Rules of enrollment of non-nationalsinstudies at Cracow University of Technology
1.The rules have been prepared on the basis of the following legal acts:
a)Act dated 27 July 2005, Law on Higher Education (Journal of Laws no. 164, item 1365 as amended),
b)Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education dated 12 October 2006 on enrolling in and completing studies and training by non-nationals and on their participation in scientific research and development works (Journal of Laws no. 2006, no. 190 item 1406);
c)Act on the Polish language dated 7 October 1999 (Journal of Laws No. 190, item 140b, as amended);
d)Ordinance of the Minister of Science and Higher Education dated 14 December 2006 on scholarships for non-nationals of Polish origin studying in the country of their residence (Journal of Laws no. 240, item 1743);
e)Ordinance of the Minister of Labour and Social Policy dated 16 December 2009 on minimum amounts required to be held by non-nationals enrolling at or continuing studies and conducting scientific research to cover costs of living within the territory of the Republic of Poland and their return home and on documents that may confirm the possibility of obtaining such funds (Journal of Laws, no. 222, item 1766).
1.Persons who are not Polish nationals, hereinafter referred to as „non-nationals” can be admitted to 1st, 2ndand 3rddegree (PhD) studies and to post-graduate studies at Cracow University of Technology if:
a)they hold a visa or a residence card or a different document authorizing them to stay within the territory of the Republic of Poland;
b)they are of good health documented by a doctor’s certificate confirming no contraindications to take up education in their chosen major or form of education;
c)they hold an insurance policy against illness or consequences of accidents for the period of their education in Poland or a European Health Insurance Card or they take out insurance at the National Health Fund immediately after they start education;
d)they meet the conditions of enrolment specified by Cracow University of Technology.
2.Non-nationals can be admitted to studies at CracowUniversity of Technology conducted in:
a)the Polish language if:
aa)they complete a year-long preparatory course to take up studies in the Polish language in units indicated by the minister competent for higher education issues or
ab) they hold a certificate of command of the Polish language issued by the State Certification Commission for Polish as a Foreign Language or
ac) they obtain a confirmation from Cracow University of Technology that their preparation or degree of command of Polish enable him/her to take up studies in Polish.
b)in a foreign language if:
they hold a document confirming their command of the foreign language in which studies are conducted, as specified in Appendix 2 to the ordinance of Chairman of theCouncil of Ministers dated 24 January 2007 on the manner of conducting a qualification procedure in civil service (Journal of Laws no. 13, item 82 and no. 249 item 1857 and of 2008, no. 93, item 587).
The documents confirming the command of the foreign language also include certificates, diplomas and other documents that confirm the completion of post-elementary school abroad in which classes were held in the same foreign language in which the non-national will study in Poland.
3.Non-nationals who may enroll in and complete education pursuant to the rules applicable to Polish nationals:
a)citizens of MemberStates of the European Union, MembersState of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) – a party to the Agreement on theEuropean Economic Area or of Swiss Confederation as well as members of their families holding a permanent residence permit;
b) non-nationals who have been granted a permit to settle;
c) holders of a valid Polish Charter;
d) non-nationals who have the status of refugee granted in the Republic of Poland,
e) non-nationals who have been granted temporary protection in the territory of the Republic ofPoland,
f) migrant workers who are nationals of a Member State of the European Union, Swiss Confederation or a Member State of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) – a party to the Agreement on theEuropean Economic Area as well as members of their families if residing in the territory of the Republic of Poland,
g) non-nationals who, in the territory of the Republic of Poland, have been granted a permit for stay of a long-term resident of the European Communities;
h) non-nationals who have been granted in the territory of the Republic of Poland a permit forfixed-term residence in connection with the circumstances referred to in Article 53, section1, subsections 7, 13 and 14 of the Act of 13 June 2003 on Aliens (Journal of LawsNo. 128,item 1175, as amended);
i) non-nationals who have been granted supplementary protection in the territory of the Republic of Poland.
4.Non-nationals studying pursuant to the rules applicable to Polish nationals, having funds necessary to cover costs of living during studies, can enroll and complete 1st, 2nd and 3rd (PhD) degree studies and other forms of education as well as they can participate in scientific research and development works pursuant to the rules applicable to Polish nationals, with no entitlement however to a maintenance grant, special grant for disabled persons, accommodation grant, meals grant or aid payments.
