Monday, 10/31/16 / Tuesday, 11/01/16 / Wednesday, 11/02/16 / Thursday, 11/03/16 / Friday, 11/04/16
Unit 6: Conducting Yourself in the Workplace.
  1. “Today, our attention focuses on another very relevant issue – you have landed the job NOW how do you act at the worksite!”
  2. YouTube Teachers: “How to Fit in on Your First Day on the Job” (2:36)
  3. Students will discuss the video: “How can this film relate to me on my first day on the job or at any new job?” (10 min – use egg timer!)
  4. YouTube Teachers: “New Job? The 1st 90 Days are Critical for Your Success.” (4:57).
Homework: Individually, write a verbal response to each video. A minimum of 10 sentences should be sufficient. / Conducting Yourself in the Workplace.
  1. “Today, our attention will remain on the first days, weeks, and months you are at your 1st job.”
  2. YouTube Teacher: “How to Survive and Strive in Your 1st Three Months at a New Job” (14:50).
  3. YouTube Teacher: “How to Survive and Strive in Your 1st Three Months at a New Job” (14:50).
  4. In your PODS – as a group – COMPARE & CONTRAST these 2 videos on the same subject. How are they similar? How are they different? Take some notes; we will be verbally sharing this information out. I will call on anyone in the POD. Be prepared.
Homework: Remember S.L.A.N.T. / Conducting Yourself in the Workplace.
  1. “Today, again our attention will remain on the first days, weeks and months you are on the job.” I think these 2 videos offer something different than what we saw yesterday and you will be having a short discussion after each short film. Make sure to be prepared as I will be making random call-outs for responses. Please have an answer for me!
  2. YouTube Teacher: “How to Behave After You’ve Landed the Job.” (3:22).
  3. YouTube Teacher: “How to Introduce Yourself Quickly.” Survive and Strive in Your 1st Three Months at a New Job” (4:20).
  4. Quick Write: What have you learned? What do you think the most important topic was that was discussed? What do you think was the most important topic NOT discussed?
Homework: Remember S.L.A.N.T. / Conducting Yourself in the Workplace.
  1. “Today, we will be taking a very close look at Conflict Resolution. Essentially, this is a way to find a peaceful solution to a disagreement between 2 people.
  2. YouTube Teacher: “Conflict Resolution in 6 Easy Steps” (14:18).
  3. Quick Write: (1) What does the acronym S T A B E N stand for? (2) Can you explain the process from start to finish? I will provide each POD with a possible conflict one could have at the workplace. Now, in your POD, try to work through the steps individually. You may help each other if you are struggling with the acronym. (3) What step do you think would be the most difficult? Why? (4) Do you think this is an effective strategy? Why? or Why not?
Homework: Remember S.L.A.N.T. Start thinking about Presentation ideas. / Conducting Yourself in the Workplace.
  1. “Today, we will be working in the computer lab. I will provide explicitly or complete directions for each POD to work on.
  2. You will be working on a word document or create a PowerPoint presentation. The title of your presentation: “Conducting Yourself in the Workplace.”
  3. Your task – in 1 period – will be to create a presentation on any of the topics, videos, or themes discussed during the week. BE CREATIVE!
  4. If you are writing a written report or creating a PowerPoint presentation, all members of the POD MUST be actively involved.
  5. The finished copy must be turned in to me at the bell. If printing is a problem, I will have a flash drive, and each POD can save their presentations on my flashdrive.
Homework: None.