Direct Service Provider Survey

This version of the survey is designed for staff members and volunteers of provider agencies that work “on the ground” with homeless families, including program directors, team leaders, case managers and the like. This assessment will ask various questions about your homelessness system and your opinions regarding it. Your answers will be aggregated with those of other users in your system. Please answer each question on the assessment and take all the time you need to answer each question accurately, from your perspective. Note that some questions refer to your community, others to your organization, and still others directly to you. Also, note that the survey refers to “consumers” which is an all-encompassing and general term to capture the ways in which various organizations may refer to the people they work with and serve, including: clients, service users, program participants, guests, tenants, persons with lived experience, etc.

Name of the Organization I work/volunteer for:

1. Our community has a plan to end homelessness within a defined period of time.

¨ Yes

¨ No

¨ I don't know

2. Our plan is consistent with or can be aligned with the HEARTH Act and the Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness.

¨ Yes

¨ No

¨ I don't know

¨ We don't have a community plan to end homelessness

3. I believe my community has a comprehensive and effective discharge plan.

¨ Strongly Disagree

¨ Disagree

¨ Neither Disagree nor Agree

¨ Agree

¨ Strongly Agree

4. Our community uses a universal process and/or tool at intake that helps us assess the most appropriate resources for the consumer's needs.

¨ Yes

¨ No

¨ I don't know

5. In my opinion, the intake process is used the same way by all organizations in my community that serve the same type of consumers, e.g., families.

¨ Strongly Disagree

¨ Disagree

¨ Neither Disagree nor Agree

¨ Agree

¨ Strongly Agree

6. Our community has a periodic review process to evaluate our targeting strategy as well as the overall assessment and resource allocation process.

¨ Yes

¨ No

¨ I don't know

7. Consumers are prioritized for housing, financial assistance, and services based on their needs.

¨ Strongly Disagree

¨ Disagree

¨ Neither Disagree nor Agree

¨ Agree

¨ Strongly Agree

8. Please answer the following questions as they pertain to housing consumers (unless otherwise indicated, you should assume the question is being asked about your organization).

a) Choices are provided to consumers about where they can be housed based on their preferences and income.

¨ Yes ¨ No ¨Unsure

b) Housing needs are assessed within 24 hours of a consumer’s entry into any community shelter.

¨ Yes ¨ No ¨Unsure

c) Most consumers are successfully supported in keeping their housing.

¨ Yes ¨ No ¨Unsure

d) The community has an updated listing of available affordable housing units within its boundaries.

¨ Yes ¨ No ¨Unsure

e) The community has staff dedicated specifically to providing housing location services to consumers.

¨ Yes ¨ No ¨Unsure

f) Consumers receive thorough orientation to their new building and neighborhood.

¨ Yes ¨ No ¨Unsure

9. Please answer these additional questions about housing consumers (unless otherwise indicated, you should assume the question is being asked about your organization).

a) Consumers are helped to find housing that is acceptable to them and suitable for their needs.

¨ Strongly Disagree ¨ Disagree ¨Neither Agree nor Disagree ¨ Agree ¨ Strongly Agree

b) Whenever possible, our community employs strategies that prevent people from losing their housing and diverts them away from needing shelter or other housing assistance.

¨ Strongly Disagree ¨ Disagree ¨Neither Agree nor Disagree ¨ Agree ¨ Strongly Agree

c) The community has sufficient rapid re-housing resources in place that assist consumers in being re-housed quickly (<45 days) should they become homeless.

¨ Strongly Disagree ¨ Disagree ¨Neither Agree nor Disagree ¨ Agree ¨ Strongly Agree

d) The community has been successful engaging landlords and finding new ones who are amenable to housing formerly homeless people.

¨ Strongly Disagree ¨ Disagree ¨Neither Agree nor Disagree ¨ Agree ¨ Strongly Agree

e) We have an adequate supply of affordable permanent and permanent supportive housing in our community that can accommodate each person's place in the life cycle with the needed level of support.

¨ Strongly Disagree ¨ Disagree ¨Neither Agree nor Disagree ¨ Agree ¨ Strongly Agree

f) Community wide, landlords are actively supported through regular communication and checking to ensure rent is paid on time and in full each month.

