Youth Mentoring Service
Commissioning Brief
"The classic definition of mentoring is of an older experienced guide who is acceptable to the young person and who can help ease the transition to adulthood by a mix of support and challenge. In this sense it is a developmental relationship in which the young person is inducted into the world of adulthood.
- The Council on behalf of the Children Young People and Families Partnership and the Supporting Troubled Families Programme (STFP) requires the delivery of a Youth Mentoring Service that will provide support, encouragement and inspiration to young people (10 -19 years old) from challenging and complex backgrounds.
- Mentoring will be focused on addressing the needs of young people in families at level 2 and level 3 (Hampshire Children’s Trust Threshold Chart) with a holistic view of the family’s needs.
- The programme needs to be adaptable to meet the needs of supporting a variety of issues.
- The programme would need to demonstrate how the work would link with education/ employment and other service providers.
Service providers are required to submit a detailed service plan to demonstrate how it would deliver the functions detailed below, to include:
(a)staffing structure which details whether staff are Full or Part Time Equivalent (FTE / PTE) and their skills, knowledge and experience;
(b)Methods of service delivery; and
(c)Monitoring, evaluation & review mechanisms including training and DBS checking for all staff and volunteers used to deliver the services for the life of the contract.
Key deliverables/functions are summarised below;
1)To provide support, encouragement and advice, as appropriate, to all young people who are referred through either the STFP or Early Help Hub with zero tolerance to non-engagement.
- To be primary contact for support, information, advice and guidance for the young person.
- Provide face to face contact on a regular basis
- To build relationships with the young person and where appropriate the family
Quantitative Indicators 1
A summary of support offered to the young person, identifying nature of support sought/provided.
Performance Indicator (PI) – number of referrals
Progress reports and case studies
2)To ensure by working in partnership with other service providers the needs of the young person are met.
- Working with education to ensure good school / college attendance.
- Working with voluntary / community organisation and other agencies to provide opportunities.e.g apprenticeships
- Collaboratively working with other agencies / service providers working with the family
- Record key activities on SafetyNet
Qualitative Indicators 2)
Details of collaborative working
Demonstrate which of the following criteria have been achieved for the STFP:
a)help get children attending school regularly
b)help parents and young adults find work or training
c)lower levels of crime and or anti-social behaviour
d)improve physical and mental health issues
e)reduce the number of reported domestic incidents
f)increase children’s levels of development and health check scores
g)help families to work better as a unit – able to look after and support each other
h)join up the help and support from all the agencies involved