Organizational Annual Report for 2003


It is with great pleasure and pride that we present this report. It covers the period January to December 2003 and it summarizes the progress and challenges that the organization has faced, lessons learnt, the way have organized ourselves, our future plans and our performance.

Youth in focus continues in its pursuit though in small ways to bring about the youth voice and ensure the participation of the youth in decision-making structures at all levels of the society.

In the agitation for the empowerment and involvement of the youth as equal partners in development, the government has been able to facilitate the formulation of the National Youth Policy (NYP). We at YIFF we are happy with the development though we are behind countries like Uganda and South Africa which have elaborate and practical youth structures. The most notable setback of the document is that in its formulation stage, the participation and involvement of youth was not put into consideration. On the same breathe the just concluded Bomas III - National Constitutional Conference was able to recognize the youths as important category of the society under the Bill of Rights. But we feel that the other chapters did not articulate the position of the youths especially on the Legislature and the Devolution of Powers.

The fundamental challenge that has continued to face us is the setting up a proper secretariat that would enhance accessibility to both the targeted clients and the various partner organizations. But along the way the informal agreement with the Nairobi City Council (Youth subsection) that enabled the setting up of a small secretariat at the Kangemi Social Hall was revoked.

During the year we were represented at two major international youth meetings in United Kingdom and Morocco.

Also the organization has been able to step up its publicity efforts. This has been facilitated by the construction of a home page: Though we have the website but it needs improvement and upgrading to be more attractive and informative.

It has been a motivating and challenging year in terms of strengthening the existing partnerships that would make it easier for YIFF to overcome the challenges. In this New Year we hope that we will be able to move to greater heights.


1.0Development of the Action Plan for the year 2003.

As an organization we have continued to ensure each and every year we have an action plan the guides us in our operation. This has proved to be very instrumental in terms of proper planning and management of sequence of events and activities.

See the action plan 2003 as an appendix.

2.0Development of the monitoring and evaluation tools.

Youth in Focus finds the monitoring and evaluation to be an important aspect in implementing of activities to ensure that they are in line with the laid down mission and objectives. In line with the above we developed instruments of monitoring and internal evaluation.

3.0Representation at two International Youth Meetings

The organization was represented at the International Summer School in Wales UK in June and World Congress of Youth in Morocco August 2003. This provided us the opportunity to be change makers and participants in youth issues at the global level. Also this provided the entry to more networking and collaboration both locally and international.

4.0Marketing and Publicity

We completed the designing and publication of YIFF brochure that briefly gives some one the opportunity to know more about the organizations, its activities and aspirations. To beef up the marketing, towards the end of the year YIFF web site was designed and developed This has eased our marketing and publicity activities as all the needed information.

5.0More contacts both locally and international.

During the year, we were able to get more contacts that have enabled.

6.0Exchange Program

The hosting of the Kampala District Youth Council, Uganda and conducting them to tour to Coast and Nairobi provinces boosted the exchange program. This was an exchange program to between Kenya and Uganda youths to share experiences and ideas in regard to HIV/AIDS and the leadership structures that empower the youth. See the report.

7.0Developed proposals

As one of the fundraising activities by the organization, we developed several proposals to potential donors. But though there is no positive response we received we see it as an achievement as we challenged the donor community to consider us for funding. Also during the year in review we were able to developed two concept papers to Ufadhili Trust and Malteser.

8.0Proposal tracking tool.

As an organization we have committed ourselves in developing institutional instruments that will assist in the gauging the performance and impact notwithstanding the records of the several attempts and process to achievement. A proposal-tracking tool was developed to track the number of proposals developed and the cycles of the various donors.


After the International Summer School for Young Activists – Wales UK, we have initiated networking with the youth organizations and groups represented at the meeting.


Though we recorded achievements during the year in review, we too encountered several challenges as follows:

Recording and documentation of reports.

Lack of consistent follow-up plans.

Inconsistent organizational meetings.

Lack of adequate staffing team.

Lack of monthly monitoring reports and quarterly reports

Non-use of the proposal tracking tool.

Did not participate in the Other Side of The Streets exhibition organized by Child life Trust.

We were not represented at the African-Canada Youth Symposium in Canada in July.

Lack of feedback from the International Youth Directory.

Formation of Advisory Board.

International Youth Day celebrations were not done.

We did not carry out the HIV/AIDS workshop.

There was no a follow-up symposium on the Morocco Congress.

AGM for YIFF was not done.