¨ Strongly Disagree ¨ Disagree ¨Neither Agree nor Disagree ¨ Agree ¨ Strongly Agree

g) Newly housed consumers have access to suitable furniture in good and functional condition.

¨ Strongly Disagree ¨ Disagree ¨Neither Agree nor Disagree ¨ Agree ¨ Strongly Agree

h) Newly housed consumers have access to other daily living essential such as bedding, dishes, cleaning supplies, food staples, shower curtains, etc.

¨ Strongly Disagree ¨ Disagree ¨Neither Agree nor Disagree ¨ Agree ¨ Strongly Agree

10. Please answer the following questions pertaining to your qualifications, training and expertise.

a) I am knowledgeable of the essential elements of diversion/prevention programs.

¨ Strongly Disagree ¨ Disagree ¨Neither Agree nor Disagree ¨ Agree ¨ Strongly Agree

b) I am knowledgeable of the essential elements of rapid re-housing programs.

¨ Strongly Disagree ¨ Disagree ¨Neither Agree nor Disagree ¨ Agree ¨ Strongly Agree

c) I am knowledgeable of the essential elements of permanent supportive housing programs.

¨ Strongly Disagree ¨ Disagree ¨Neither Agree nor Disagree ¨ Agree ¨ Strongly Agree

d) I understand the Stages of Change and how the various stages apply to my work with consumers.

¨ Strongly Disagree ¨ Disagree ¨Neither Agree nor Disagree ¨ Agree ¨ Strongly Agree

e) I comprehensively understand strength-based support strategies.

¨ Strongly Disagree ¨ Disagree ¨Neither Agree nor Disagree ¨ Agree ¨ Strongly Agree

f) I am comprehensively trained in conflict resolution and de-escalation.

¨ Strongly Disagree ¨ Disagree ¨Neither Agree nor Disagree ¨ Agree ¨ Strongly Agree

g) I am comprehensively trained in active listening.

¨ Strongly Disagree ¨ Disagree ¨Neither Agree nor Disagree ¨ Agree ¨ Strongly Agree

h) I am comprehensively trained in Motivational Interviewing.

¨ Strongly Disagree ¨ Disagree ¨Neither Agree nor Disagree ¨ Agree ¨ Strongly Agree

i) I am comprehensively trained in data storage and rules of disclosure including legal requirements pertaining to confidentiality and privacy.

¨ Strongly Disagree ¨ Disagree ¨Neither Agree nor Disagree ¨ Agree ¨ Strongly Agree

j) I am comprehensively trained and/or have experience to address life changes, including: new partner, return of children, relationship break-up, etc.

¨ Strongly Disagree ¨ Disagree ¨Neither Agree nor Disagree ¨ Agree ¨ Strongly Agree

k) I have an understanding of cognitive impairments such as brain injuries, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, severe and persistent mental illness,etc.

¨ Strongly Disagree ¨ Disagree ¨Neither Agree nor Disagree ¨ Agree ¨ Strongly Agree

l) I have a strong understanding of the effects of trauma.

¨ Strongly Disagree ¨ Disagree ¨Neither Agree nor Disagree ¨ Agree ¨ Strongly Agree

m) I have a strong understanding of the impact and behaviors associated with sexual abuse.

¨ Strongly Disagree ¨ Disagree ¨Neither Agree nor Disagree ¨ Agree ¨ Strongly Agree

n) I have expertise in how to access and navigate income supports and benefits systems.

¨ Strongly Disagree ¨ Disagree ¨Neither Agree nor Disagree ¨ Agree ¨ Strongly Agree

o) I have expertise in other community services available to the consumers with whom I work.

¨ Strongly Disagree ¨ Disagree ¨Neither Agree nor Disagree ¨ Agree ¨ Strongly Agree

p) I have a strong understanding of poverty, social stigmatization, discrimination and social justice.

¨ Strongly Disagree ¨ Disagree ¨Neither Agree nor Disagree ¨ Agree ¨ Strongly Agree

q) I have received appropriate cultural competency training.

¨ Strongly Disagree ¨ Disagree ¨Neither Agree nor Disagree ¨ Agree ¨ Strongly Agree

r) The need and practice of self-care is understood and practiced by all team members with whom I work.

