Številka: službeno

Datum: 24. 10. 2014

Zadeva: Nagovor DS mag. Janka Burgarja na FDI Awards, 28. 10. 2014

Your Excellences, dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

It's been my great pleasure to be present at today's event devoted to honour foreign investors and their contribution to the Slovenian economy, and especial those of them who with their activities left a special mark on economic performance of our country.

In last few days we talked about FDI a lot – on various occasions. Main messages of all these discussions were:“yes, we are in favour of FDI, yes, we are aware of the benefits they are bringing, and yes, we have to focus on improving business environment and more focused and coordinated approach for attracting foreign investments.”

Present economic situation in Slovenia mirrors also in slightly negative trend in FDI to Slovenia in 2013 comparing with those at the end of 2012 – the FDI fell from 11.7 billion EUR to 10.7 billion EUR. But taking into account the Government’s commitment to improve business environment, more optimistic forecast regarding economic growth and inclination for FDIs I am convinced that next year the figures will be more positive.

Privatisation was a hot topic in the past years in Slovenia and is good to see some improvement in this area. Agreements on privatisation of first few companies from the 1st wave of privatisation have been more or less concluded or already implemented in practice. These first cases could be an example for new projects – how the process should be done and which things should be avoided. The new government is ready to push ahead with strategically-considered privatisation. While key infrastructure will remain in state ownership, business stakes will be sold based on an asset management strategy that is being drafted.The government is committed to reforms which will make Slovenia a more appealing destination for foreign investors. The government priorities include balancing public finances and completing bank restructuring to provide for a stable financial system.

I would like to use this opportunity to emphasise the importance of you, foreign investors for Slovenia and its economy. I am well aware it was not easy to take a decision to make and investment abroad, considering all the risks and challenges that this decision brings along. But I am sure that this risk was worthwhile for both sides: for you as a foreign investor and for domestic companies. You brought new knowledge, new technologies, new capital, new approaches, but I believe that also our workers and experts contributed their share with their expertise and work attitude to be more competitive and successful - not just in Slovenia but also on international markets. Mutual trust and joint efforts on doing your job better, lifting it on higher levels brought you here today and we would like to show how much we appreciate you here. Ministry of Economic Development and Technology together with SPIRIT will also in the future try to be there for you and assist you when facing problems doing business in Slovenia. We would appreciate also your suggestions on what to do to make Slovenia friendlier business environment for all economic subjects being active here – and who knows, maybe next year we will be able to be present at opening of your new plant or new technology line.

As I mentioned before our Ministry will try to do our best to assist you and newly coming foreign investors entering Slovenia. Under preparation is a new Programme for Internationalisation and FDI 2014 – 2020 which will more specifically define our activities in these fields.

I would also like to mention VEM – One-stop-shop for new investors, which is in the phase of establishment. It will be a joint project of our Ministry, SPIRIT and Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The aim of VEM would be collecting all useful information relevant for existing and new foreign investors on one spot. Additional activity implemented within VEM would be also practical assistance and guidance for new foreign investors and aftercare for existing ones.

I would like to use this opportunity to congratulate all winners of the FDI awards for their achievements and wish them a lot of success also in the future. And I would like to congratulate also former and future winners because we appreciate your courage coming to Slovenia and your contribution to our economic development. I am sure that together we could be even more successful and we are offering you a hand to work together to the benefit of us all.

Last but not least I would like to thank SPIRIT for organising this event and for their dedication to help foreign investors along their way.

Thank you.