Youth for Peace Workshop
Celebrating Diversity, Reaching Humanity
19th-23rd, December 2017, Bangkok
Day 1:Tuesady, December 19th
Time / Session / Resource PersonSession I / 07.00-08.30 / Breakfast
09.00-09.10 / Opening Prayers / Ms Wanida Jiamram,
Program Coordinator, IIPDS
09.10-09.20 / Welcome and Opening Remarks / M. Abdus Sabur,
Secretary General of ARF
09.20-09.30 / Introduction of the program / Ekraj Sabur
Director, IIPDS
09.30-10.15 / Keynote Address: Asian and Global Challenges and Preparedness for young peace builders / Prof. Azyumardi Azra,
President, AMAN International
10.15-10.30 / Questions & answers
10.30-10.45 Tea break
Session II / 10.45-11.30 / Group Dynamics and Team Building:Drawing Our Dreams Together / Mr. Ekraj Sabur
Director, IIPDS
11.30-12.00 / Sharing of Responsibilities and Formation of Steering Committee
12.00-14.00 Lunch break
Session III / 14.00-15.30 / Inculcating Critical Thinking towards Social Change / Dr. Yunus Yasin
President of ASTI, Malaysia
15.30-15.45 Tea Break
Session IV / 15.45-17.00 / Group Activity / Dr. Yunus Yasin
President of ASTI, Malaysia
End of Day I
Day 2:Wednesady, December20th
Time / Sessions / Resource PersonSession I / 09:00-10.00 / Deep listening skills / Mr. Ekraj Sabur
Director, IIPDS
10.00-11.00 / Understanding Conflict
11.00-11:15 Tea Break
Session II / 11.15-12.00 / Discerning Complexity of Violence and Power: Dynamic Tools for Social Change and Cultural Transformation / Mr. Ekraj Sabur
Director, IIPDS
12.00-14.00 Lunch break
Session III / 14.00-15.30 / Conflict Analysis Tools / Mr. Ekraj Sabur
Director, IIPDS
15.30-17.00 / Conflict Analysis: Case studies / Participants
End of Day II
Day 3: Thursday, December21th
Peace and Gender
Time / Session / Resource Person09:00-10:30 / Peace Building from Gender Perspective / Ms. Ruby Kholifa
Secretary General of AMAN International
10:00-10:15 Tea Break
10:15-12:00 / Group work / Participants
12.00-14.00 Lunch break
Community visit
End of Day III
Day 4:Friday, December22th
Governance, Human Rightsand Peace
Time / Session / Resource PersonSession I / 09.00-9.15 / Morning prayer
09:15-10:30 / Governance & peace building / Prof. Dr. Grace Cheng,
Hawaii Pacific University, USA
10:30-10:45 Tea Break
10:45-12:00 / Governance & peace building continue… / Prof. Dr. Grace Cheng,
Hawaii Pacific University, USA
12.00-14.00 Lunch break
Session II / 14.00-15.00 / International Human Rights Instruments: Application, Opportunities and Challenges / Dr. Altafur Rahman
Thammasart University, Bangkok
15:00-15:15 Tea Break
15.15-17.00 / International Human Rights Instruments contd… / Dr. Altafur Rahman
Thammasart University, Bangkok
19:00 onwards Cultural Night
End of Day IV
Day 5:Saturday, December23rd
Non-violence approaches to Peace building
Time / Session / Resource Person9:00-10:30 / Peace and Non-violence /
Prof. Chaiwat Satha-Anand
Thammasat University, Bangkok
10:30-10:45 Tea Break10:45-12:00 / Peace and Non-violence continue… /
Prof. Chaiwat Satha-Anand
Thammasat University, Bangkok
12.00-14. 00 Lunch breakSession II / 14:00 -15:30 / Exploring small steps towards peace building at community level / M. Abdus Sabur
Secretary General of ARF
15.30-15.45 Tea break
Session III / 15.45-17:00 / Evaluation Conclusion and Certificate distribution ceremony