Domiciliary Statement of Purpose
Jean Todd Close Supported Living Service
29 Randalstown Road
BT41 4LH
Area Manager: John Fisher: 02894464384/07710308734
Deputy Area Manager (1)Clayre Donnelly: 07710308735
Deputy Area Manager (2) Gillian Carr: 07553389512
Jean Todd Close: 02894464384
Our Domiciliary Supported Living Services provides services across the Northern Health and Social Care Trust areas. Our aim to provide a quality care service, responsive to need that enables vulnerable adults to remain in their home of choice.
Service Objectives
Our service aims to meet the following service objectives –
- To deliver a high quality service that promotes, improves or sustains service user’s quality of life.
- To ensure staff are competent, responsible and trained to undertake the activities for which they are employed.
- To ensure service users are aware of the procedures for making complaints.
- To provide opportunities for service user involvement within the Organisation
To monitor services to ensure that the service is run in the best interests of service users.
- To work in partnership with service users and all relevant agencies and comply with all relevant statutory requirements for the provision of care services.
Responsible Person:
The person registered with the Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority as the Registered Provider for INSPIRE WELLBEING LTD is:
Professor Peter James Arthur McBride
Group Chief Executive – Niamh – from 01/11/10 to present
Principle Duties:
- Overall responsibility for the work of the organisation, reporting directly to the Chairman of the Board.
- Developing and implementing strategies for delivering the aims and objectives of the organisation.
- Leading the Senior Management Team in the successful delivery & implementation of strategy.
- Delivery of financial results, against formally agreed targets, to the Board.
- Promoting & raising the awareness of the organisation at Senior Management Level, including the generation of income and successful bidding for financial resources.
- Direct engagement with the Board in promoting the principles of effective corporate governance
- Representing the organisation in the media and in public forums.
- Management of risk.
Director for Change & Innovation for Niamh - from 01/04/09-31/03/10
Principle Duties:
- Develop a 5 year modernisation strategy for Niamh
- Undertake a organisational structural review and implement changes
Managing Director of Carecall NI Ltd – from 01/12/01 - 31/03/09
Principle Duties:
- Delivery of strategy as devised by the Board of Carecall.
- As a member of the Board, to participate fully in the development of strategy.
- Management of Risk – creation of reporting mechanisms and mitigations.
- Financial management of the organisation.
- Management of senior staff.
- Production of regular management reports for the Board.
- Delivery of high level consultancy products.
- Participation in the preparation and delivery of bids for new contracts.
- High level contract relationship management.
- Representing Carecall to other stakeholders and in the media.
Additionally, Peter is a visiting Professor of the University of Ulster Bamford Centre for Mental Health and Wellbeing, Trustee of BBC Children in Need and Trustee of NICVA.
Contact Details:Niamh
80 University Street
Relevant Qualifications:
BSc. Hons. Bachelor of Science in Applied Biology (Liverpool John Moores University)
BD Hons. Bachelor of Divinity (University of Aberdeen)
MSW. Masters in Social Work (Queens University Belfast)
DipSW. Diploma in Social Work (Queens University Belfast)
Advanced Diploma in the Management of Psychological Trauma (Nottingham Trent University)
Registered Manager:
Mr John fisher
Area Manager – Todd Close, Inspire – from 01/04/15 to present
Principle Duties:
- Overall responsibility for Todd Close, reporting to the Assistant director of Inspire.
- Contributing to the development of the departmentalstrategy and translating the strategy into clear operational aims and objectives for Todd Close.
- Leading the Todd Close staff team to provide a high quality service to all stakeholders.
- Managing the Todd close budget in line with regulations and organisational policies and procedures.
- Direct engagement with stakeholders to foster a positive relationship in relation to team and partnership working.
Deputy Area Manager – Todd CloseFrom 06/01/14 to 01.04.15
Principle Duties:
- Assist the management to provide a high quality service to all stakeholders
- Manage risk, finances, medication and staff when responsible for service (in absence of manager)
- Provide staff supervision to allocated team members
- Develop person centred care and support plans, risk assessments and financial plans in line with The Trust care plan
- Develop a person centred service and promote and develop opportunities for service user involvement
Team Leader – Todd Close, OCSS. From 01/04/13 to 06./01/14
Principle Duties:
- Assist the management to provide a high quality service to all stakeholders
- Manage risk, finances, medication and staff when responsible for service (in absence of manager)
- Provide staff supervision to allocated team members
- Develop person centred care and support plans, risk assessments and financial plans in line with The Trust care plan
- Develop a person centred service and promote and develop opportunities for service user involvement
Team Leader/Support Worker – Praxis Care from 03/09/06 to 01./04/13
Principle Duties:
Providing an appropriate level of care and support required by residents, appropriate to that which peoplewith a learning disability may avail of in their own homes in the community. This included, carrying out a range of duties within the day-to-day programme of care and support for individual residents as well as directing and participating in programmes which encourageimprovement in everyday living skills of individual residents and to providepractical assistance to residents in everyday living matters.
