Zendesk – How to monitor Suspended Tickets

Date / Ver / Comment / Author
2016-12-01 / 1.1 / Meeting with Frank K and Flemming: add ‘vendor’ tag if you know it’s a vendor. Note to keep looking for ways to whitelist/blacklist certain domains / ge
2016-11-17 / 1.0 / Added when creating new user account, after recovering ticket, open the new account and add tags and, if vessel user, add vessel organization / ge
2016-11-04 / Draft / Admin and agent / ge

Zendesk is configured so that if it receives an email from an unknown user, then a ticket is not created but appears in the Suspended Tickets view. Other reasons for a ticket being suspended include suspected spam, automated response emails, emails with a ‘no-reply’ address.

Suspended tickets appear in the Suspended Tickets view where they can be ‘recovered’ (turned into Zendesk tickets). If not recovered within 30 days, the Suspended Ticket is automatically deleted. Therefore, suspended tickets should be reviewed regularly.

When a ticket is recovered, then future emails from this user will automatically become Zendesk tickets.


  1. View Suspended tickets
  2. Sort by ‘Cause of suspension’
  3. Scroll down to the group “Permission denied for unknown email submitter” and look for emails from valid Teekay user (screenshot below)
  4. Decide whether you are going to add this email as a secondary email to an existing account, or create a new account for this user. A case where you might create a new account would be for instance an FPSO user who is on shore leave and is mailing into from their personal account.

If you are adding a secondary email – this is the most common scenario.

  1. If you find a message from [some user].[vessel name]@teekay.com, add this email as a secondary email to the most appropriate existing email for the vessel. Most vessels have emails in Zendesk for master, ceng and choff. If the email is from another role, e.g. mates or A1, then add the secondary email on the master’s end-user account.For instance, should not be added as a new user, but as a secondary email for the master.

Figure 1: Since Hugli Spirit has an end-user account for , then add the above email as a secondary email for the cheng.

  1. Click to open the suspended message and copy the email address
  2. Find the related user in Zendesk
  3. Click + add contact
  4. Paste the email – there is no need to save the change
  5. Press the back arrow on your browser window until back to Suspended tickets
  6. Click the checkbox next to the suspended message and then click Recover 1 ticket (TOP RIGHT OF FORM)

If you are creating a new user – for instance the personal email of an off-shore user

Figure 2: Add as a new user unless you know it should be a secondary email for an existing user

  1. Click the checkbox next to the suspended message and then click Recover 1 ticket (TOP RIGHT OF FORM)
  2. Click ‘Recover 1 Ticket’
  3. Search for the new user, add tags and Organization if you know it.

Regional tags like “Trondheim” or “Norway”

Figure 3: Add Vendor tag if new user is a vendor.

  1. If the new user is a vessel user it is important to add the vessel as the organization and add vessel tags

Repeat steps for next ticket to be recovered.


Agents must have the role of “Staff - Can manage users and view/edit Reports” in order to create new users.


Using enterprise single sign-on (SSO) (from

When using SSO with a closed Zendesk Support, a few issues may arise. What happens if a user sends an email support request and they're not already a user within the closed Zendesk Support? The user's email support request will be suspended. In other words, if the user doesn't already exist in Zendesk Support, synced to it via your single sign-on service, then the user cannot submit support requests. Only known, legitimate users in your user management system will be able to access the closed Zendesk Support.

You also do not want to select the Also send a verification email when a new user is created by an agent or administrator option because you never want to users to create passwords directly in Zendesk Support. Remember that's all handled outside of your Zendesk.

Agent - Link to

Admin -

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