The Strategic Plan was revised and approved

by the Board of Directors October 15, 1996


History and Affiliations

The YWCA of Butler has been providing community services for more than 70 years. It has an excellent track record of caring for people and being a viable agency in the area.

The Butler County YWCA was organized in 1912 to provide fellowship, programs and self-improvement to community women. A strong core of volunteers was recruited and organizational committees were established to form policy and secure a site. On April 1, 1917, a property at the corner of Main and North Streets was leased and on April 27, 1917, the local YWCA became affiliated with the National YWCA.

The new organization, in addition to providing programs, featured a cafeteria with low cost meals. Local clubs began meeting in the YWCA of Butler and had the advantage of the cafeteria dinners.

It soon became apparent that programs were needed for the youth and a Y-Teen group was formed. The adults and teens worked together to organize dances, trips, educational opportunities, physical activities and leadership training for women of all races and creeds.

The program of the YWCA outgrew the quarters and in 1952 the present facility was erected. A residence for young women was added and established programs and activities were retained. The new facility offered an opportunity to do program expansion that has included activities for preschool children, men of the community and the aged population.

The YWCA of Butler is proud that it was chosen one of ten agencies to be included in the organization of the Butler County Community Chest in 1933. In September, 1963, the Community Chest's name was changed to Butler County United Fund Incorporated. This remained intact until May, 1975, when the agency became the United Way of Butler County. There are approximately 25 agencies now in the United Way of Butler County with the YWCA having one of the largest budgets.

Elevating the status of all people through training and low cost services and programs continues to be the main focus. The organization has changed from a social group to a direct service organization with focus on the low/ moderate income individual.


Mission Statements

National Mission Statement

The YWCA of the United States of America is a women's membership movement nourished by its roots in the Christian faith and sustained by the richness of many beliefs and values. Strengthened by diversity, the Association draws together members who strive to create opportunities for growth, leadership and power in order to attain a common vision: Peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all people.

One Imperative

To thrust our collective power toward the elimination of racism wherever it exits and by any means necessary.

Local Mission Statement

The YWCA of Butler is interested in the advancement of all people through a caring environment that offers educational, self-improvement, leisure and health support programs. It has a special concern for elevating the status of people as evidenced through its educational/vocational training, employment programs and care of the frail elderly.

Program focus involves the personal development of women and men of all races, creeds, and social and economic backgrounds. Free services will always be an integral part of all programs. Focus will be placed on the low/moderate income individual.

The YWCA has a history of community services with plans to expand and update to keep pace with the changing needs of the local culture. A strong membership base will lay the foundation for financial stability with volunteer leadership setting policy in a responsible manner. Community need will be the basis of programming.


A.People of all races, color, national origin, income, age, mental or physical disability will continue to be the target group of the YWCA. Focus will be placed on low/moderate income individuals.

B.The traditional fund raising environment will become more competitive as more organizations share a common base for funds.

C.New strategies will be required for the YWCA membership movement to maintain and expand membership.


A.Creating a well defined identity/image in the community.

B.Ensuring financial stability in a more competitive environment.

C.Providing "state of the art" services.

D.Developing a more effective public policy presence.

E.Growing membership to enhance strength and long term viability.

F.Having more effective communications.

G.Identifying the YWCA by more than its property.

H.Ensuring that the local mission is carried out by the YWCA as a whole.

I.Continuing to provide free and low cost services.


The YWCA will be a leadership/service oriented organization working toward the empowerment of all people.

The three key components to the strategic plan are:

A.A more effective and inclusive governance model

B.Increased financial stability for the organization

C.A membership model that draws more people into the movement.

Due to the complexity of the organization, these components are interwoven throughout the three strategic goals.

Strategic Goal 1:

To provide leadership and direction to strengthen the YWCA's mission of identifying community needs and providing services to low income individuals through any means possible.

Proposed Actions:

A.Advocate for public policies and increased funding that support activities leading to the empowerment of all people.

B.Ensure the YWCA possesses the collective power to fulfill this goal by providing it with the strength of membership.

C.Develop a power base for the YWCA by marketing a membership model, with a strategic plan to build membership.

D.Communicate the elements of the YWCA mission through:

1.A concise marketing statement

2.The aggressive marketing and placement of ad campaigns

E.Create an identity and voice for the YWCA through highly visible public education campaigns on subjects such as violence, teen pregnancy, abuse, education, etc.

F.Identify and cultivate young leaders.

G.Produce curricula and programs in leadership skills development.

H.Explore opportunities for joint marketing, program development and fund raising initiatives with other agencies.

I.Facilitate the exchange of information, expertise and program models among other agencies.

J.Provide and/or promote education and professional development for YWCA volunteer leaders and staff.

Expected Outcomes:

A.A strong membership movement will provide the collective voice necessary to ensure the credibility of the YWCA as it promotes the YWCA Mission.

B.Members will perceive an increased value to membership as part of the YWCA organization.

C.The YWCA in its leadership role enables people to become a force of change.

D.The YWCA is an identifiable presence with membership of all social/ economic levels.

E.Greater access to needed services for more low income people is achieved through the "one stop" programming concept.

F.New members are reached through an aggressive membership development campaign.

G.Model programs and core training curricula will be identified and disseminated to the community.

Strategic Goal 2:

To develop an operating process that fosters communications and strengthens the YWCA ability to implement the mission.

Proposed Actions:

A.Develop a representative governance model that is responsive and streamlined.

B.Develop a uniform database to exchange program information.

C.Create a public relations/media strategy for implementation of programs and services.

D.Develop an aggressive membership campaign to reach an ethnically and racially diverse group of people utilizing YWCA volunteers and past leaders.

E.Develop a network that links the YWCA with resources in the areas of human resource management, fund raising, financial management and business planning.

F.Build trust between the YWCA and other agencies.

Expected Outcomes:

A.A common vision with all parts of the organization moving together in concert.

B.The YWCA is a highly effective organization with an established governance process that allows for participation and representation.

C.Better communications facilitate public policy development and dissemination.

D.The organization's structure supports community ventures, marketing initiatives and membership development.

E.Education and professional development for volunteer leaders and staff is provided and/or promoted as a standard of organizational excellence.

F.Individuals representing the board range of ethnic/racial diversity within the community and are actively involved at all the decision making levels within the organization.

Strategic Goal 3:

Increase and strengthen financial resources that will establish a secure and diversified revenue base.

A.A membership model provides a financial resource paradigm.

B.Develop fund raising strategies and initiatives including cooperative ventures among other agencies.

C.Develop a strong membership campaign.

D.Develop the principle of self-sufficiency in order to ensure growth and financial stability.

E.Integrate state of the art technologies for sustained funding systems.

Expected Outcomes:

A.The YWCA's ability to finance programs is evident through increased revenues from an endowment.

B.State of the art technologies are utilized and comprehensive funding systems provide critical data for ongoing development.

C.A group purchasing program is in place and provides the agency with cost effective, quality products.

D.The YWCA is a self-sufficient, financially stable organization at all levels.