Western Cape Home Schooling Association

PO Box 175, Steenberg 7947Tel 0881274484

E-mail : b site :


Membership Application

All particulars supplied will be treated as confidential

New application  Renewal 
First and Family Names ______

Full Name (Spouse) ______

Postal Address ______


Postal Code ______Telephone No. (h)______

Fax No ______Telephone No. (w) ______

E-Mail ______Cell No ______

Email is the preferred communication means

Language preference:AfrikaansEnglish

Children’s Names / Date of Birth / Gender

Membership fee: R120.00 per calendar year.

Paid: Cash Cheque Bank Direct Postal Order 

Bank Details: Standard Bank, Blue Route Branch. Acc No 276306880, Branch Code 02560920

Name: ______Signature: ______Date: ____/____/______


Introduced by : ______please see reverse of this sheet.

I would like to assist with:
WCHSA administration / organizing support groups / meetings and the Spring Fair (tea, doors, sound, etc)
anything specific (specify):
Any comments:

WCHSA Application / Renewal form

Please make copies of this form (both sides) and distribute. Enter your name under -introduced by… to receive a credit on your membership fees. If you are renewing, the form is an opportunity to check that we have your details correctly recorded, and to keep our database current.

Why should I join (or continue to support) the WCHSA ?

To meet, to learn from, to encourage, to interact with ..... others from all walks of life who have at least one common interest - the desire to homeschool our children !! We all know that homeschooling takes dedication, commitment and much more - and interaction with others has many benefits. We can meet other homeschoolers (who may live around the corner) by joining a common organisation. BUT - very importantly - the organisation does not exist to satisfy itself !!! - it must serve its members - and it is up to the members to be sure that it does !!!

To stand as a group - both for social and educational events (outings), and for regulatory issues to be addressed effectively.

Homeschooling in SA is growing - but we don't know how fast, nor do we know how successful we are as a community. We urgently need to start research into the extent and successes of homeschooling - but for this we need to establish contact with homeschoolers. Such research would give us valuable data to answer those who see us as a threat, or a bunch of nuts from the lunatic fringe !! With backing from 1000 people, we are politely heard, with backing of 10 000 or more the authorities do not have the luxury of ignoring us !

Unfortunately, due to the history of homeschooling, many have been reticent to make themselves known as homeschoolers, and worse still, some curriculum providers have actively discouraged their users from joining associations. We are now in a period where we recommend that homeschoolers do register with the education department - but conditionally, so as to give ourselves the moral high ground.

Further, we need to stand united as a body of people to show that we are organised, and cannot be ignored. No individual will ever be required by the association to make themselves known - all our data is held in confidence, but unless we know of your existence, we cannot act in your interests. Note that there are no paid employees or office bearers - your contributions of time and money benefit all homeschoolers directly. Office bearers are elected at the AGM annually.

We need your ongoing involvement and support - to enable us to serve YOU. We have all taken a conscious decision in favour of our children by homeschooling, lets take a conscious step to build homeschooling in SA. If we promote homeschooling, there are probably many others who would join us if they knew the benefits - and in the long run we all benefit from the strength of the homeschooling community.

Make the WCHSA YOUR association.


A legal defence fund for homeschoolers in South Africa

The WCHSA committee recommends that all homeschoolers seriously consider joining the trust. As has been the pattern in other countries, it is very likely that legal action will be necessary sooner or later, and a battle won for one homeschool family is a battle won for all of us. The trust is proactive in educating and advising its members, and interacting with educational authorities.

Please contact the trust for information about the trust and the benefits of joining.

Telephone: 012 330 1337, FAX 012 331 1018, PO Box 12332, Queenswood, 0121