Additionally, John has also been a trainer for the Council for the Homeless NI since 2009, he also operated his own independent training company, delivering training in Health and Social Care. Prior to working in Health and Social Care John spent over 20 years working in the civil service in various post and at various grades. John has also been volunteering with Special Olympics Ulster for over 10 years.
Relevant Qualifications
QCF Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health and Social Care (Adults’ Management) Wales & NI
QCF level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health and Social Care (Adults’ Residential Management) Wales & NI
NQF Diploma Level 5 (Health & Social Care)
NEBS Management Certificate
NVQ Level 4 (Management)
NQF Diploma Level 4 (Leadership & Management)
Organisational Structure
Inspire Charity Reference Number: XT 21440
Company Number NI 073751
A range of supported living services are also delivered in the Belfast, Armagh and Lisburn areas for adults with learning disabilities and complex needs; the organisation also delivers services in Omagh within residential care for adults with learning disabilities and complex needs.
The following staff structure supports and manages the delivery of care services within Todd Close Supported Living Services, Antrim.
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR (strategic responsibility)
ASSISTANT DIRECTOR(strategic and operational responsibility)
AREA MANAGER (services management)
TEAM LEADERS (shift lead responsibility and direct care)
SUPPORT WORKERS(direct care)
Referrals are accepted from individuals from the following groups for adults over the age of eighteen.
- Learning disabilities
- Physical disabilities
- Complex needs
Referrals generally arise from local Health Trusts but self referrals are accepted.
Before a care service commences an admissions panel is held to discuss the specific care needs of interested individuals. This meeting generally involves the relevant Area manager as well as a Trust representative and as appropriate Housing professionals if the individual is interested in a supported housing service. This meeting seeks to obtain appropriate information on the specific needs and determine if INSPIRE WELLBEING LTD can effectively meet the needs of the individual. Individuals usually wish to reside within our directly managed supported housing service; however applicants can request only domiciliary care without housing accommodation or support.
Details of next of kin, other supporting services, background and any relevant medical details, cultural or religious needs, abilities of the Service User and details of the tasks to be carried out are assessed in collaboration with the referring Trust and named carer as appropriate.
On introduction to the service further information about INSPIRE WELLBEING LTD services are provided in the form of a Service Guide.
Details above are documented into a Person Centred Care and Support Plan. These files are available in the service user’s home for reference by Care Workers along with a medication chart if required. An INSPIRE WELLBEING LTD Record Sheet will also be left with the Service User in their Support and Care File to record information about care delivery and a summary of tasks carried out by staff. This also provides information for other Care Workers, carers and professionals etc. Appropriate risk assessments are conducted and kept updated.
Care Services
The personal care services provided includes:
- Shopping for Service Users, paying Service User's bills, collecting Service Users' benefits
- Social inclusion activities including contact and visiting health professionals
- Personal hygiene - toileting, washing, bathing, shaving, hair care and oral hygiene, assisting to get up or go to bed, dressing or undressing
- Preparing Service User's meals and assistance with eating and drinking, assisting or administering medication
- Domestic tasks - making or changing a service users' bed, washing dishes, laundry, dusting, vacuuming, cleaning of toilets and bathrooms etc
- Sitting or sleep-in services
Some personal care tasks are not provided, these include:
- Bowel Evacuation / Performing Catheterisation
- Giving Injections or administering enemas
- Ear Syringing
Staff Training
All staff employed within INSPIRE WELLBEING LTD services are appropriately checked and cleared through Access Northern Ireland before employment. All applicants are asked to provide proof of identity, a full employment history, clarification of relevant qualifications and two references, one from their most recent employer and one character reference. All staff must be deemed fit for work prior to starting in post.
All Care Workers employed by INSPIRE WELLBEING LTD undertake a comprehensive Induction and an Update Skills Training Programme. All newly appointed Support and Care Workers who do not already hold a relevant care qualification are required to complete essential accredited induction training before being confirmed in post. Induction and update training for staff meets regulatory standards.
All management staff possessrelevant professional or vocational qualifications in line with regulatory requirements and also undertake a comprehensive training and induction programme. Details of training provided are available on request. All Staff take part in quarterly supervisions and one annual appraisal.
Quality Processes
In allocating Care Workers, the needs and preferences of the individual will be taken into account. Wherever possible, more than one care worker will be matched with the Service User to provide consistency of care and as a contingency measure in cases of staff absences. The Service User retains the right to request a change in the Care Worker at any time. Where such changes are requested, the Service User will be advised to contact the Team Leader or Area Manager and an attempt will be made to accommodate such requests.
If arrangements are made for care staff to have keys to an individual’s home a written agreement will be drawn up. Staff are provided with guidance on protocols for key-holding and entering an individual’s home.
