OntarioBuys Operating Room Supply Chain Pilot Funding Application Guidelines 2007-08

Appendix B: Project Overview Template

OR SC Pilot Program Project Overview
General Information:
(Hospital Name)
(Postal Code)
Contact Information:
(Project Contact Name)
(Telephone Number)
(E-mail Address)
Project Information:
(Project Start Date)
(Project Completion Date)
Summary of Proposed Project
(Project Summary)
  • What the implementation would accomplish.

  • This section describes the history and current state of affairs giving rise to or relating to the general business problem or opportunity that is the subject of the future business case.

Proposed Project Type(s)
(Project Type(s))
  • Proposed project types should align with the project types found in Appendix A of the OR SC Funding Application Guidelines.
  • Hospitals should indicate in this section which project types they propose to implement. An external consultant will validate the project types selected.

Project Outcome/Future State
(Project Outcome)
  • Envisioned future state and business objectives (which should be consistent with the iSCM Leading Practices Compendium and the best practices identified by the Surgical Process Analysis and Improvement Expert Panel report).
A copy of the iSCM Leading Practices Compendium can be found at:
A copy of the Surgical Process Analysis and Improvement Expert Panel report at:
Cost/Benefit Analysis
  • Service Related Benefits:
“Other Cash” benefits free up resources (e.g. staff time, space) in ways that can be quantified but do not free up budget.
“Qualitative” benefits improve effectiveness, responsiveness and/or risk management in ways that are beneficial but not easily quantified.
  • Cost Related Benefits:
“Hard Cash” benefits reduce institution operating costs, freeing up budget for other activities.
  • Additional/Other Benefits (Where Applicable).
  • Estimate of expected costs and assumptions.

Project Governance & Accountability
(Governance & Accountability)
  • Project governance structure:
Project Sponsor
Change Champion
Project Manager
Steering Committee
  • Core project team.

Project Sponsors
  • List of executive sponsors and project sponsors (names and titles), including nature of commitment if variable.