Ypsilanti Public Schools

A publication of the Ypsilanti Band Association for all Bands in the Ypsilanti Public Schools

No. 1 September 2000



YBA Board Members

and Contacts


Mary Anne Kane 528-4942


Vice President:

Donna Schwartz 484-0348


Jan Radak 483-8124


Karen Reiber 434-1425


Ken & Barb Birringer 487-1609



Members at Large:

Kathy Bidelman 485-6986

Lisa Dodge 482-5117

Becky Faling 434-9421

Debbie Forbes 482-5622

Cherie Gilmore-Forczak 483-7874

Adella Harden 487-4131

Sharon Harr 487-1376

Carol Hayes 483-5839

Shari Johnson 482-2347

Linda Sanders 482-8559

Nancy Slezak 484-3598

East Middle School Liaison:

Jenny Householder 485-4534

West Middle School Liaison:

Mark Chapman 434-5237


Band Newsletter:

Kathy Bidelman 485-6986


Website: http://www.cybersaurus.


Greg Turner 485-7413


Band Directors:

David Leach YHS 482-8880 x1033

(phone extension available 24-hrs a day)


Fred Haydon, Asst Marching Band Dir.

Steve Collins, Percussion Arranger

Scott Heister, Winter Guard Director

Becky Adams, Flag Corps

Tanya Tassin EMS 482-8590

Matthew Kazmierski WMS 482-8076

Podium Notes

- David A. Leach, YHS Director of Bands



President’s Notes


ongratulations to Symphonic Band on a fabulous tour to Disney World! From all accounts, the band members, chaperones, and Mr. Leach all had a great time.

I would like to take some time to thank the YBA Executive Board members for all their help this past year. Many of you probably don’t realize how much time and effort these wonderful people put in to keep the band program running smoothly. This also involves time in the summer, as we meet to start planning for the upcoming school year. All of the high school band fundraisers that you read about in the newsletter are due to people giving their time for an exceptional cause - our kids. And what matters to our kids? Band.

We attempt to keep Mr. Leach’s life sane so he can concentrate on touching our kids lives through music. It’s hard to keep up with that man and his ideas! But I can think of few things more important, as I know the impact he has had on my sons’ lives and those of hundreds of other kids.

Now, one more housekeeping item for those whose children will be in marching band in the fall. Don’t forget to return your completed and notarized band camp forms to Mr. Leach on time (by June 2), and mark all the following dates on your calendar:

June 1 Band Camp deposit ($100) due

July 3, 6-7:30 p.m. Pre-parade rehearsal at YHS - band camp balance ($100) due

July 4 (time TBA) July 4th parade

August ? (date & time TBA) Pre-camp rehearsal at YHS

August 18 (time TBA) Registration Day for marching band students, school pictures will be taken at this time

August 19 (time TBA) Heritage Festival Parade

August 20-26 Band Camp

August 27 Cedar Point trip

I hope to see you at band camp for the marching demonstration (see below). Have a great summer!

- Mary Anne Kane, YBA President

Parents – You Are Invited


ou are invited to the premier performance by a group of the areas brightest young stars. You are invited to Parent’s Day at Marching Band Camp on Friday, August 25. Camp with other Band families on Thursday, August 24, at Aloha State Park on Mullet Lake. Fish, swim and party hearty until dark. Sing and snack around a community campfire until the wee hours of the night. Snore under the stars until the sun rises again. Then join the parent parade over to Camp Walden.

Arrive early at Walden and catch your student unprepared. Attend the afternoon band marching demonstration and be awed by its perfection. Inspect the cabins and be amazed at their cleanliness. Take your student out for junk food and be astonished by his or her appetite. Join up with other Band families and celebrate in Cheboygan, make merry in Mackinaw City or pursue perfect pasties in Petoskey.

For information on this guaranteed great weekend, call Barb or Ken at 487-8160.





ongratulations Ypsilanti Winter Guard!

The Ypsilanti Winter Guard (sponsored by the YBA) had a very successful trip to the Winter Guard International World Championships in Dayton in April.

The Guard competed against 104 other guards in their class in the first round and scored well enough to continue on to the semi-final round where they finished 44th. This was a remarkable accomplishment for a guard only in their second year of world championship competition.

The dedication of the Guard members: Kelly, Kassi, Shantae, Marisa, Erin, Katie, Julie, Alexa, Stacy, Katie, Danielle, Jenna, Sheena. The Staff: Scott, Kelly, Becky, Scott, Kurtiss, Jessica, Anne, and all the parents made this year a success!

- Linda Sanders

West Middle School

Cedar Point Trip

When: Saturday, June 3rd

Where: Leaving from West Middle School

Meet at WMS by: 7:00 a.m.

Time Busses Depart from West Middle School: 7:15 a.m.

Arrive at Cedar Point: 9:30 a.m.

Leave Cedar Point: 9:00 p.m.

Estimated Time Busses return to WMS: 11:15 p.m.

Cost is: $40.00 and should have been paid by now.

For questions, please call Matt Kazmierski at 482-8076.

- Mark Chapman, WMS Liaison

East Middle School

Band Banquet

All 6th, 7th and 8th grade band students are invited to join in celebrating our bands’ successful year with pizza, pop and dancing on Thursday, June 1st from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. in the EMS Cafeteria. Please call or send a note if you are interested in being a chaperone. The cost is $5 to attend. Payment is due by Wednesday, May 31st.

Cedar Point

The annual band, choir and orchestra trip to Cedar Point will be held on Friday, June 9th. We will leave from East Middle School at approximately 8:00 a.m. and will return between 12:00 - 12:30 a.m. on Saturday, June 10th. We will not have access to telephones when we return, so please be on time when coming to pick-up your student in the front parking lot of EMS.

- Tanya Tassin, EMS Band Director

Uniform Return – Reminder!

Varsity Band and Symphonic Band will be returning their uniforms on Saturday, June 10 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the band room. This is a one time only date!!! If you cannot come on this day make sure all your uniform pieces are together and have someone bring them for you. DO NOT LEAVE THEM IN THE OFFICE, LIBRARY OR BAND ROOM!!!!! DO NOT GIVE THEM TO MR. LEACH. HE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THEM, YOU ARE !!!!! Volunteers needed to help starting at 8:30 a.m. Contact Linda Sanders at 482-8559.