Southern Kennebec Child Development Corp

Southern Kennebec Child Development Corp.


Child Name: ______DOB: ______Current Center: ______Town Residence: ______

Legal Parent/Guardian(s) Name(s): ______Bio and/or Foster Parent(s): ______

Current Teacher/Home Visitor: ______Current FSC/Case Manager: ______

Request for Transfer or HS Transition (completed by Teacher/Home Visitor and reviewed with Supervisor)

o  Center/Program requested: ______Reason: ______

o  (For EHS to HS) Head Start application and eligibility complete at 2.5 yo and submitted to ERSEA Manager, Kathy B

o  (For EHS to HS) CFHH and Nutrition Screening are only done annually, NOT at chronological age. Date last done:______

o  ESI-P, ASQ-SE, Vision and Hearing to be complete when the child is chronologically 3 years old.

o  Vision, hearing, developmental screening up to date? ______Date of last WCC? ______Date of Dental exam?______

o  Date of Last File Review ______

o  If child care is requested, what is CC Subsidy and work/school schedule? ______

o  Does family have transportation? ______Does family have challenges with attendance? ______

o  Does child have health conditions; IHP or NAP? ______

o  Does the child have disability, special services or medical model therapy? ______Next IEP/IFSP? ______

o  Is Maine Care/Insurance # in ChildPlus? ______

o  Are any additional screenings or observations or D/MH manager approval needed prior to transition? ______

o  Are there any classroom modifications or accommodations in use or needed? ______

o  Will the receiving staff need training for Health/Nutrition plans or Disability services? ______

o  What other agencies are involved with child and family? ______

o  What is status of referrals for child and/or family? ______

o  Is case management in place or needed? ______

o  Have you discussed process for transition with parent(s)? Is more information needed? ______

Plan for Follow-up



Teacher/Home Visitor Signature Date Center Supervisor Signature Date

[Center Supervisor reviews, signs and forwards to ERSEA Manager, Kathy B.]

Approved by ERSEA Manager ______Date ______Approved by Program Manager ______Date ______

Approved by Disb/MH Manager ______Date ______Approved by Health/Nutrition Manager ______Date ______


REVISED October 2017