Care plans, including related risk assessments are reviewed regularly by the respective service users Team Leader and checked by the Area Manager. Care Plans are amended according to findings of review or situation which may have arisen or as care changes are identified. We use this care planning review as an opportunity to work alongside the service user in ensuring that their package of care is appropriate to their needs and delivers upon our Person Centred Planning principles.
Once a year, each service user is asked to complete a satisfaction questionnaire relating to the service they are / have received. The results of the survey are collated and presented to senior management and a copy available for RQIA and Trust commissioners to review.
Inspectors from the Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority and our Trust commissioners have a responsibility to inspect our services to ensure our service is run in accordance with contract terms and all relevant regulations.
Risk Assessments
Risk assessments and planned actions to address or minimise risks are recorded in writing and regularly reviewed. We undertake service user, environmental and staff based risk assessments.
Every aspect of running and managing our business is set out in a comprehensive set of specific policy and procedure documents. These procedures ensure that we meet the statutory requirements for running a Care Service, and cover all aspects of staffing, managing, and caring for our service users, including procedures on use of restraint, restrictive practice and physical intervention, and also include the preservation of health and safety standards where appropriate.
All of our Policies are annually reviewed to ensure that they are kept up-to-date and in line with latest legislation and regulations. Procedures are reviewed at least every three years.
Our master policy manuals are held in each office setting but may be consulted at any time upon request or you may request copies of any specific policies which your carer can bring to you.
Terms and Conditions
Most service users are referred by the local Health and Social Care Trust and we deliver care under contract. The cost of care varies depending on location and structure of care provided, but the amounts requested correlate to statutory care benefits received. Personal contributions are agreed in writing in advance of services commencing with service users and commissioners and reviewed with the service user annually.
Admission Criteria
“During the referral process all prospective individuals are encouraged to be involved in all aspects and stages of the referral.”
When a vacancy occurs, and a waiting list of Applicants is not held by the Housing Officer, Referral Agents, for example Care Managers or the Care Management Team will be informed.
It is recommended that prospective applicants visit the accommodation along with the Referral Agent or family/carer before an application is made. Visits will be by arrangement with the Area Manager. Appropriate information will be shared and a prospective applicants visit form will be completed.
Criteria for Referral and Cost of Accommodation are outlined in the Application Pack distributed to referral agents and visitors. Referral Agents and prospective applicants must check both issues as early as possible.
The Referral Agent and prospective applicant together, complete the Referral Form and a General Housing Application Form. The Referral agent is required to supply the Scheme with a Comprehensive Risk Assessment/Risk screening tool.
These documents are returned to the Area Manager and Housing Officer and the General Housing Application Form is marked ‘Complex Needs’ and forwarded to the appropriate area Housing Support Officer for the Northern Ireland Housing Executive. A referral panel will be convened and the outcome conveyed to both the applicant and the referral agent. If there are no current vacancies the individuals name then goes on to the waiting list of applicants held by the Housing Officer, and that held by the Housing Executive.
When a vacancy occurs and a waiting list of applicants is held by the Housing Officer, Referral Agents and NIHE will be contacted to confirm that Applicants continue to require accommodation.
An Admissions Panel will be established and may consist of, where appropriate, Assistant Director, Area Manager, Housing Support Officer, Housing Officer, representative of the Care Management Team.
Applicants and Referrers will be invited to meet members of the panel to discuss their application and identify whether the scheme will meet the applicant’s needs. The Referral Agent will be contacted as to the most suitable way to structure this part of the procedure.
The Admissions Panel will complete an Admissions Panel Report, ensure that the applicant’s needs are compared objectively with the eligibility criteria and agree collectively on the most suitable applicant for the existing vacancy. Financial requirements and Smoke Free Policy must be fully discussed and procedures agreed. Other suitable applicants may be placed on a waiting list.
The Admissions Panel Report will include appropriate detail on the decisions taken and recommendations regarding alternative services for unsuitable applicants. The panel will agree the best way to share outcomes providing written explanations and details of the appeals procedure as appropriate.
Appropriate documentation for Benefits, Housing Executive and Housing Association should be completed as soon as possible, and the Service User’s Personal File set up as required.
On the allocation of permanent accommodation the Area Manager will ensure that the Service User understands and signs their Tenancy Agreement.
All applicants have the right to appeal decisions taken by the Admissions Panel. An applicant wishing to appeal a decision will in the first instance make this known to the Chair Person of the Admissions Panel. They will be provided with details of the Appeals Process including who will be involved, when and where it will take place and their right to be accompanied by a friend, relative, other professional or independent advocate.
Risk/Vulnerability Assessment Procedure
It is the policy of the Northern Ireland Association for Mental Health to ensure that all staff know which Inspire Service Users present as being a significant risk of to self or others, and which Service Users are vulnerable to abuse or exploitation. This is in order to protect the Health, Safety and welfare of Service Users/Staff/Volunteers and others.