Hello everyone,

Can you believe in 3 short weeks we will be starting music camp? I cannot wait as it truly is the start of the MOST EXCITING time of the year!!!! We are looking forward to a great new show, new music, and seeing old friends as well as making new ones. I have begun the countdown.....

I have a few items to share in the meantime.....

This FridayisJuly 1stwhich is the date for the 1st band fee being due. Please remember you can pay through PayPal, use PayPal credit, or send a check (and made out to)

FMDBBC (This stands for Fort Mill District Band Booster Club)

P. O. Box 611

Fort Mill, SC 29716

On a side note, we are working on getting the PayPal credit tab placed back up on the nationfordband.com website. Once it is up, I will let everyone know. Since you are paying in full, you will not be behind the fee payment schedule if this is not done byJuly 1st- I am, however, hopeful this will be remedied in a day or so. Please be sure if paying through PayPal credit, that you only pay $650 since you are technically paying this before theSeptember 1stdue date.

We are now enrolled in Amazon Smiles and any purchases made through this site will provide a percentage to our band. To use the site, go to org.amazon.com Sign in to Amazon to access your account, or create one if you don't have one, then click the tab in the upper right corner that says Shop Amazon Smile. It is just like shopping through Amazon, except you are helping to support our band at the same time.

During Music Camp, which starts onJuly 18th, your child will be sized for their uniforms, gloves, shako, and dinkles. They will need to bring lunch and something to do while waiting for their time during their fitting day. I have attached the information at the bottom of this email for you to download and have readily available.

Last but not least, we are starting to gear up for our annual Mattress Sale fundraiser. We are scheduled to have this on Saturday,August 20thfrom 10am - 5pm. Our #1 way of promoting this is through social media. I am asking for everyone's help in posting this on your Facebook page or emailing this information to friends and family. I will have flyers available at the next booster club meeting for everyone to pass out, but in the meantime we need to be word of mouth and promote, promote, promote. I have no doubt that with everyone's help this can be our most successful year of mattress sales!!!! The flyer is attached to this email. Please help us to get the word out.

Booster Club istomorrow, MondayJune 27that 7pm in the Band Room. Please come out and hear the band news, meet some old or new members, and get caught up on what going on in band. I hope to see lots of people there!

Sarah Keenen