¨ Strongly Disagree ¨ Disagree ¨Neither Agree nor Disagree ¨ Agree ¨ Strongly Agree

11. I do not attempt to provide services that I am unqualified or untrained to deliver.

¨ Yes

¨ No

12. There are appropriate staff to consumer ratios in my organization for the type of work that we deliver.

¨ Strongly Disagree

¨ Disagree

¨ Neither Disagree nor Agree

¨ Agree

¨ Strongly Agree

13. Our organization supports and participates in joint meetings/case conferences regarding specific consumers to coordinate our efforts with other service providers in our community.

¨ Strongly Disagree

¨ Disagree

¨ Neither Disagree nor Agree

¨ Agree

¨ Strongly Agree

14. I strive to help consumers connect with other resources, services and organizations to best meet their needs.

¨ Strongly Disagree

¨ Disagree

¨ Neither Disagree nor Agree

¨ Agree

¨ Strongly Agree

15. Our community uses HMIS to assist with case planning.

¨ Yes

¨ No

¨ Somewhat

¨ We don't have an HMIS

16. As a community, we routinely reflect on data from either our HMIS or other case management software to understand who we are serving and not serving well and make adjustments to our service delivery.

¨ Strongly Disagree

¨ Disagree

¨ Neither Disagree nor Agree

¨ Agree

¨ Strongly Agree

17. In our community, consumers who are entering or already engaged in a crisis are quickly identified and assisted.

¨ Strongly Disagree

¨ Disagree

¨ Neither Disagree nor Agree

¨ Agree

¨ Strongly Agree

18. Our community separates crisis responses from longer-term support or case management responses.

¨ Yes

¨ No

¨ I don't know

19. Services are distributed across the community so consumers can effectively access services in different locations.

¨ Yes

¨ No

¨ I don't know

20. Programs and services have been implemented that respect and serve the needs of identified sub-populations, including: survivors of domestic violence, veterans, youth, seniors, immigrants, etc.

¨ Strongly Disagree

¨ Disagree

¨ Neither Disagree nor Agree

¨ Agree

¨ Strongly Agree

21. The services we offer the clients we serve—either in-house or through direct referrals to other services in the community—include the following: (check all the services that apply)

¨ Legal services

¨ Parenting and/or family reunification services and supports

¨ Rental assistance

¨ Funding for deposits, utilities, rental applications or other financial assistance—not including rent

¨ Money management services, i.e., trusteeship, budgeting

¨ Employment, educational or vocational services

¨ Specific cultural services and programs

¨ Connections to faith, community or religious groups of their choosing

¨ Psychiatric services

¨ Residential addiction treatment and/or withdrawal management services and/or harm reduction services

¨ Primary health services

¨ Allied/supporting health services, e.g., dentistry, optometry, nutritionist, etc.

¨ Case management services

¨ Supports for daily living such as teaching or modeling life skills, cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc.

¨ Food—food hampers, meal programs, food bank, community kitchen, etc.

¨ Transportation – information on how to navigate a transit system, access to a bicycle, information on how to arrange direct transportation in an organization’s vehicle, etc.

¨ Other Services (please specify)

22. My community has an effective, integrated network of practice and I am an active part of it.

¨ Strongly Disagree

¨ Disagree

¨ Neither Disagree nor Agree

¨ Agree

¨ Strongly Agree

23. Service benchmarks are in place throughout our organization.

¨ Yes

¨ No

¨ I don't know

24. Services are monitored against predetermined service benchmarks at least once per quarter.

¨ Yes

¨ No

¨ I don't know

25. I believe that I am accountable for helping consumers and my organization achieve pre-determined outcomes.

¨ Strongly Disagree

¨ Disagree

¨ Neither Disagree nor Agree

¨ Agree

¨ Strongly Agree

26. We use a methodological approach to collect information from consumers regarding their impressions of our programs and services.

¨ Strongly Disagree

¨ Disagree

¨ Neither Disagree nor Agree

¨ Agree

¨ Strongly Agree

27. Our system is responsive to feedback from consumers.

¨ Strongly Disagree

¨ Disagree

¨ Neither Disagree nor Agree

¨ Agree

¨ Strongly Agree