Youth Reflection Workshop under the Youth Transformation Programme was not done.

Youth Talent Showcase also not done.


For the success of the organization’s projects/activities, the following ideas have to be critically examined in order to receive funding and maximize the same towards achieving the set goals. These are:

  1. Organize an Annual General Meeting as soon as possible.
  2. Establish a secretariat as a matter of priority
  3. Make more appointments this year for funding and general information on future partnership.
  4. Come up with an Action Plan for the year – 2004.
  5. Make a follow-up on the Waumini Radio presenter – Mr. Wafula, so that we come up with a youth programme and look for an airtime sponsorship.
  6. Organize a meeting with the Norwegian Church Aid.
  7. Come up with a Youth Newsletter.
  8. Should form the Advisory Board of five (5) to seven (7) persons.
  9. Do vigorous marketing of the Strategic Planning proposal.
  10. We should conduct a recruitment drive for volunteers.
  11. The development of fundraising proposals that compete for funding with other beneficiaries such as women
  12. Make follow-ups on the partnership letters.
  13. Come up with consistent and continuous activities.
  14. Re-define our relationship with Malteser.
  15. We need to form a drama group.
  16. Should work towards celebrating International Youth Day.
  17. We should update Web site and put up more information to make the home page more attractive and entertaining.
  18. Do the printing of letterheads and business cards.
  19. We should improve on our brochure.
  20. Do follow-up with Ufadhili Trust, Life Bridge Foundation and DSW.
  21. We should be conducting monthly meetings every second (2nd) week of the month.
  22. We need to initiate debates in schools as one of our

continuous activity.

  1. Need to form to concrete linkages with the Belgium Technical cooperation and Oshwal Youth League.
  2. During the year we need to develop an ICT program for the youths in the community.

About Youth in Focus Kenya


“Shaping Youth Possibilities”

Youth in Focus Foundation (YIFF) is a youth led organization that was founded in 1998 with the overall goal of challenging young people (both gender) to be active and equal partners in sustainable development at all sectors and levels they may find themselves. It is registered as a youth society under the laws of Kenya. YIFF contributes at the grassroots to the popularization of the UN World Programof Action for Youth to the Year 2000 and Beyond — to address more effectively the problems of young men and women and to increase opportunities for their participation in society.

It has its offices at the Kangemi Shopping Complex, hosted by Kangemi Women Empowerment Center (KWEC) Rm.No.8, Kangemi, Nairobi – Kenya.


The society envisions young people taking the lead role by actively participating in all issues that concern them, their country and the world.


The society seeks to challenge young people wherever they are to be continuously aware and active through the provision of diversified services that are youth focused.

Main Objectives

To promote youth participation and advancement

To shape and safeguard youth policy

To strengthen partnership among youth networks.

YIFF has three (3) working philosophies, which are integrated at realizing its overall goal. These are:

a)Youth challenging Youth

b)Youth equipping Youth

c)Youth encouraging Youth.

Some Of Our Initiatives Include:

Youth Talent Showcase (YTS)

Community Performances

Focus Group debates

Capacity building


Exchange Programs

Outreach & Education

Future Intentions

For the purposes of making YIFF an exemplary youth organization the following are issues that are considered to play an integral part in the success of the various activities: -

Establish a secretariat

Start a YouthResourceCenter in the community

Sustainability in running the core programs and

Mobilize resources both human and capital to realize the organization’s vision

Achievements So Far

Designed a one stop website for marketing Youth in Focus Kenya

Carried out a project “Performance on HIV/AIDS” funded by Peace Child International/Net Aid-UK for four (4) months in 2001.

Organized a one-day “Youth Artistic Event” addressing the reproductive health vis-à-vis young people, funded by Action Aid-Kenya in 2001.

Have held five (5) workshops in the community addressing various issues like HIV/AIDS and gender, young leadership, unemployment alternatives, youth rights and their role in the society, reproductive health etc.

Organized twice the Youth Talent Showcase (YTS) – this is our annual event for the youths, in 2000 and 2003.

As an organization we have attended various forums organized by other organizations and institutions on various national and community based issues both locally and international.

Been able to network and collaborate with other institutions/organizations both on the local, national and international levels.

Carried out a research on Youth Vocational and Training Needs in Kangemi and its environs in the year 2001.

Submitted articles to the Rescue Mission 2002, a youth publication on Sustainable Development that was presented at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Durban in 2002.

