Curriculum Vitae
Yuliya Kuznetsova
Born: 1975,Ukraine NOVA - Norwegian Social Research
Citizenship: Ukrainian Pb.3223 Elisenberg, 0208 Oslo, Norway
Gender: Female Tel.: (+47) 22 54 12 00/
Tel.: (+47)403 30 733, Mobil: (+47) 92 56 53 68
Current Position: PhD student, Marie Curie Fellow, NOVA
Academic Degrees:
2011-2014PhD in Social Work, NTNU, in progress
2010-2011Completed 1st year of the PhD in Multimedia in Education, University of Aveiro
2010European Master in Higher Education, joint degree, University of Oslo, University of Tampere, University of Aveiro
Master in Administrative Sciences, University of Tampere (separate diploma)
2002Specialist in Management (specialisation: foreign economic activity), European University of Finance, Management and Business (EUFIMB), Kiev, Ukraine
1997Specialist degree in Foreign LanguagesTeaching (specialization: English and French), Horlovka State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages, Horlovka, Donetsk oblast, Ukraine
Work Experience:
2011-2014Marie Curie Research Fellow employed at NOVA Norwegian Social Research Institute, Oslo and participating in the Initial Training Network – Disability Rights Expanding Accessible Markets (DREAM ITN) Project, project: Towards Economic Independence of Persons with Disabilities: Corporate Culture and Inclusion into the Workforce. A comparative case study of multinational enterprises in Norway and the UK”
2013Internship at the International Labour Organization (ILO), Switzerland, Geneva, The Disability Programme, the ILO Network of Multinational Enterprises
2007-2008World Bank Country Office, Team Assistant for Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Sector,Kiev, Ukraine
2002-2005National Telecommunications Cooperative Association (NTCA/USA).USAID funded project: “Establishing Business Internet Centers in Underserved Ukrainian Communities”, Project officer/ monitoring and evaluation specialist, Kiev, Ukraine
2000-2002Ukrainian Business Incubators and Innovation Centers Association (Soros Foundation funded project), Small Business Development Centers Project manager, Kiev, Ukraine
1999-2000Educational Advising Center (Soros Foundation funded project), Project manager/educational advisor, Donetsk State University-Center for Political Sciences, Donetsk, Ukraine
1998-1999Soros Foundation Donetsk branch, Programme coordinator: education, “Network Women Programme”, Donetsk, Ukraine
1997-1998Donetsk pedagogical technical school, teacher of English and French, Donetsk, Ukraine
Selected Publications:
Martinho, M., Pinto, M., Kuznetsova, Y. (2012). Scholars’ YouTube channels: content analysis of educational videos. Internet Latent Corpus Journal, Vol. 2 (2), pp. 76-90. Accessible online at:
Conference presentations/publications
Kuznetsova Y. (2013) Employment of persons with disability and inclusive corporate culture of employers: a literature review. Publication in the Proceedings of the1st European Mind Change Conference 2012, 02.-04. Mai 2012, ”Social Inclusion of people with disabilities”, Villach/ Carinthia/ Austria, pp. 159-167, ISBN: 978-3-200-03040-4
Kuznetsova, Y. (2012). Inclusive Corporate Culture and Employment of Persons with Disabilities: Analysis of CSR Strategies of Multinational Enterprises in Norway and the UK. Publication in Conference proceedings. Human Resources Development Research and Practice Across Europe. The future of HRD – 2020 and beyond: challenges and opportunities. Eds. Silva, R. & Tome, E. UFHRD 2012 – 13th International Conference on HRD Research and Practice Across Europe. May 23-25, 2012Universidade Lusiada de Vila Nova de Famalicao, Portugal. Fundacao Minerva – Cultura – Ensino e Investigacao Cientifica. ISBN 978-989-96090-3-7
Vabø, A., Thune, T., Kuznetsova, Y. (2011). The response of humanities disciplines to an increasing focus on employability: curricular adaptations and new opportunities for practical experiences during studies. The CHER 24th Annual Conference, June 2011, University of Iceland.
Moreira, A. Pais, F., Kuznetsova, Y., Capitao, S. (2011). Seguranca na Internet. Internet Safety for school children, teachers, and parents (Netvibes application poster presentation, Challenges conference, May 2011, Braga, Portugal
Kuznetsova, Y. (2010). Master Thesis “The response of ‘non-vocational disciplines’ towards increasing focus on employability in their curricular. A case study of the faculty of humanities at the University of Oslo”, defended August 2010.
Language(s): English (proficient user), French (intermediate), Portuguese (Intermediate), Norwegian (beginner), Ukrainian (2nd official language), Russian (native)
Artistic skills and interests:Yoga teaching certificate, Web design certificate, photography