Youth Advisory Board Member, LA Reproductive Health Equity Project for Foster Youth
To be considered for position of Youth Advisory Board Member, you must email an applicationand resume to:
Lesli LeGras
Applications are due by 5 pm on November 15, 2017.
Some applicants will be invited to interview in-person with the leadership team of the LA Reproductive Health Equity Project for Foster Youth.
Applicants will be notified of next steps by November 22, 2017.
Los Angeles Reproductive Health Equity Project for Foster Youth
The LA Reproductive Health Equity Project for Foster Youth (LA RHEP) is a partnership of adult advocates and foster youth working to dismantle systemic barriers in an effort to improve access to sexual and reproductive health care services and education for youth in care.LA RHEP projects include: reproductive health trainings and education for youth, foster parents, social workers, health providers, and judicial officers; policy advocacy; and a public awareness campaign.
Youth Advisory Board
LA RHEP is excited to launch its new Youth Advisory Board (“Board”). The Board will be made up of up to 10 current and former foster youth that reside in LA County. It will provide input to the LA RHEP Leadership Team,governmental agencies, community-based organizations, and other stakeholders regarding how to improve foster youth’s access to sexual health care services and education. The Board will also be a space to share lived experiences in an effort togenerate ideas for policy changes in LA and state-wide.
In order to participate on the Youth Advisory Board, you must meet the following criteria:
- Be between the ages of 18 and 26 at the time of the application;
- Be a current or former foster youth (all genders and gender identities);
- Reside in Los Angeles County;
- Have an interest in improving reproductive and sexual health care services for foster youth.
Pregnant and formerly pregnant youth, parenting youth, LGBTQ youth, and youth who have positive or negative experiences with reproductive health care services are strongly encouraged to apply.
Through participation on the Youth Advisory Board,members will:
- Commit to a six-month term
- Meet as a group for two hours per month
- Provide up to 12 hours of additional consulting time through participation on work groups
- Receive stipends for their participation at $25.00 per hour, up to $600 over six months
- Be reimbursed for reasonable pre-approved travel-related expenses
- Receive professional development opportunities organized through LA RHEP
- Mentor future board members
As mentioned above, Board Members will advise LA RHEP on a variety of topics through consultation hours. The Board will provide up to 12 consultation hours over six months by participating in one or both of the following work groups:
(1)Youth Outreach & Focus Groups
- Conduct focus groups with current foster youth to get information about their experiences and needs related to reproductive and sexual health education and services
- Outreach to current foster youth to participate in reproductive health classes
(2)Communication Campaign
- Help create fact sheets and other online/social media materials to spread the word to foster youth about their reproductive health rights
- Support the creation of a public awareness campaign
Other work group opportunities will arise over the coming months. As such, the Board will have other opportunities to be involved and participate.
Additionally, all Youth Advisory Board Members will have the opportunity to participate in the following activities:
- Provide feedback to the LA RHEP leadership team about trainings and curriculum for social workers, foster parents, health providers, and judicial officers
- Participate in additional meetings, such as the LA RHEP leadership team meeting; LA County DCFS Pregnancy Prevention Work Group; the LA County Foster Youth Bill of Rights Subcommittee; and others
- Engage in public speaking and legislative visits
If you meet the above criteria, you are encouraged to apply. If you have any questions about your qualifications, please contact Lesli LeGras at .
Personal Information: (please print)
First Name ______Last Name______
Which pronouns do you use? (Circle) she/her/hers he/him/his Other:______
Street Address ______
City, State, Zip Code ______
Date of Birth ______
Phone Number Home (____)______Cell (____)______
Email ______Social Media Handle @______
Current Employer (if applicable)______Position______
Current School (if applicable) ______
Why are you interested in serving on the LA RHEP Youth Advisory Board?
What unique skills, experiences, or perspectives would you bring to the Youth Advisory Board?
The Board will provide up to 12 consultation hours through participating on a Youth Outreach & Focus Groups Work Group and/or a Communications Campaign Work Group. Which area, including any not listed above, are you most interested in working on and why?
Can you commit to a six-month term with monthly meetings and up to 12 consulting hours?
Yes ______No ______
Reference 1: Employer or Professor (if relevant)
Name:______Relationship to applicant:______
Title:______Company/Organization(of reference): ______
Phone:______Email: ______
Reference 2: Applicant’s Choice
Name: ______Relationship to applicant:______
Title: ______Company/Organization(of reference): ______
Phone ______Email ______
I certify that information contained in this application is true and complete. I understand that false information may be grounds for not being accepted for the board membership.