ZoologyLaboratory Notebook

The following information pertains to the lab notebook which should be housed in a three ring binder. This should be a dedicated binder no other work should be in it.

This notebook is an essential and important part of your final grade in this course. It should include the following: Animal information sheets for each organism studied;Labeled drawings of each organism, living or dead, observed; Notes taken while making observations; Data and conclusions from each experiment performed

The lab notebook must have the following and be in the following format:

Outside Front Cover

1. A clear title with the course title, your name and section and your teacher’s name


1. A title page with course title your name and section

2. A table of contents. This table of contents should be set up in the following way:

Each Section A--- must be tabbed

Table of Contents Date Page Number

ZoologyCourse Description# /##/## 1

Laboratory Notebook Handout# /##/## 2

Safety Handout (signed by parent) # /##/## 3

Section A:Presentation handouts and notes

(You must demonstrate that you took notes

During the presentations)

I.e. Hidden species# /##/ ## A1-A#

Section B: Organism handouts

i.e. Rotifer handout # /##/## B1-B#

Additional information collected about rotifers # /##/## B…..

Section C: Preliminary Animal Worksheets

i.e. Rotifer preliminary animal worksheet# /##/## C…..

Section D: Lab Based, Labeled Drawings

Of organisms and other observations

( I will be looking for written observations and areal attempt

to make a good drawing, with labels, of the organism you

dissected or looked at NOT a copy of a picture

From a manual)

i.e. Rotifer drawings and observations# /##/## D…..

Section E: Experimental Labs

i.e.Planaria regeneration experiment data

i.e.Planaria regeneration experiment conclusion

and discussion# /##/## E…..

Section F: Quizzes, tests and video notes

Symmetry quiz # /##/## F…..

The lab notebook must:

  1. Number only the fronts upper right hand of ALL pages. Your work as well as handouts should be numbered. The table of contents page should include the title of the information or data, the date it was initiated, and the page numbers it covers. See example above.
  2. Not have any erasers. If a mistake is made simply put a line through it. Do not type in your notebook. Originals are desired. The only information that can be typed is your homework, your final lab report, or your tables and graphs in their final format. Scientific mistakes can be valuable to understanding.

Format (ORDER) for documentation of lab experiments in the lab notebook:

  1. Handouts with prelab notes in margins or on separate piece of paper.
  2. Protocol (if not included in prelab handouts). If changes to format are made, appropriate reference to changes and their origins should also be included.
  3. Data collection and observations. Data may be collected on handout pages or in rough format on separate paper. Calculations must be shown in detail with units and general formula.
  4. Post lab notes, if any,taken as a result of post lab discussion.
  5. Homework which may be the result of lab activity and may be separate from formal lab report.
  6. Formal lab report if required or simply formal presentation of data, discussion and conclusion. When necessary, format of formal lab report should be followed.

The particulars:

  1. Title..All data tables and graphs must have a title even if it is for rough data collection.
  2. Pictures…Any lab activity that could be displayed by a sketch of the equipment or set up is beneficial.
  3. Graphing…Whether the rough attempt or the final graph…Utilize good graphing techniques. Label X ands Y axis with numbers and units. Dependent variable on the Y axis and independent variable on the X axis. Choose your scale wisely. Title your graph. Choose an appropriate type of graph to display your data. Refer to Graphing in EXCEL handout.
  4. All calculations should be shown with units and general formula. For example: C1V1 = C2V2 (50x TBE)(x) = (1xTBE)(350mL) x = 7 mL 50xTBE
  5. Do not use pronouns. “We added 25 mL …” is not desirable. “Add 25 mL…” is more appropriate.
  6. Citations….All references should be cited in APA format. If other student’s data is utilized, this must be noted.

Sample Rubric for Zoology NotebookCheck Trimester ______year ______

Lab note book

___Neat (no loose papers)


___Organized (see above for organizational format )

___Title on Front includes: name, class, teacher’s name, section.

___Title page inside

___ Handout on lab expectations and notebook

___Table of contents descriptions, dates and page numbers

___All pages numbered on the front

___ Sections tabbed

Handouts include

___Safety contract

___ *******

Section A: Presentation handouts and notes

____ ******

____ work is thorough and thoughtful

Section B: Organism handouts and additional notes

____ ******

____ work is thorough and thoughtful

Section C: Preliminary Animal Worksheets

____ ******

____ work is thorough and thoughtful

Section D: Lab Based Labeled Drawings of organisms and other observations

____ ******

____ work is thorough and thoughtful

Section E: Experimental Labs

____ ******

____ work is thorough and thoughtful

Section F: Quizzes and tests and videos