Cursillo Conference Room Team Packing List

Below are listed items you should bring with you for the RCA Cursillo weekend.

_____Casual clothing appropriate for any temperature or weather (dressing in layers is good)

_____Comfortable shoes (2 pair of shoes is nice)

_____If you are giving a Rollo bring a nice dress or pant suit for women;suit or dress shirt and slack for the men, and don’t forget the shoes – If possible, please wear something with a pocket or belt to hold the mic’s battery pack. If not, the pack will have to be pinned to your clothing.

_____Bedding or sleeping bag and pillow

_____Towels, wash cloth

_____Personal items

_____Misc. or Spanish items you might loan Palanca for De Colores introduction (mark them with your name and do not take them into the cabin with the candidates)

_____Rollo notes, overheads, handouts, please make 7-8 more copies of your handoutsthan you think you need and allow a copy for each candidate and 24 team members. DON’T PLAN TO MAKE COPIES AT THE CAMP. We will have a copier available but would like everyone to use it only when absolutely necessary.

_____If you have given any other Rollo in the past, bring those notes along, just in case


_____Books that you refer to in your Rollo or to put on the book table

_____Cursillo cross pendant – you may wear them any time during the weekend, but please don’t wear any Palanca or Rooster items until De Colores has been introduced

_____Rain coat and umbrella if you have one


_____Palanca notes for Candidates (and for Team and Palanca if you desire)

_____Stationary or note paper for writing extra Palanca notes or to have available for Candidates who may wish to write a note to a spouse or friend (ask them if they would liketo write Palanca but don’t make it seem like a requirement)

_____Snacks for the conference room – please pack in air tight, mouse/bug proof (preferable disposable) containers. Please label your container with your name if you wish to have it returned to you. You will be able to pick up your containers in the snack room during the weekend and in the dining hall after Cursillo on Sunday night.

_____Please return any Rollo outlines you may have

_____Suggested donation of $______(give what you can) for expenses of the weekend – if not already turned in, then it should be given to the Conference Room Rectors.

_____If you need to give family members an emergency phone number, we will have cell phone

#______on at all times during the weekend.

_____Please arrive as soon as possible Thursday afternoon to help set up. The supply trailer usually arrives about 1 pm. Supper will be served to all Palanca that have helped with the set up and Conference Room Team members at 5 pm. Prayer Circle and Commissioning following.

_____If possible have someone bring your candidates so that you can come early to take care of Conference Room duties.

_____Practice the words to De Colores to encourage the candidates to learn the words.

_____Please be respectful and attentive to all talks and directions given during the weekend. The candidates will be following your lead. If the table leaders and auxiliary don’t follow the head table’s instructions the candidates won’t either.

Secretariat Updated 5/2017