Policy Number: 232.04

Policy Title: Career Time Away From Work

Adopted: 01/17/2014

Rescinds: 12/3/2012

Approved By: (Chief)


This policy establishes the guidelines for compensated time away from work for career paid personnel of the Flint Hill Fire Department.


Career employees of the Flint Hill Fire Department (FHFD) receive fringe benefits as part of their employment. Some of these fringe benefits include pay for time when the employee is not physically at work. Examples include vacation time, holidays and training classes. This policy defines the paid time off work career employees of the FHFD enjoy. It is not applicable to volunteers or part time employees.


1)  Bereavement leave of up to 2 consecutive working days will be granted to a career employee in the case of death in the immediate family. An immediate family member is defined as a husband, wife, son, daughter, father, mother, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother, father-in-law, or mother-in-law.

2)  Cooperating with the judicial system is a part of good citizenship and a practical demonstration of being a professional firefighter who cares for their community. Any career employee called to jury duty must notify their supervisor as soon as they receive notice. Career employees will be paid their regular salary or hourly rate of pay for the period required to serve. While on jury duty an employee is expected to return to work during those hours they are not required to be present in court or remain in the immediate area of the court.

3)  Paid vacation time is awarded according to the following schedule:

a)  0 vacation time during the 6 month probationary period at the start of employment.

b)  Up to 40 hours after the 6 month probationary period for the first year of employment, prorated until the following July 1st .

c)  80 hours per year starting July 1st each year for the first four (4) full years of employment.

d)  120 hours per year starting the July 1st after an employee has reached their 5th anniversary of employment.

e)  160 hours per year starting the July 1st after an employee has reached their 10th anniversary of employment.

4)  New hires may be granted years of service credit for vacation time based on experience and other factors considered at the time of employment.

5)  Shift employees are paid time and a half for the following holidays:

a)  New Years Day

b)  Memorial Day

c)  Independence Day

d)  Labor Day

e)  Thanksgiving Day

f)  Christmas Day

6)  Exempt employees are granted the following paid holidays:

a)  New Years Day

b)  Easter

c)  Memorial Day

d)  Independence Day

e)  Labor Day

f)  Thanksgiving Day and the Friday after

g)  Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

h)  Two Personal Days

7)  Career employees will be granted a reasonable amount of paid time off for sick leave, family leave, doctor appointments and other personal obligations that may occur during an employee’s scheduled work time. Employees are encouraged to schedule these types of events away from work hours as much as possible. When possible, employees are expected to make up as much of this unscheduled time away from work as possible. Any unscheduled time away from work must be recorded in the daily logs as such and must be approved by the employee’s supervisor in advance. Failure to notify a supervisor will result in an AWOL for the employee.

8)  The Fire Chief may grant paid time off to career employees to attend training classes, seminars, conventions or other events the Fire Chief deems would benefit the FHFD. This does not mean career employees are guaranteed paid time off to attend training or events, nor does it mean individual employees will be granted paid time off for the same class or event other employees have been granted paid time off for. Each situation will be considered on its own merits and the Fire Chief will determine what is in the best interest of the FHFD for that given situation.