bob Ryan and Dwight Hughes.
- President Hirschler announced that Clay Floyd’s father, Ernest Floyd member #252, recently dies. A moment of silence was held for Mr. Floyd.
- A motion was made and seconded to not read February’ general business meeting minutes.
- Ed Keller presented Gage McLeod a silver award for a recent Junior Olympic archery competition.
- Ed Keller swore in the newly elected Board of Director members: President Brian Hirschler, V-P Bruce Garris, Secretary Allan Barker, Treasurer (and 2nd V-P) Cathy Hogan, Dwight Hughes and Bob Ryan. BOD member Jeff Koke was not present.
- President Hirschler asked (4) first time visitors to introduce themselves: Tim Scarry, Gene Bricker, Chris Morales and Joe Brockett.
- When asked if anyone had any news of members, Ricky Livers said that new member John Lockwood has some heart issues.
- Sec. Barker read February’s BOD minutes and reported on the same month’s Dixie Wheel Gun event. Dixie had 23 shooters on the 15th and netted $120. Dixie Wheel Gun is the 3rd Wednesday of each month.
- V-P Garris introduced Norman Wolfe as the sole 1st reader.
- President Hirschler commented on the recent CPR class. Two people are interested in a future class; however, five are required to form a class.
- President Hirschler reminded us that the Women On Target event is scheduled for May 6th. Volunteers are asked to contact Theresa Owen or Laura Darsch.
- Bob Ryan stated that he needs between five and ten interested members to hold a late-March or early-April rifle clinic.
- President Hirschlermentioned that NCRR club members get a 35% discount off Bruce Lawlor’s new book titled “When Deadly Force Is Involved.”
- Treasurer’s Report: Cathy Hogan read her February 2017 report – the club netted $11,147. Paper copies of her report are available for review.
- Trustees’ Report: None.
- V-P Garris stated that Rob Moser is currently making and distributing new membership badges. Bruce also mentioned that tire tracks were seen directly over the septic tank distribution box. He suggested that concrete pillars, or some other permanent visible obstruction, would deter vehicles from crossing over the septic tank.
- Gubernatorial candidate Corey Stewart and his wife Rhea were introduce by V-P Garris. Mr. Stewart ran the Trump presidential campaign in VA. He also supports the deportation of illegal criminal aliens. He says he will expand VA 2nd Amendment rights and work on concealed carry reciprocity throughout the nation. He reminded us not to expect that our 2nd Amendment rights are completely secure.
- Executive Report: Ryan Hess has scheduled a Saturday work party to set-up the outdoor cameras and erect a new trap fence.
- Archery: Neil Arter reminded us of the “Vegas 3-Spot” matches on the 9th, 16th and the 23rd of March. NCRR will hold an archery camp from June 26th through the 30th – 8 to 20 year olds are invited to attend – payment in advance is required to Ed Keller. Ed reminded us to review the club calendar for summer-long JOAD events.
- Donny Tabor has scheduled a Freedom Hunters trap and tac-shotgun event for June 24th. There will be a drawing for an AR rifle and a S&W M&P Shield pistol.
- CRSO: Dan Kniseley urged interested members to schedule a session with Ryan Hess or Bob Ryan to qualify to shoot frangible rifle ammunition on the indoor range. Qualified members will be given a “frangible” card that they MUST wear when shooting. Dan will schedule another NCRR RSO class in the fall.
- Gun Shows: Leonard Jones has volunteers to work the March 18th and 19th show in Hampton, but needs one other volunteer for the April 1st and 2nd Virginia Beach show.This is a chance for less-than-able bodied members to secure a work party credit.
- IDPA Report: Co-Chairman Jim VandenAkker said IDPA and tac-shotgun netted $1945 in February. The VIR is scheduled for Mar. 31st through April 2nd for classified shooters. A BUG/CCP match is scheduled for October 20th and the 21st.
- Juniors: Lynn Wheeless said the recent NRA sectional match had 33 entrants.
- Ladies League: Theresa Owensreported that (13) shooters netted $95 at February’s event. Ladies League events are on the last Saturday of each month. She needs volunteers for the W.O.T. event in May.
- Bullseye: Ken McKenna reported that (55) shooters competed at last weekend’s .22 sectional match.
- High-Power Rifle: Bob Ryan reported that there was a match and a 2-3 hour clinic last weekend. He would like to schedule an indoor clinic in late-March or early-April. The March 25thAcademi match will be at 200, 300 and 600 yards.
- .22 Rimfire: John Cobb’s reminded us that rimfire pistol is the 2nd Wednesday of the month; rifle is the 4th Wednesday of the month.
- Trap Shotgun: Cathy Hogan reported that (85) shooters competed in (239) rounds of trap for $1195 for the month of February.
- USA Shooting: No report.
- President Hirschler mentioned that if any member has a valid reason for missing the general business meetings, he or she should email Brian requesting a waiver. Any waiver requests will be voted on by the BOD members.
- Wes Latchford reminded us that members can get a 60% discount when renewing their NRA memberships through NCRR.
- The 50/50 drawing awarded $90 to the winner with a like amount going to the club.
- The meeting was adjourned at 8:10PM.
Allan Barker, #1382
NCRR Secretary