5.Non-nationals who are not listed in item 3 may enroll in and complete education on the basis of:
a) international agreements, pursuant to the rules defined therein;
b) agreements concluded between foreign entities and Cracow University of Technology, pursuantto the rules defined therein;
c) decisions of the minister responsible for higher education;
d) decisions of a competent pro-rector.
and they may study:
a)as holders of scholarships awarded by the Polish party;
b) on a fee-paying basis;
c) without a fee and scholarship benefits;
d) as holders of scholarships awarded by the sending party, without paying tuition fees;
d) as holders of scholarships awarded by Cracow University of Technology.
§ 3
1.The following rules apply as regards tuition fees:
a)Tuition fees are paid to the bank account or to Cracow University of Technology’s cash register, converted into Polish zloty according to the average exchange rate for Euro of the National Bank of Poland as at the date of payment. The tuition fees are paid for the entire period of education by the date of commencement of education or examination.
b)The amount of tuition fees is determined by Rector of Cracow University of Technology however the tuition fees cannot exceed costs necessary for initiating and conducting 1st and 2nd degree studies or PhD studies, and classes at 1st and 2nd degree studies or PhD studies, respectively, taking costs of amortization and repairs into account.
c)Non-nationals admitted to 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree studies and to post-graduate studies at Cracow University of Technology on a fee-paying basis, pay, in the first year of their education, tuition fees increased by an equivalent of Euro 200, regardless of the number of majors commenced.
d)The tuition fee is charged proportionally to the actual duration of education if the period of education taken up by a non-national lasts shorter than an academic year.
e)In justified cases Rector of Cracow University of Technology may prolong the deadline for paying a tuition fee or he may agree on making such payment in installments, separately for each academic year or semester.
f)Statutory interest is charged on any fees paid after the deadline. In the case of arrears with payment for more than three months, a person is deleted from a list of students.
g)Tuition fees are not reimbursable, subject to item h below:
h)Tuition fees are reimbursable for the period during which a non-national does not study if he received a leave or resigned from educating due to health reasons confirmed by a doctor’s certificate or due to other important and documented ill-fated reasons, however the fee for the first year of studies, PhD studies and post-graduate studies will be reimbursed in the amount reduced by an equivalent of Euro 2000.
i)In the event when a non-national is in a difficult financial situation or when he/she takes up a second major or education in other form on a fee-paying basis, Rector of Cracow University of Technology may, at the request from the person concerned, reduce the tuition fee or exempt from it entirely.
j)Non-nationals studying on the basis of currently applicable regulations retain their right to the benefits granted and they pay the fees in the amount determined in currently applicable regulations until the end of their education period foreseen for a given form of education.
k)Non-nationals who meet the conditions specified in Art. 5 sections 1-3 of the Act dated 9 November 2000 on repatriation (Journal of Laws of 2004, no. 53 item 532, as amended) and take up studies or training conducted in Polish on a fee-paying basis, pay the fees reduced by 30%.
l)Non-nationals who are holders of scholarships awarded by the Polish party are exempted from an obligation to pay for their education.
§ 4.
- The following rules apply as regards the circulation of documents:
a)All application documents of a candidate must be translated into Polish by a sworn translator.
b)At the initial stage of enrollment a candidate sends electronic copies of application documents by e-mail to the University’s Office for International Cooperation.
c)A decision on admission to studies is taken by a competent prorector, after approval from a competent dean.
d)After the candidate receives a decision on admission to studies, he is required to send original application documents to the University’s Office for International Cooperation by the day of commencement of studies at the latest.
e)A set of documents of a non-national student admitted to studies is transferred by the University’s Office for International Cooperation to a relevant faculty.
f)Non-nationals listed in § 2 item 3 are subject to the rules of enrollment specified in applicable internal regulations.
§ 5.
- A detailed manner of qualification to 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree studies in Polish and in English is described in appendixes to this document:
a)Appendix 1 to the rules of enrollment of non-nationals inBSc studies at Cracow University of Technology, 1st degree studies in Polish for non-nationals;
b)Appendix 2 to the rules of enrollment of non-nationals inMSc studies at Cracow University of Technology, 2nd degree studies in Polish for non-nationals;
c)Appendix 3 to the rules of enrollment of non-nationals inPhD studies at Cracow University of Technology, 3rd degree studies in Polish for non-nationals;
d)Appendix 4 to the rules of enrollment of non-nationals inBSc studies at Cracow University of Technology, 1st degree studies in English for non-nationals;
e)Appendix 5 to the rules of enrollment of non-nationals inMSc studies at Cracow University of Technology, 2nd degree studies in English for non-nationals;
f)Appendix 6 to the rules of enrollment of non-nationals inPhD studies at Cracow University of Technology, 3rd degree studies in English for non-nationals.