Youth Leadership Summit 2017

July Application Form

(Application Deadline: First come, first served)

Applicant General Information:(Please print with blue or black ink)



City: Zip:

Phone Number:


School: Grade:

Birth Date: Gender: Male Female

Do you have a disability?  Yes  No Type of Disability:

Do you have an IEP or 504 plan?  IEP 504 plan Neither

After you graduate, do you plan to:

Go to a university or technical college? Yes No

Look for a job?  Yes No

The Youth Leadership Summit will be held July 10-14 at the Mequon Nature Preserve

July10th -14th8200 W. County Line Rd., MEQUON

Parent / Guardian Name(s):


City: Zip:

Phone Number:


Emergency Contact  Same as Above

Name: Phone Number:

Additional Information:

Please answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each. If you need more space, feel free to attach an additional page.

1. Why would you like to be part of the Youth Leadership Summit?

2. What is the main thing that comes to mind when you think about your future?

3. What would you like to gain or learn from the Youth Leadership Summit?

4. What are your hobbies/interests outside of school?

5. What kind of job/career would you like to have?

Accommodations or Assistance:

Please let us know about any accommodations or assistance that you will need to participate in the Youth leadership Summit. Participants are responsible for their own personal care workers.

Assistance with reading or writing

 Materials in large print

Sign language interpreter

Foreign language interpreter Language:

Dietary restrictions (i.e. allergies)

 Other accommodation:

Bus tickets to and from the Youth Leadership Summit

Is there anything else we need to know about you?

In order to be considered for the Youth Leadership Summit you must:

Fill out every part of the application

Be able to attend the entire Summit

(July 10-14, 10:00am – 4:00pm)

Have a teacher or counselor fill out the recommendation form

Teacher/Counselor Recommendation Form:

Instructions for Students: Fill out the application and then ask a teacher or counselor to fill out this page. You or your teacher can mail the complete application.

Instructions for Teachers/Counselors: Each student who applies to the Summer Youth Leadership Summit must get a recommendation from one of their teachers or counselors at school. Your student has selected you to do this for him/her. Please take some time and fill out this form thoughtfully. This recommendation form is an important part of the application assessment and will be taken strongly into consideration when participants are chosen. The student must fill out pages 1 and 2 of the application, and then have you complete the Recommendation Form.

When you have finished, please send the entire application to:

Grant Heffelfinger


540 S 1st Street

Milwaukee, WI 53204

Phone: 414- 226-8367

Fax: 414-291-7525


Name of Applicant:

Your Name:

Relationship to applicant:

Phone Number: E-mail:

How long have you known applicant?

Please answer the following questions / Below Average / Average / Above Average
1. Ability to work with others
2. Level of motivation
3. Reliability (meeting obligations, schedules)
4. School or program attendance
5. Social qualities (friendliness, cooperation, tact)
6. Emotional stability (behavior consistency)

Please use this space to write a few sentences as to why this applicant should be accepted into the Summer Youth Leadership Summit 2017.


Youth Leadership Application

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