Zelienople Historical Society

Trustees Meeting Minutes

January 14, 2016

The Zelienople Historical Society (ZHS) Trustees met on January 14, 2016 in the Buhl House Dining Room. The meeting was called to order by President, Cathy Powell, at 1:00 P.M.

Trustees in Attendance: Donald Burgess, Sue Casker, Colleen Cotherman, Juanita Eppinger,

Bill Kinard, Jack McMichael, Tom Nesbitt, Cathy Powell, Dick Powell, Deb Reeb,

Janet Rogan, John Silbert

Absent: All Board Members were in attendance.

Guest: Ron Goehring, Nonie Kirkwood, Gwen Lutz, Jan Maharg, Marietta Reeb,

Elizabeth Simpson

The minutes of the November 2015 meeting were read by the trustees. There were no corrections or additions. A motion to approve the minutes was made by John Silbert, seconded by Deb Reeb. Motion unanimously approved.

Jan Maharg presented a report on the “Preservation Project.” Highlights of the report were:

  • There are 300 buildings in Zelienople that are older than the Strand Theater (1914).
  • The Preservation Project team needs an overlapping map to aid in their research.
  • Need a letter from ZHS to present to the Zelienople Borough Council requesting an amendment and provisions.
  • This letter should be composed and approved as soon as possible.
  • Don Burgess made a motion to “form a committee to review the letter before the next Zelienople Historical Society meeting.” Motion seconded by Dick Powell and unanimously approved.
  • Tom Nesbitt and Jan Maharg photographed and documented over 600 houses between Green Lane and Division Street and Northview Drive and the cemetery.
  • Our intern, Brianna, has greatly assisted the project. She will earn $1,000.00.

After the report was presented Jan Maharg offered money-making projects that would benefit ZHS.

  • Buhl House wine walk in the summer.
  • Ghost Tour of the Zelienople Cemetery in October.
  • Antique Train Show in the garage on the Buhl House Property or the upper level of the Buhl House.
  • Utilize the cellar in the Buhl House for storage of wines. Mazza Wines, located on South Main Street, might be interested. We could sell these wines at our events.

Zelienople Borough Council member, Marietta Reeb, presented a check to ZHS in the amount of $745.40. This is left-over money from the 175th Anniversary of the Incorporation of Zelienople.

There are 10 cases of the 175th Anniversary books that the Zelienople Borough Council will donate to ZHS. Help is needed in transporting these books. Tom Nesbitt has a pickup truck and will help.

A thank you note will be sent for their generous donation.

Tom Nesbitt, the author of Images of America – Zelienople, reported selling 300 of the 400 books.


Budget and Finance – Deb Reeb, Chair

Due to technical problems, no report was prepared.

Ways and Means – Vacant Chair

  • Marietta Reed is still interested in chairing the Christmas House Tour and the Spring Tea.

·  Janet Rogan has volunteered to chair the Fall Festival.

·  We will inquire if Jan Maharg will take charge of Horse Trading Days.

Endowment Fund Advisory – Don Burgess, Chair (no report)

Membership – Vacant Chair (Report by Elizabeth Simpson)

  • Elizabeth Simpson has volunteered to help with membership. She will not chair the committee. Tom Nesbitt has volunteered to serve on the committee.

Public Relations (PR) – Tom Nesbitt, Chair

  • Need ideas about the newsletter.
  • How many times during the year should it be published? After discussion, Board felt that every other month would be best.
  • Ron Goehring suggested the minutes of the ZHS should be included in the newsletter or placed on the ZHS website.

Property and Grounds – Dick Powell, Chair

  • Christmas decorations at the Passavant and Buhl Houses have been removed.
  • Buhl House garage is available to rent for $100.00/month.
  • South wall of Buhl House has water damage and loose bricks. Two bids were received to repair this wall.

◦  Bid 1 – $8,775.00

◦  Bid 2 – $2,700.00

  • Dick Powell made a motion “to accept the bid of $2,700.00 that might escalate submitted by Merle Maharg for the repair of the south wall of the Buhl House.” Motion seconded by Janet Rogan and unanimously approved.
  • The Carriage House, owned by Henry O. Ziegler needs painted. We have talked to Henry. ZHS will provide the paint and labor a goodwill gesture. Henry is thinking it over. He is concerned about insurance. Janet Rogan will discuss this with our insurance agent.

Gardens at Passavant – Sue Casker, Chair

  • Plans for the gazebo have been taken to Zelienople Borough. It will take approximately two weeks for approval.
  • After the approval, the foundation plans will be finalized.
  • Jay Passavant was contacted to give him an update on the gazebo project.
  • Two recent donations – $500.00 and $5,000.00.
  • A saddle has been donated.

Exhibits and Accessioning – Elizabeth Simpson, Chair – No report

Docents and Tours – Chris Kinard, Chair – No report

Library and Research – Krista Moon, Chair – No Report

Old Business

  • Discussion was held on the protective window coverings which had been approved for installation at the Buhl House. Elizabeth Simpson will research this to find the bid which was submitted.

New Business

  • A motion was made by Sue Casker … “Approval of a petty cash box containing $200.00. Motion seconded by Bill Kinard and unanimously approved.
  • Jack McMichael requested that ZHS decorate the graves of the Passavant and Buhl Families on Memorial Day at the Zelienople Cemetery.
  • Museum Store – Mary Cameron is “burned out” and needs some help.

◦  Need to upgrade merchandise

◦  Possible American-made crafts and merchandise may be helpful.

◦  Perhaps closing the museum shop and use the space for other purposes.

◦  Have a portable museum shop.

◦  A committee will be formed including Mary Cameron to review this.

  • Date and place of the 2016 Membership Dinner as well as suggestions for speaker need to be presented at the February meeting.

The next meeting will be held on February 11, 2016 at 1:00 PM at the Passavant House.

A motion to adjourn was made by Juanita Eppinger and seconded by John Silbert. Motion unanimously approved.

Meeting adjourned – 3:29 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Jack R. McMichael
