Zoom Zoom Redesign Educreations Presentation
Rubric & Directions
Directions: Choose a variable from the list below. Redesign and test your ramp. Create a presentation on Educreations to showcase your findings. Your presentation should include the following:
(1) the variable your group chose
(2) exactly how your group changed your ramp from the original design
(3) a visual aid (picture or drawing)
(4) the results of your redesign (was your redesign successful in increasing the distance your car traveled)
(5) whether you changed your car’s potential or kinetic energy
- change the texture of the ramp
- extend the ramp and add loops
- try a different sized car
- make the car heavier by taping erasers, washers, paper clips, or pennies to the car
- apply a harder force (push the car harder from the start) at the top of the ramp
Criteria / Exceeds Expectations
3 points / Meets Expectations
2 points / Below Expectations
1 point
Of Material / Information is presented in an organized way / Information is only partially organized and difficult to understand / Information is very disorganized
Cooperation / Does a full share of work, never argues within group / Does almost as much work as other members of the group, Sometimes argues within group / Does less than other group members, argues within group
Content / Contains all 5 of the requirements above / Contains 3 out of 5 of the requirements above / Contains less than 3 of the requirements above
Total Points:
Directions for using Educreations:
Visit the Educreations website at:
Once you open Educreations to the home screen, tap New Lesson to create your first lesson.
The Color Palette. The color palette is used to draw pictures or write text. The small arrow in the corner indicates the current color. Use the arrow to drop down and choose other colors. You can reassign your favorite color by dropping down and holding your selection.
The Pointer. The pointer is used to select items or text and move them to a new position. The pointer is blue when it is active.
The Text tool. Tap the Ticon and then tap anywhere on the screen. A keyboard will appear so you can key in text.Use the arrows to move the cursor within the text box.Tap the Done button to stop entering text and remove the keyboard.
The Picture tool. Tapping the picture icon will allow you the following options: Use the camera on the iPad to take a picture and have it automatically entered into yourEducreations lesson. Use existing photos stored on your iPad.Get pictures from your Dropbox. Get pictures from the web. Find a picture on the web. Hold your finger on the picture until the Save Image option appears. The picture will be saved in the camera roll of the iPad
Clear Page will remove everything from the page.
Clear Ink only removes the ink, not pictures or typed text.
The Record button. Use this button when you are ready to start recording. It will record your voice and anything that is happening on the screen. A counter will show the length your recording. You can pause the recording to gather your thoughts or make changes on the screen. When you tap record again, it will start back where you paused
Choose a Background. By default, the screen will have a white paper background, but you can choose to have a different paper background. Duplicate Page & Ink will make a copy of the page keeping the pictures, typed text, and ink. Duplicate Page will make a copy of the page keeping the pictures and typed text, but removing ink.
Page counter. The first number is the page number. The second number is the total number of pages in your presentation.
Page navigation. Use the arrows to move between the pages. The forward arrow will add a new page.
Saving your Educreations presentation. After you have created your slides and recorded the presentation, tap the Done button in the upper left. You can choose Save Lesson or Start Over. After tapping Save Lesson, you will be prompted to enter a title and description. Then, tap Next. You will need to keep your presentation private which will store the presentation on the iPad. After tapping private, tap Next. Use the arrows to select the Subject Area and Subject. Tap Save. Your presentation will be saved in My Lessons. To delete any lessons, tap the trash icon. The lessons will show a minus sign. Tap the minus sign and tap Delete. Tap Done.