Organized a Youth Internal Reflection workshop in Nakuru in the year 2002 that was aimed at equipping youth aged 16—21 years on career orientation/planning, conflict management and resolution, democracy and democratic processes, youth participation and time management, HIV/AIDS among others.

Represented at the International Summer School for Young Activists in Wales, UK 2003.

Represented also at the World Congress of Youth in Morocco 2003.


  • Lack of funds run the organization
  • Lack of proper secretariat


ItemAmount in US$

ResourceCenter Rent for 1 year / 2,125
Administrative Support / 24,050
Computer/ Library Furniture / 7,500
31 computers, 2 printers and 1 scanner / 4,375
Books / 5,625
10% Global Giving Transaction Fee / 4,368
Grand Total / 48,043


Exchange Rate 1 US$ is equal to 80 Kenya Shillings

30 computers will be second hand and 1 will be new.


What problem is the social entrepreneur addressing?

The entrepreneur addresses youth advancement in his community, which is a low-income area in the suburbs of the capital city, Nairobi. This is done through the youth organisation he co-founded back in 1998. He operates in this area which has a population of about 120,000 people. Majority of these people are casual workers who work in the nearby affluent and posh estates. The empowerment of the young people who constitute over 50% is vital so that development can be felt in the community and it the long run they can change their way of life. An important aspect is the recognition of youth as vital partners towards community development, which these youth lack. This then translates in the campaign of seeing that young people are involved in decision-making levels from the community upwards.

What makes this individual a social entrepreneur?

He has had an interest in community development since the time he was in school and believes that any social development has to involve young people has a significant impact on the people. Through the and as above mentioned, he and other two young people embarked on a mission in 1998 to see that the youth in his community were exposed through civic education and responsible citizenship. He has since worked with the organisation (Youth in Focus Kenya) for the last seven years without a salary or allowance. The organisation also has not been able to get funding to run it programmes. All the same a number of significant achievements have been realised. He also believes that the achievement of the African Renaissance lies in young people.

How does the individual's approach to social change comply with the following criteria:

Innovation: Social entrepreneurs innovate to make the world a better place for a larger number of people. In innovating, social entrepreneurs are at the forefront of change, most often ahead of popular opinion, approaches, and support. Innovation could mean improving systems, creating new solutions, and/or inventing new approaches or applications to existing solutions. How is this social entrepreneur innovating?

He has been able to come up with several programmes that are geared towards youth advancement. Some of the programmes include the Youth Transformation Programme, School debates, Youth training’s – these programmes are already running and have had demand from the youth he serves.

The Youth Transformation Programme specifically deals with youth of ages 16 – 25 to train them on career development and personal empowerment tools. School debates are geared towards improving self-esteem and public speaking in primary schools in his community. Youth training are activities that train other youth groups on how to manage their organisations.

He is currently working on two major projects namely; Youth Entrepreneur Programme (YEP) and the Youth Resource Centre (YEC). The YEP Project intends to create employment for young people in the community and at the same time raise funds for Youth in Focus activities. This will be realised through the partnership with local transport companies. The resource centre aims at introducing a one-stop centre for young people to access the internet, internship opportunities, youth career training among other activities.

Scalability: Social entrepreneurs are capable of expanding or replicating for impact on a larger scale. They are focused and relentless in their pursuits to spread their initiatives. Their scaling efforts could focus on shifting behavioral patterns and perceptions or building a broad base of support to create positive change throughout society. Scalability is sometimes built into the organizational model, and often attained by negotiating strategic partnerships to promote replication. How does this social entrepreneur intend to scale, spread, or replicate his/her work?

The entrepreneur is already volunteering his skills as a part time officer of programmes with an UNDOC (United Nations Drug and Office Crime) initiative that has formed the East African Regional Youth Network (EARYN). This will give the opportunity to meet various youth organisations and negotiate partnerships with them on successful models that he has been applying in his work. This will also provide him with the opportunity to learn from other successful models of youth advancement.

Sustainability: Social entrepreneurs seek to sustain the benefits of their initiatives by enabling social benefit to remain in the community beyond the initial investment or initiative of the entrepreneur or by developing strategies that will financially sustain the social entrepreneur's organization so that benefits can flow over time. How does this social entrepreneur ensure the sustainability of his/her work over time?

Most of his initiatives are as a result of discussions with members of the community and through this strategy they are able to plan together and implement. The are various initiatives he has started that have been completely owned by the community. One of the them as Youth for Change (Y4C) a drama group that educates the community on the social issues like HIV/AIDs, Human Rights, Voter education etc.